Chapter 157: Becoming a Second-Order Taiyi Immortal Monarch!!

The Avenue of Understanding Hongmengmu!

Before leaving, his strength skyrocketed twelve-fold!

If you can.

Shi Hao also did not want to see a realm of human extinction.

Thousands of world chat groups, chat interface: Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “I will thank His Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor in advance.”

Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor: “About some time, it will be the time when the Terran race in my realm will fight a decisive battle with eighty-one innate demon gods…”

Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor @ Desolate Sky Emperor: “Your Majesty the Desolate Sky Emperor, I will open the group live broadcast at that time.

You can observe our strength by this.”

Terran Wangu Immortal Emperor: “Looking forward to your participation in the war.”

Emperor Desolate: “Okay.”

Emperor Desolate: “When the time comes, I will watch the group live broadcast.

But I’ll do what I can.”

Shaolin Temple Meng baldhead: “Immortal emperor-level battle!”

Athena, the goddess of wisdom: “I don’t know what kind of scene it is…”

Marvel World.

Tony Stark, who was permanently banned, sometimes took time out to look at the chat history of thousands of world chat groups.

Even, Tony Stark, did not miss a single one, thousands of world chat groups, group members opened the group live broadcast.

Although he was permanently banned by the group owner… But among the thousands of world chat groups, the group members who are permanently banned just can’t use most of the group functions.

Look at the chat history and live broadcast of the group 13 members, it is still possible.

“Immortal Emperor-level battle…”

Tony Stark peeked into the chat group and was looking forward to it.

Because he has watched the group live broadcast of the “Desolate Heaven Emperor” in the group who stomped on the universe and destroyed the Heavenly Dao with a snap of his fingers!

The battle of the supreme powerhouse of the level of “Desolate Sky Emperor”.

What would that look like? Other.

Tony Stark hated him for banning him forever and “slandering” him as the leader of the barbarians!

This thousands of world chat groups is indeed a big opportunity!

Join them and see different worlds with endless possibilities!


Tony Stark was permanently banned… Apart from watching group messages and group live broadcasts, you can’t do anything.

“Damn group owner liar.”

“It’s really Farke!”

“This kind of person turned out to be the leader of the group!”

“A dog is better than him as the owner of the group!”

Tony Stark scolded angrily in his heart.


The “hammer Thor” within the group, looking at the chat history information, is in the same world as him Tony Stark.

This makes Tony Stark, all this time, have been searching for Asgard, looking for the “hammer Thor” within the group.

The world of “Dry Thing Girl Little Buried”.

Tsuchimaburi also often watches chat messages.” Not…… Is the Immortal Emperor War about to break out?”

“And live!”

“It’s amazing!

I’m looking forward to it!”

The earth burial looks very excited.

For himself was permanently banned.

Tujian Burial also hated that group of lords Li Daxian a little.

However, the character of the earth is more easy-going, and it is just annoying.

“Daddy’s Antique Shop” world.

The Fire Demon Holy Lord turned into a stone sculpture and trembled slightly.” The group is going to broadcast live… Live broadcast Immortal Emperor War?”

“I can take this opportunity to see the reality of this thousands of second-order chat groups!”

The Fire Demon Holy Lord thought in his heart.

Since the thousands of world chat groups, except for the beginning, the Holy Lord has spoken a few words, relying on “acting skills” and “words”, so that the group masters in the group, Meng Guangtou, and Liu Peiqiang, think that he is not the Fire Demon Holy Lord, but the Holy Lord of a Fire Holy Land in the fantasy world.


Too much talk can make you lose it all!

The Holy Lord did not speak again.

has been secretly peeping on the screen, groping for this thousands of world chat groups, the reality of the strong in the group.


There is nothing better than seeing the group live broadcast with your own eyes, and you can find out the reality of this group of group members.

“If only they were all a bunch of weak mortals… It’s all about chatting and bragging about lying to me.

Then my holy lord will kill you!”

The Fire Demon Holy Lord thought viciously in his heart.

Mountains and Seas Star World.

Inside the Xingjun Mansion.

Shi Hao began to drink today’s portion of animal milk.

“Today, it is mainly by the beast milk given by Hades and Akuya… Akuya, the goddess of mental retardation, hasn’t given me beast milk yet.”

“Hades gave more than nine trillion pounds of beast milk, drink them all, and you should be able to get more than 100 billion skill points.”

“As for the animal milk provided by the other group members? It adds up to more than 100 billion pounds, which is just a fraction.”

Shi Hao thought in his heart.

As he becomes stronger and stronger, the more skill points he needs to improve his strength.


Not much to the point of exaggeration.

It can even be said to be very “affordable”.

Because all it takes is some animal milk to get stronger!

This (animal milk system) plug-in, Shi Hao is quite satisfied.” Phew…”

Shi Hao drank all the more than nine trillion pounds of animal milk he got from the chat group today.


Shi Hao looked at the skill point data on his system panel: (skill points: 119,846,656,277)


“You can improve my first-order cultivation!”

Shi Hao muttered to himself in his heart.

When he reaches the realm of Taiyi Immortal Monarch, it is probably 100 billion skill points, and he can improve his cultivation by one order.

Shi Hao saw that the skill points were enough, so he immediately moved his mind and improved the “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method” (Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Practice Method First Stage (can be improved))

(Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method Second Stage (Non-Promotionable)) One thought, promotion completed!

The “Yuqing Taiyi Immortal Jun Hongmeng Avenue Cultivation Method” was upgraded to the second order by Shi Hao 500, which consumed about 100 billion skill points, but made Shi Hao comprehend the Hongmeng Mu Avenue and became a second-order Taiyi Immortal Monarch!

The realm of Taiyi Immortal Monarch, every time he rises by one rank, his strength increases by more than twelve times!

Shi Hao not only comprehended the Avenue of Hongmengmu, but his Taiyi Immortal Body and the universe in his body were also strengthened.

“And the Avenue of Hongmeng Wood can involve vitality and woodens opponents, compared to the Avenue of Hongmeng Gold… Both are comparable.

They are all Hongmeng Avenue belonging to the Five Elements, building the foundation of the high-dimensional universe.”

Three thousand laws appeared around Shi Hao, the supreme law of unity, and condensed into Taiyi Immortal Light.


Traces of Hongmeng Golden Avenue and Hongmeng Wood Avenue appeared on his fingertips.

“That’s it.

Slightly familiar.

He controlled this body and increased his strength by at least twelve times!”

“Became a second-order Taiyi Immortal Monarch, at least I am not among the Taiyi Immortal Monarchs, and I belong to the bottom ranks.”

Shi Hao walked a few steps.

“Lord Xingjun, the beast milk collected from the world of mountains, seas and stars has arrived today.

Chief Yun is counting the resources of the Immortal Dao, so I still sent it.”

It was the prayer of Shi Hao’s True Immortal Huang Weng.

Shi Hao said: “Come in, put the things with me, you go out by yourself, as usual.”

Huang Weng said respectfully: “Yes.

Lord Xingjun.

Subordinates obey orders.”


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