Chapter 228

Ye Li stretched out his hand.

Li Yitong was immediately pulled by him.

He blushed immediately.


What girlfriend!

They are not your girlfriend!

However, Ye Li’s hand was held by Ye Li’s strong and warm hand, losing all the strength to struggle.

So comfortable!

This man’s hands are simply amazing!

“Look, is she pretty? How does my baby compare to yours?”

Take a look at the ball…

Only then did he notice Li Yitong.

With a light makeup, his eyes are full of aura…

It’s so much stronger than Bailu, I don’t know how many times it is stronger!

In comparison, the white dew with heavy make-up and bright makeup is worse than I don’t know how much.

“Yours is more beautiful.”

“Godfather…” Bai Lu held Qiu’er’s arm tightly.

“Ye Dao, look, I apologize, I am really very sorry, this woman is ignorant, it has nothing to do with me, really! You can do whatever you want, don’t let me divest…”

Where is money important for women?

Based on Ye Li’s previous record.

There is no problem if you double it up several times!

“Iron Man” has more than quadrupled!

If I invested 100 million, wouldn’t it be possible to turn into 400 million? !

I rely on…

His 100 million has become 400 million!

There are as many women as Bai Lu want!

“Heh!” Ye Li sneered, “Are you awake now? But it’s too late!”

“Ye, Ye Dao…”

“Godfather, fuck him! We are investors, why should we whisper to them?” Bai Lu felt that the situation was a bit complicated.


It’s a bit beyond my imagination.


As soon as the voice fell, he slapped him severely.

The whole face is swollen.

“Hinky dog! Do you know what you did?!” Qiu’er was furious, “I will find you the crew and give you resources. That’s how you repay me?!”

Seeing Qiu’er angry, Bai Lu’s face turned pale.



The other side was also slapped fiercely in the face.

The two sides are symmetrical…


Seeing a symmetrical face, Ye Li breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ye Dao, I really don’t know, he looks like this…”

“Roll the ball!”

Ye Li doesn’t like to talk to him.

Li Yitong feels that his hand is always being held by Ye Li and I am in the palm of his hand.

Warmth is constantly passed from the other’s hands.

His face flushed.(Read more @

I have forgotten it, I am being held by Ye Li.

This feeling is really great.

I don’t know how long it took.

A broken bread quickly entered the crew.

“Ye Dao, Ye Dao! I’m late!” Mr. Lu ran over in rough clothes, “It’s too much trouble to withdraw money temporarily.”

What’s the trouble?

Can you handle this little thing?

Mr. Lu opened the van, and the tables and chairs at the back had been completely removed.

There are a lot of…

Red grandpa Mao!

“What did you do?” Ye Li was shocked!

Did you really come with cash? !

“I went to several banks, and only then collected so much money. Generally, I need to make an appointment in advance. I also took a lot of effort…” Mr. Lu said rudely.

Not really!

If it weren’t for the magic city, the average bank could really get so much money?

This still has to sell a lot of favor and face.

“Good job!”

Ye Li patted him on the shoulder.

It would have been enough to write a check.

But now, since I got the cash…

That’s interesting!

Everyone’s eyes widened when they saw so much money!

This is too shocking, right? !

How much does it cost? !

How much is this!

Li Yitong looked at the pile of money here, really shocked!

So much money…

“A total of 100 million yuan.” Mr. Lu said, “Mr. Qiu, this time we invested 100 million yuan.”

“It’s really one hundred million.” Ye Li laughed, “Jiu’er, this is your one hundred million, and now you have withdrawn! At the same time, there is compensation. The crew is shut down because of your business, and the losses caused need you to come. Pay!”

“How much does it cost?” Zhang Zifeng whispered.

Lu finally settled an account, “One million.”

“Take a million!” Ye Li waved his hand.

Mr. Lu directly took ten bundles of money.

“Mr. Lu, Dao Ye…” Qiu’er said quickly.

“Do not talk nonsense……”

“You are in breach of contract!” Bai Lu said angrily.

When I heard the ball, it was really true!

“Because you have caused losses to the crew, not only do you have to compensate for the losses, we can unconditionally let you divest! The contract is plain and clear!” Lu always prepared.

“You guys!” Qiu’er’s face changed, “Ye Li, don’t think that you are the only director in the world!”

“You can invest in other crews. Bring your money…”

Qiu’er looked at Ye Li with his eyes full of anger, like gaps.

It shouldn’t be!

He used to make a lot of investment in film and television dramas.

Which time was the biggest investor in the crew?

Investors have the final say? !

The result is here…

I didn’t take advantage of it at all!

“How many catties do you get for so much money?” Lin Gengxin couldn’t help it.

Mr. Lu replied: “More than a ton…I borrowed this car temporarily.”

“Cowhide!” Lin Gengxin’s eyes were almost straight.

“Ye Li, you are still young, you may not understand what a network is now!” Qiu’er said with a cold face, “Do you dare to take a risk of 100 million yuan?! Do you think you can never lose money for the rest of your life?”

Ye Li sighed, “Old road, call the next guy and let him take over. If you don’t take over, the next one!”

The current investment system for Ye Li’s new film is like this.

He will put out a portion of the money and let people invest.

However, because Ye Li’s reputation is so great now, many rich people and investors are in a queue…

Invest when it’s your turn.

Is money not fragrant? !

Ye Li has the ability to double his money within a year!

Who doesn’t want to invest?

So, there are many people in line…


Qiu’er’s expression changed when Mr. Lu spoke lightly.

They really…

Can you find investment so easily?

“Let’s wait and see!” Qiu’er turned and left.

“Move the money away!”

Ye Li suddenly smiled and said, “Do you want to change jobs? How about coming to the crew? It’s better than being beaten.”

This group of bodyguards had a meal…

Then it stopped.

What about changing jobs!

“Ye Dao, need a bodyguard?”

“Of course, our company has many artists!”

“thank you boss!”

“What are you doing?! Don’t hurry up and get me here!” Qiu’er stood in front of a pile of banknotes…

“Sorry, sir, we quit!”

“What?! What do you want me to do with this money?!”.

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