Chapter 212

Cao Gouyan: After all the calls, Ye Shen’s new movie trailer has finally come out!

But only 23 seconds! From all angles, we have felt that this will be a very serious war.

But who is the enemy?

Which superhero will stand up?

We all don’t know.

Based on some information currently known, it is difficult to judge.

Ye Shen’s new film still makes me full of expectations…

Cao Rui didn’t find much this time.

Chengguo Pictures directly named this trailer [Havoc Chapter]!


Come to the world!

This trailer is enough for everyone to discuss for a while.



Well, there are other chapters!

“Ye Shen simply doesn’t talk about martial ethics!”

“How can a trailer be made into a series?”

“When did he talk about martial arts?!”

“It’s uncomfortable!”

“I took off his pants, just show me this?!”

“That’s it? I hit ten in “Jiang Ziya” one by one!”

“That is, our family Fanfan doesn’t know how handsome it is!”

It didn’t take long after the trailer came out.

Another film and television company also announced that the new film “Guan Yunchang” was officially set for September 16…

That is exactly one week after the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Perfectly avoiding Ye Li’s new film and “Jiang Ziya” the best momentum for a week, the main creator must be very confident in his own film, which was released at this time.

Although there is no confidence to directly block them.

But with confidence, cut them off at this moment!

Also super confident.

At the same time, the trailer for “Guan Yunchang” also followed.

The trailer is also very well made, and it also adds mythology.

Ye Li, who watched the trailer in Lu’s office, frowned.

It’s not that he looks down on this film…

Really are……

Where are you confident! ?

After watching your trailer, I have fully understood the overall plot!

What kind of experience is this?

There are countless MMPs in Ye Li who want to talk to them.

Really, it’s not what he wants, but…(Read more @

This plot is too simple, right?

“Mr. Lu, what do you think. ¨?” Ye Li pointed to the computer screen.

Mr. Lu frowned seriously and said: “This film is still competitive!”

“Huh?!” Ye Li wondered if he had heard it wrong!

What the hell is the competitiveness of this movie!

“Director Ye.” Mr. Lu said, “I know, you think the plot of this movie must be simple, and it may even be filled with water, but we can’t just look at this matter from this aspect.”

“Do you have any other opinions?” Ye Li curiously asked.

Mr. Lu nodded: “Look at this male protagonist. He is currently the post-90s artist with the highest fans on Weibo, with nearly 80 million fans! At the same time, his acting skills are not bad! Just nominated Golden Rooster, Golden Statue, Golden Horse, Best Actor in a Golden Eagle…”

Hearing this, Ye Li was taken aback.

“Who doesn’t like an actor who works hard and has good looks?”


This sounds fine, but, “Are you his fan?”

Mr. Lu smiled awkwardly and said, “It’s not…”

“What you said is reasonable, traffic is equivalent to market choice, quality may be a little worse, but it can be configured.”

“That’s the truth.”

Ye Li stood up and stretched, “His pay is not low, right?”

“Well, he has been nominated consecutively. Although he didn’t get the Shidi actor, but if he got the best new actor, best newcomer, etc., the salary will definitely increase by tens of millions…”

“How much is the investment in “Guan Yunchang”?”

“It has been rumored in the industry, and it is said that the total investment is 100 million yuan!”

“I know.”


Not enough!

These people are so paid!

“If you asked Peng Yuyan to shoot, how high is the pay now?” Ye Li asked suddenly.

“Peng Yuyan’s current salary in North America is close to three million dollars, and there is still an increase in China, which may be about 60 million dollars in salary.”

“Cao Jun is relatively high. Because of the blessings of the two “The Mummy”, he paid five million dollars overseas. In China, he can get 80 million, and he can still talk about it.”

As soon as Ye Li spoke, Mr. Lu knew what he wanted to ask.

“Um…Cao Jun, Hu Ge, Lin Gengxin I will be useful next, let them wait a while. The others are going out to pick up the business show! Peng Yuyan’s commercials, endorsements, and film first, etc., wait for “The Avengers” I’ll talk about it after the show.”

“Understand!” Mr. Lu nodded repeatedly.

The company’s resources are actually very good now.

These stars, any one can be very good at playing.

In fact, going on variety shows, going into commercial performances, receiving endorsements, receiving advertisements, etc., is the daily flow of traffic.

This is the easiest place for a brokerage company to make money!

Previously, companies centered on Ye Li had always focused on film and television drama production.

Mr. Lu actually saw it a long time ago.

And I mentioned it to Ye Li once.

Unexpectedly, it passed now!

“`. However, we must respect the artists, we are not those black agents, and these artists may be in charge of acting in the future!”


You are a black-hearted boss who wants to make money, but you want to set up a chastity memorial!


That’s right!

Ye Li recalled the trailer of “Guan Yunchang” a little while on the road.

It can be roughly sorted out. Guan Yunchang was quite powerful, and he missed and killed people because of the uneven road in his hometown.

Who knows that this person still has quite a background power, leading the forces behind to kill him, after the final decisive battle, he came to Zhuo County, and then there was Liu Guan Zhang Taoyuan three knots…

The plot is simple, judging from the preview, the special effects should be fine.

(Nuo’s Zhao)   At least, the special effects on the trailer are okay!

This model seems to be quite good.

If the plot is better.

Back to the villa.

Ye Li saw that Peng Yuyan was working out and reminded him, “Fourth, you will get busy next.”

“Okay!” Peng Yuyan stepped on the spinning bike and said nothing.

“What are you going to do after the fourth child?” Lin Gengxin leaned over immediately, “Are you going to make a new film again?”

“Are you not playing games?” Ye Li glanced at the internet addict.

“Play! But when is my movie?” Lin Gengxin asked.

Ye Li laughed, “I will make arrangements for you in the next one, Lao Hu, you leave me a two-month schedule, and you and the second child will be together.”

“no problem!”

Hu Ge, who was reading, nodded.

“Really?! My movie is coming? Phew!”

“Villa! Luxury car! Beauty! Skin! I’m coming!”.

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