Chapter 291

Director Guo Fan…

“Director Ye, what Director Guo Fan can do, in fact, many people can do it!”

“Yes, Director Zhang Yi can do it too, why…”

“Guo Fan is still too young? What works does he have now?”

“Ye Dao, I think even though he has just filmed “The Wandering Earth”, I still need to be more cautious!”

“Director Ye, Guo Fan is still too young and only made three movies. I think it’s still early…”

“I think so too. I’d better find some experienced directors first, so that I can…”

Everyone talked a lot, Ye Li didn’t say a word, with a smile on his face.

After everyone had finished speaking, he said, “This is my decision!”


These people suddenly don’t want to talk!


This is what you call Yiyantang?

This is too cheating, right? !

I can’t communicate at all!

Whatever you say is fine!

“In my opinion, Director Guo Fan is one of the directors in China who knows Hollywood best and how to make special effects movies.” Ye Li explained a little bit.

Guo Fan did only have three movies, but “The Wandering Earth” really made 01 people feel the feeling of Hollywood blockbusters!

Ye Li thinks that he might be able to understand the taste of Hollywood better.

“Of course, director Zhang Yi is my senior, if he wants, my grandfather has other plans.”

After everyone listened, they shut up.

Anyway, you said it yourself…

“Ye Dao, as for the investment share…”

This is the focus of everyone’s attention!

Ye Li laughed: “I said, I will occupy 50%, and you will share the rest equally.”


Damn it!

You meow, but…


You said it yourself, this is what you said…

Then we…

This meeting is…

Break up?

Or is everyone happy?

Everyone is not particularly clear in their hearts.

Next year, there will be some movies on the Foundation side. This is good news.

And it’s Hulk who already has a fan base!

That means that this can make a lot of money!


How did the whole process make people so uncomfortable?

…(Read more @

“Director Ye, will the Foundation only make one movie next year?”

After everyone had left, Mr. Lu asked.

Ye Li shook his head, “I also want to shoot more, and I’m still looking for a director slowly.”

“Zhang Yi…” Mr. Lu suggested.

Ye Li smiled helplessly and said, “These are the seniors in the film industry, I want to say that they must be filmed according to the script…”

Lu always understands.

If you want to make a movie universe, then any details must be executed meticulously in accordance with the script.

If there is something wrong, it may be separated from other movies…

This is meaningless.

So, those seniors in the film industry, don’t you say that there is no technology?

That’s definitely not it!

Mainly it is a matter of face!

Can’t save face, or want to add elements of your own style…

Sure enough, this is more difficult.

“I understand.” Lu always nodded.

Ye Li laughed: “Next year our company’s films can be reduced a bit, and may not be able to bear so many films in one year…”

Lu always laughed.

Nodding again and again.

This is really true!

Next year, there will be seven movies on Orange Fruit Pictures!

This is definitely going to be released!

Because of the two films that have been filmed this year, three are currently being filmed!

Ye Li will definitely have a movie next year.

Of course, the second film may be released in the next year.

“Director Ye, Scarlett, would you like to contact me?” Wu Ershan called.

Other characters are easy to talk about, but the heroine is really difficult!

Ye Li appointed Scarlett John to play the leading role.


Wu Ershan has no such contacts!

“Okay, let me get in touch.” Ye Li nodded, mainly because he had asked Anne Hathaway to replace Scarlett John’s role as Black Widow.

Ye Li decided to give her a role again!

After all, this is also a goddess!

“That would be great, Dao Ye, I will start filming in February. Then you will help me stand on the scene?!”

Wu Ershan said.

“Okay, I have arranged the time when I saw it.” Ye Li said.

Wu Ershan thanked him again and again.

After all, my first time shooting…

Still a little worried!

Many of the crew are foreigners.

“In February, are you not young enough?” Ye Li couldn’t help but ask.

New Year…

The New Year is coming in February!

“Come on! I can’t wait to shoot it!”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Li originally wanted to get Orange Fruit to contact Hollywood.

Or through Paramount is also a good choice.


He finally called Anne Hathaway…

Scarlett was reading a script when the agent found her.

“Oh, my goodness, Scarlett, throw away the script that looks like an old granny’s stinky footcloth in your hand!”

The agent hugged her excitedly, took the script in her hand and threw it aside.

“Oh, Candice, stop making trouble, I need this script, really!” Scarlett thought her agent was joking, and said helplessly as she reached out and picked up the script on the floor.

“Scarlett, no need! We don’t need to think about this bad script anymore!” Candice threw away the script Scarlett had just picked up.

She stood in front of her girlfriends excitedly and said with a very exaggerated expression: “Scarlett, your chance is here! Do you know!? Your greatest opportunity is here!”

Scarlett looked at her friend curiously, “What’s the matter? You don’t have a fever, do you?”

“Of course not, do you know!? Do you know whose call I just received?!” Candice said excitedly.

“Who?” Scarlett was also curious.

“Annie Hathaway’s agent, guess what did she tell me?” Candice’s golden eyes were glowing.

“Hurry up!” Scarlett was full of expectations. She felt as if she would encounter the most important thing in her life.

“Ani Hathaway brought you news, Ye, intentionally let you star in a movie written by him! Did you know? Ye! That magical leaf! Global leaf!” Candice said excitedly.

“Ye!? Really?! He really intended me to star in his movie?! Superhero movies?!”

[Almost overslept… My son made a noise in the early hours of the night last night, and caught up with him, fulfilling the promised seventh watch! 】.

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