Chapter 299

“It looks like you can save money this New Year!”

“What money to save? Isn’t it going to be handed over to the cinema after the Lantern Festival?!”

“There is absolutely no resistance to Ye Shen’s new film!”

“Iron Man 2! ~ My favorite little Nini!”

“I don’t know. In the second part, Xiao Nini will-how about it!”

“Xiao Nini is really big love!”

“look forward to!”

Almost everyone was watching and discussing this matter.

“Lao San, don’t you really go to our house to celebrate the New Year?” Hu Ge invited Ye Li once.

Ye Li smiled and shook his head, “I am going to reorganize my future shooting plan and have a good New Year!”

“Really not going?” Peng Yuyan also invited Ye Li.

“Of course!” Ye Li laughed, “Thank you. I will go again if I have a chance.”

“Old third, if you come to my house, I will make arrangements for you! I know a lot of people!” Lin Gengxin blinked at Ye Li.

You blink!

Ye Li was speechless and said with a smile: “Fuck off! Damn! You guys don’t go home for the New Year by yourself! Do you lie to me to do your parents’ filial piety?”

The three ran away smilingly.

The sadness of parting has been reduced a lot.

Yes it is!

During the New Year this year, almost everyone cannot go home for the New Year!

The Spring Festival Gala is waiting for them!

“Senior Ye.” Zheng Shuang called.

“Well, we will have opportunities in the future.” Ye Li smiled, “Go on!”

“Okay, senior, I will miss you.” Zheng Shuang hesitated for a long time before whispering.

Ye Li laughed, this little girl, “Well, I will miss you too!”


Must be shameless!

What kind of dough do you want!

Magic City Film and Television Academy.

In a neighborhood nearby.

Liu Shishi hesitated looking at the salute he had packed and shook the phone in his hand.


Ye Li’s phone number was displayed on the screen, and her finger stayed on it for a long time.


How could I miss this devil!

She snorted coldly.

Not really!

Absolutely impossible!

Just when she was about to put away the phone, the phone rang.

“Ah!” Liu Shishi looked at the phone number, his face changed slightly.


Is it the legendary communion?

“Brother, brother!” Liu Shishi quickly answered the phone.(Read more @

“Why? Did you go home?” Ye Li asked.


“when are we leaving?”

“Now, tomorrow!”

I wanted to say that I would leave now, but I didn’t know what was going on, it became tomorrow!

“Okay, together tonight?”

Ye Li asked.


After hanging up the phone, Liu Shishi glanced at his luggage, and finally put it in the cabinet.



I was going to go back tomorrow!

On December 28th, Liu Shishi went to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

On the 29th, Li Bingbing went to Yanjing to participate in the Spring Festival Gala.

On the 30th, Wang Churan went home for the New Year…

Modu has once again become a deserted city after all.

Ye Li went to the supermarket to buy something.

Prepare to squat at home.

Then deal with your future plan…

“Ye, we have arrived at Pudong Airport! Are you here to pick us up?”

Ye Li received a call from Anne Hathaway before returning home from the supermarket.

“China is really a strange country. There will be no planes tomorrow. Originally, we planned to come back tomorrow!”

“You? Who else?” Ye Li wondered.

Are these people even Downey and the others here?

“Guess?” Anne Hathaway said this, smiling happily.

“I don’t guess, if there are too many people, I still need to call someone to drive, don’t I? Is a car enough?”

“Of course it’s enough!” Anne Hathaway said.

Carrying a car, Ye Li went straight to the airport.

After arriving at the airport, I saw Anne Hathaway standing with someone she knew very well.

Even if two people wear sunglasses, Ye Li recognizes it at a glance.

Anne Hathaway and Scarlett John? !

Why is she here?

To say, if Anne Hathaway came alone, Ye Li would understand it!

But why did the Scarlett John News come?

This is a bit puzzled.

“Hello, two beauties! Do you need a car?” Ye Li slowly stopped the car in front of the two of them, lowered the window, and asked.

0 ·Seeking flowers· ··

“Of course!” Anne Hathaway smiled sweetly when she saw Ye Li, “Should a gentleman get out of the car to help us move things?”

Ye Li put on his hat, “Please!”

He put things on the back seat.

“Is your trunk broken?” Anne Hathaway was sitting in the passenger seat, Scarlett and Salute huddled together.

“You don’t tell me how many people are coming, I have to come straight on the shopping road!” Ye Li smiled and nodded to Scarlett.

Scarlett flushed slightly.

“Why are you here?” Ye Li asked curiously.

Anne Hathaway asked, “Shopping? Are you shopping alone? Shouldn’t this kind of thing be given to us beauties?”

“I don’t know you are coming!” Ye Li smiled and said, “Go to my house and put things down. By the way, have you booked the hotel?”

……… ….. …….

“No, shouldn’t it be you who want to do the same as a landlord?” Anne Hathaway said playfully.

The fear of him on the set before, is now gone!

“All right!” Ye Li shrugged helplessly.

Fortunately, the house I bought was big enough.

“Then, let’s go!”

After a lap, Ye Li returned to his villa.

“Demons are all international metropolises, how do you feel that there are so few people?”

Along the way, Anne Hathaway was extremely curious.

Looking around.

Various questions are constantly asked.

Scarlett appeared to be quieter.

“It’s all going home for the New Year!” Ye Li smiled.

The car stopped in the garage and Ye Li opened the trunk.

“My goodness!” Anne Hathaway looked at the trunk and exclaimed, “Ye, are you going to use these things to entertain the two of us?”

“We two big beauties, are you going to let us eat vegetarian products?”

Scarlett smiled at the side, watching Ye Li carefully.

This is the magical leaf! ?

That has huge fans in Hollywood!

Also, a very talented man? !

It looks so handsome…

There is no such violent temper in the legend.

Annie said all the way that he had a bad temper…

“I was planning to spend this Spring Festival at home!” Ye Li smiled, “But since you are here, these will be left to my friends! Of course, are you going to spend the Spring Festival with me?” Ding.

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