Chapter 287

“A little more hideous expression!”

“Now you have been injected with Extremis Virus! The fever in your body is constantly increasing!”

“Attention! Pay attention to the expression!”

“Donny, today is your day to defeat your own demons, emotions! Give me a little emotion!”

“Damn it! Blast! A bit bigger!”

Ye Li was on the set, bursting out of his own energy again!

Everyone shivered.

Ye Li’s control…

Until it was almost dark.

“Ka! Finish!” With Ye Li’s roar, everyone relaxed.

“Coconut! It’s finally finished!”

“Wow, I can finally have a good day off!”

“Finished again!”

Everyone cheered.

Although there is money to be made every time I shoot, I am faced with Ye Li’s special attributes on the set, and I want to take a holiday.

It’s really too difficult.

“Ye! When is the next play?” Downey came to Ye Li’s side and asked with a smile.

Ye Li said: “It depends. Next year, we need to shoot “Captain China” first. Then we will consider the future shooting plan.”

Downey nodded disappointedly, and said strangely, “Am I going to be unemployed again?”

“Are you still afraid that there is no appointment?” Ye Li asked with a smile.

Now, with the renewed popularity of “Iron Man”, Robert Downey Jr. has once again had glory and status in Hollywood!

Film appointments are also coming.

It can be said that he is now the hottest male star in Hollywood!

“But, I’m not happy to work with you!” Downey pretended to be disappointed.

“Really? Do you still want to experience the fear of explosion?!” Ye Li laughed.

Downey’s face changed slightly, “Ye, I know, I won’t talk too much!”

Ye Li patted him on the shoulder.

Downey asked with some worry: “Ye, is Tony leaving the league?”

Ye Li was taken aback and asked, “Why do you think so. ¨?”

“From my own understanding of this movie, Tony was full of doubts about the world and himself. In the end… he gave up all mechas, indicating that his heart has…”

Ye Li nodded: “This is just a way of his growth. I don’t want to break the contract now.”

“Then we still have a chance to cooperate in the future!” Downey was overjoyed.

“Of course, Downey, there are many opportunities in the future! Don’t worry.”

“That’s really great.”

Downey left contentedly.

Ye Li sighed slightly.(Read more @

“What? Suddenly sigh?” Anne Hathaway walked over and asked while sitting next to Ye Li.

“It’s too fast.” Ye Li said helplessly.

“What’s too fast?” Anne Hathaway asked.

“The movie was shot too fast.” Ye Li said. “I’m still thinking about taking photos until the end of the New Year!”

“Tomorrow is the new year!” Anne Hathaway said.

However, it is indeed very fast to finish the filming in such a short time.

It’s just that it’s just one day away from the New Year, isn’t it?

“You don’t understand, we have more than one month left for the Chinese New Year!” Ye Li said.

“Okay!” Anne Hathaway really doesn’t understand China’s New Year.

At the end of December, “Iron Man 2” was officially filmed.

After spending New Year’s Day with Anne Hathaway, Ye Li left for China on January 4th.

Officially began post-production.

On January 11, the postponement of “Soul Soul” also came to the next painting.

After a few days of rest, Ye Li returned to Chengguo Pictures.

“Ye Dao, you have worked hard!”

Mr. Lu knew Ye Li was coming and waited early in the morning.

“This is part of the business.” Ye Li smiled, “How is the company’s situation recently?”

After sitting down, Ye Li poured himself a glass of water.

“The casting of “Seven Stars of Lu Palace” has ended.” Mr. Lu said, “Director Fei Zhenxiang has officially started filming.”

Ye Li nodded, “Um… I’ll check it out when I have time.”

He knew about this. Fei Zhenxiang had a headache about casting for a long time, and finally found the role, so he checked with Ye Li.

“The “Longling Misty Cave” has already been filmed for a half.”

“What about the others? What’s the situation on the foundation?” Ye Li asked, the situation on the foundation is what Ye Li is most concerned about.

The foundation is the key to Ye Li’s layout.

It’s impossible to do the entire movie universe by yourself.

If you want to achieve cultural output, then you need to use the power of the entire Chinese filmmakers!


If Ye Li is deeply rooted and has the same connections and energy as the eight major Hollywood movies, it will be possible.

In China, Ye Li is just an emerging director.

No matter how high the box office is, it cannot escape the fact that there are not enough connections.

In the beginning, Ye Li wanted to cultivate some new people, such as Yu Zheng…

However, Yu Zheng did not have this control.

Ye Li understood after a few TV series came down.

He is suitable for making love-loving things, if you let him make a blockbuster, it will be difficult!

And it’s too slow to train new people by yourself!

It’s too slow!

It takes a lot of time. Now to establish a foundation, although I only occupy about 50% of the share, the stall can be spread out!

You can start multiple movies at the same time!

Earn money, faster than cultivating new people by yourself!

“`. Now every company is waiting for your script!” Mr. Lu laughed, the foundation he is in charge of.

“Well, where is Director Wu Ershan?” Ye Li asked.

Wu Ershan was the first director he chose.

“Director Wu Ershan has read the script, the crew has been prepared, and he is still considering the issue of casting, but what he wants most is to see Dao Ye and talk with Dao Ye in person.” (Nuo Li’s)

“Make an appointment for me, tomorrow is ready!” Ye Li nodded.

“Okay!” Mr. Lu nodded quickly, “What about the Foundation…”

Ye Li thought for a while, “I have prepared a script these days, and the foundation will also start moving, otherwise they would think I lied to them!”

“Okay!” Mr. Lu breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was just a few words with Ye Li, he had a lot to do!

“Ye Dao, the painting of “Soul Soul” has already won 5.1 billion domestic box office, and it has also won 400 million dollars overseas!”

Lu Zong’s face bloomed with a smile.

“Well, I see.” Ye Li nodded.

It is normal that the overseas box office is a little lower.

After all, the China element of “Soul Soul” is very high!

Compared with “Captain China”, the ability to accept is even lower!

However, winning 400 million US dollars just shows Ye Li’s influence! .

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