Chapter 214

For more than half a month, everyone was discussing Ye Li’s new film.

What is the situation with his new film! ?

“F*ck! Now I am full of expectations for Ye Shen’s new film!”

“A lot of superheroes! With so many people, the appearance fee is not cheap?!”

“Should it? Everyone feels very hot.”

“Who said no! I like that girl the most! Handsome!”

“Haha, wait! Wait!”

“Come on the Mid-Autumn Festival!”

“Are you watching “Jiang Ziya” or “Guan Yunchang”?”

“Upstairs, you are afraid that you are not mentally retarded! Of course you are watching Ye Shen’s new movie!-”

North America.

Fans and audiences in North America are also paying attention to one after another of trailers!

The emergence of superheroes one by one makes them full of surprises!

“Wow! Tony, so handsome!”

“Annie Hathaway is so beautiful!”

“Thor! Thor!”

“That big guy looks very violent!”

“Oh! Cool!”

“How did those swords do it?”

“It’s so cool!”

“That shield is also very interesting!”

“The archery guy looks very handsome too!”

“I don’t know many heroes. Can I make up for the show?!”

“It seems that China has them all! Unfortunately, we didn’t introduce them here.”

“Ahhhhhhh! I really want to see it!”

“Ye’s new film is really exciting!”

The world is looking forward to Ye Li’s new film.

But Ye Li is working hard to revise the script at this time.

It was a plan that had already been made.

After the filming of “Avengers” is over, keep up with “Iron Man 2” or “Captain China 2”.

However, seeing Lin Gengxin, Ye Li has a new idea.

Lin Gengxin, Cao Jun, Hu Ge, the three of them can make a movie together.

To complement the worldview…

The idea has long been there, but the script needs to be revised.

In this way, the progress of the entire movie universe can be improved.

It can also enrich the worldview…


So, promptly revised the script.

Then all that needs to be done is to modify the design and modify the sub-cameras.

Prepare the crew.

The workload is very large.

However, cool is really cool!

Liu Shishi has been with Ye Li all the time.(Read more @

Watching him get up and start working every day, writing scripts, drawing sub-shots, and designing scene sketches to the computer.

There is hardly a moment of relaxation.

Sunlight shone on his side face through the window.

The fine hairs reflect golden light in the sun.

For a while, Liu Shishi was a little silly.

“Pour me a glass of water.”

Ye Li rubbed his wrist.

His progress is not fast. After writing down each plot, he takes a shot in the system space in his mind.

If the effect is good, then do the sub-shot, if not, skip it…

“Okay, brother!” Liu Shishi quickly poured a glass of water for Ye Li.

“Do you need me to squeeze your shoulders?” Liu Shishi asked.

“You will?” Ye Li asked.

“A little bit. Do you need me to serve you? Brother?” Liu Shishi saw Ye Li’s deep eyes and quickly lowered his head.

“it is good.”

Enjoying Liu Shishi’s massage, Ye Li closed his eyes slightly.

Continue to simulate shooting in my mind.

Lean his head slightly on the back of the chair.

Liu Shishi hurriedly moved forward to make him lean more comfortably.

After a while, Ye Li opened his eyes, “It seems that you are not useless, at least you can be a masseur!”

“As long as brother is comfortable.” Liu Shishi lowered his head.

“Yeah. You got into the role quite quickly.” Ye Li couldn’t help laughing.

Liu Shishi lowered his head.

“Come and feed me saliva.”

Liu Shishi immediately brought Ye Li a glass of water.

“It’s not like that.” Ye Li pointed to his lips…

When Ye Li was drinking water, Mr. Lu called in.

“Director Ye, Fei Zhenxiang’s web drama has been produced. Would you like to come and take a look?”

“The Exquisite Ancient City of Ghost Blowing Lantern”!

Is it ready? !

Ye Li’s eyes lit up suddenly, “Okay, I’ll come over now.”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Li stood up and said, “I’m going out now, you need to learn more. What do you think?”

Liu Shishi nodded.

Change Ye Li’s clothes for going out, kneel at the door and help him change his shoes, “Brother, please go slowly.”

“Well, wait for me to come back, I’ll come back to check my homework!”

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

Ye Li touched her head, “Maybe you need some special clothes.”

Liu Shishi lowered his head and said nothing.

“Ye Dao, I’m back!”

Seeing his senior again, Ye Li feels that his whole person has changed!


Even if he doesn’t have a haircut, he doesn’t have a haircut, it looks messy.

But the whole person’s mental state is very good.

“Senior has worked hard.” Ye Li smiled.

“It’s not hard, there is a filming, what’s so hard!” Fei Zhenxiang was very happy, “I’ll be here just after the production today! Let’s take a look!”

Ye Li nodded, and while walking towards the cinema, he asked, “Which actors have you invited?”

………. 0

“Hu Bayi is Pan Yueming, Shirley Yang is Zhang Yuqi, and Fatty Wang is Jiang Chao.”

After listening, Ye Li nodded, “It should look good, if you take a follow-up, can you pull up the original crew?”

Fei Zhenxiang smiled and said, “I signed five of them! Hehe.”

“That’s great! But you’re not afraid to hit the street?” Ye Li joked.

“I’m on the street, there will always be people who won’t be on the street, right?” Fei Zhenxiang is not worried at all, “Such a good IP, you won’t throw it here, Dao Ye?”

Ye Li laughed.

He is a wise man.

“Okay, let’s see.”

“The Exquisite Ancient City of Ghost Blowing Lanterns” took a long time to film, and it was filmed in China and shot on the spot.

That is, Fei Zhenxiang is not afraid of trouble…

The scenes were shot in Yanjing, Dunhuang, Hami and other places.

It took more than half a year from shooting to post-production!

Ye Li wanted to see what his senior brother was like.

The beginning is war.

Hu Bayi killed the prisoners and saw the fat man again after he retired from the army.

In just two or three minutes, two poor people were set up to stand.

After that, encountering the big golden tooth, Hu Bayi was armed with secret skills, and quickly opened up the plot.

At the end of the first episode, the two were ready to start a fight.

I have to say that the plot is progressing very quickly, and the tomb is found in the second episode, and it’s on!

The pace is fast, but at the same time it can take into account the geographical style and exaggerate the atmosphere.

Although there are adaptations, the essence has not been lost. Ding.

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