Chapter 219


Lu always nodded quickly.

This is true!


I always feel like you are choosing a concubine!

Lu always nodded repeatedly.

It is very necessary to establish such a mechanism.

Chengguo Pictures is also a company whose purpose is to produce movies and TV shows-!

This is determined by the attributes of their boss.

Many artists, Ye Li spent a whole day today, until the evening, finally watched everyone.

“I will definitely not audition next time!” Ye Li sighed, “Mr. Lu, the database just created for me just now, I want to see it next time I cast a cast!”

Total Lu nodded, “Understood!”

“Let’s have a meal together, it’s hard work.” Ye Li stood up and moved his body, always putting away the information in front of him.

These are the first batches.

“Dao Ye, have you got any gains today?” Deputy Director Chen Kai asked.

As long as he is not on the set, Ye Li is a very good talker.

Everyone on the crew knows this.

Ye Li smiled and said, “Aren’t they all?” Pointing to the resume in the hands of the general guide, “These will be our resources in the future!”

“Where is the candidate?” Mr. Lu couldn’t help asking.

“No decision, think about it again.”

Indeed, it is not easy to decide all at once.

“Don’t talk about work, eat first!”

Several people came to the restaurant.

The restaurant manager hurriedly greeted him, “Dao Ye, you are finished. Our boss really likes your work. Knowing that you are here today, I specially booked dinner for you and the presidential suite!”

“That’s not good.” Ye Li shook his head, “Let’s do it ourselves.”

“Ye Dao, we have a lot of your fans here, can you give us a chance to chase stars?” The manager is also very good at talking.

“Look, we are so busy all day long, we definitely don’t have time to chase stars.”

“Okay, let’s serve it.”

Follow the manager to a box and start serving food soon.

“Which one of you brought cash?” Ye Li looked at a table of dishes.



“Who still brings cash out now…”

Ye Li took out two hundred yuan, “This is not enough to pay for the food, right?”

“I’ll be sent by someone in a while.” Lu always understood what Ye Li meant.

“Well, remember to ask for an invoice.”


After a few people had eaten, Ye Li gave way to always put money under the dinner plate and left.

If there is more or less, no one will particularly care about it.

As for the invoice, that’s a joke.

When a few people left, Mr. Lu answered the phone.

When he came back, his face was a little ugly, “Ye Dao, there is an investor who wants to plug an actress in.”

“Golden Master Dad?” Ye Li asked with a smile.

Mr. Lu almost got his waist flashed, what is the name of the father of the gold master? !


However, at this time, he realized that Ye Li is only twenty-one!(Read more @

No matter how much he has achieved now, he is only 21 years old!

His lively appearance is more in line with his age.

“Yes, it’s an investor. He wants to arrange a role for his goddaughter.” Mr. Lu was a little embarrassed.

Ye Li smiled, “Okay! Let her come.”

Total Lu almost widened his eyes, “Really?”

“Well, of course it’s true. If you don’t have good acting skills, you can honed it, but if you say it in advance, you will be treated equally.”


Lu always nodded in surprise.

This is not bad.

At least did not offend the gold master!

In the end, Ye Li first selected Zhang Zifeng and Li Yitong to join the group.

What follows is the next preparations for the crew, selection, setting, etc. There are many things.

But Ye Li only needs to stare occasionally.

As for the person that the gold master’s father stuffed in, giving her three girls and four girls is enough, right?

Ye Li continued to improve the script.

The time comes to the end of August.

Mr. Lu suddenly called.

“Ye Dao, there are several video websites in North America.” Mr. Lu said.

“Why, do they want to fight?”

“It’s not… they want to buy the copyright…”

Got it!

Meow you!

You said you came here, didn’t you come to fight? !

“Oh, then sell it!” Ye Li said.

“Isn’t there “The Ancient City of Ghost Blowing Lantern” and “Spicy Next Door” this time? How about we sell them together?”

Mr. Lu said.

Ye Li thought for a while, “It’s okay, then let the people from several video sites come over.”

“Ghost Blowing Lantern” is impossible to star.

Because of scale issues.

Even if it is broadcast on the stars, there is not much money.

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

“Spicy Next Door” is even more.

How long is one episode?

The best way to go online.

I didn’t worry about it so early. Now the screening of “Shocking Heart” has just ended, and “Langya List” is getting ready to take over!

However, since someone wants to buy it now, let’s sell it together.

Save time.

“You sell it yourself?”

Mr. Lu quickly said, “Ye Dao, it’s better for you to come, you are Dinghai Shenzhen…”

Unexpectedly, overseas websites also came over.

Can make a fortune again!

The next morning, Ye Li went to the company.

Several foreigners have been waiting in the conference room with an interpreter.

“Ye! I’m so happy to meet you, you have risen to fame in Hollywood!”

………. 0

“Ye! You are amazing!”

Several foreigners praised Ye Li.

Ye Li smiled and said, “I already know your intentions. Let’s talk about it.”

The people here today are quite complete.

Except for those in North America, people from all Southeast Asian countries have come.

It can be considered gathered.

Save a lot of things.

“Director Ye, we want to buy the domestic broadcast rights of several TV shows and movies of your company.” A yellow man said.

He is Zhuo Weiguo.

The others nodded.

“What about the price?” Ye Li took a sip of tea and asked with a smile.

This is the point, OK!

Half-talking, what a habit!

“According to the price of the film and television dramas exported to my country from your country, of course, if it is directed by Director Ye, the price will definitely be higher. We are willing to increase it by 50%!”

Representative Zhuo Weiguo moved.

Ye Li was stunned for a moment.

According to the general price?

Mr. Lu said in Ye Li’s ear, “In recent years, a large number of domestic film and television dramas have been exported to Southeast Asian countries, and the price is about several thousand dollars per episode.”

Thousands of dollars…

Even if it is nine thousand, it is only more than sixty thousand yuan!

Sell ​​a fart!

Ye Li’s face turned black, “Whether their country sells it?”

“Two to three million dollars.”

“Damn!” Ye Li glanced at the other person, “See off!”

Translators from various countries do their best to translate.

Representative Zhuo Weiguo looked ugly, “Ye Dao, this is also determined by the market.”

“Security, throw it out!” Ding.

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