Chapter 307

When the missile flew over, everyone in the theater held their breath!

Scarlett grabbed Ye Li’s hand nervously.

“Stark will be fine, right?” she said nervously.

Ye Li didn’t speak, and patted her hand lightly.

Then everyone saw it.

Stark made that move.

That, the same action as Wing Chun.


Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief!


Everyone knows that this is the action to summon Mark42!

This means that he will not…

Then, everyone saw that the Iron Man mech did not cover Tony, but protected Pepper!

At the same time, a huge fragment fell towards Stark.


Someone couldn’t help but exclaimed.


The little pepper in the Iron Man mech helped him block the rock fragments!

“I saved you!” Little Chili opened his visor.

“No, I saved you first!” The two were still chattering together.

When the two were fighting, the second shell had already followed.


The two were blown up again.

“Jarvis, take her away!” Stark yelled as he rolled.

The mecha was activated immediately and quickly brought the little pepper to the outside of the house!

The two armed helicopters have approached and the machine guns have been activated.

The penetrating bullet flew out like a drop of mercury!

The whole room is in the process of collapsing.


Little Pepper exclaimed.

Tony, who had to rely on rolling to avoid falling rocks, made the action of summoning the mecha again.

The mechas on Little Pepper on the outskirts of the house flew back one by one.

Dressed on Tony again!

Exciting music sounded, everyone held their breath.

The falling rocks continued to fall, and Stark, wearing a mecha, was also hit several times.

“Jarvis! Lock the plane!”

“Yes, sir!”


At this moment, a figure shining red light suddenly came.

The whole body was glowing, and he kicked Stark directly with one kick.

Wearing an Iron Man mech, he kept rolling in the air and hit the wall before he stood firm.

“The mecha is 36% damaged. ¨!”

Jarvis quickly reported the damage status of the mecha.

Stark saw a figure, bursting into flames, standing in front of him.

“Damn, who is he?!”

This man is slim and slim, but he is full of flames.

Obviously not an ordinary person!


Stark just raised his palm cannon and pointed it at the opponent.

The opponent waved his hand, and a ball of fire rushed out instantly.(Read more @

Directly knock Stark flying again!

Continuous rolling!

This person wandered over, and with every step he stepped out, black scorch marks appeared on the ground under his feet.


Stark roared.

The man stomped his feet, and the whole person galloped towards him like a sharp arrow.


The fire fist fell, and Stark reluctantly raised his hand.

The opponent is very proficient in fighting skills.

In close combat, Stark was almost beaten.

No resistance at all!

“The mecha is 39% damaged!”

“The mecha is 42% damaged!”

“47% of the mecha is destroyed!”

The fist that flickered with fire smashed down with one punch, and the mecha on Stark continued to be damaged!

The people in the theater exclaimed.

The battle broke out!

Burning Man VS Iron Man!

Iron Man has almost no backhand power!

The battle is gorgeous, dazzling, but worrying!

Just after Iron Man was abused for a while, everyone was worried.

A figure was already in the smoke and dust, quietly approaching behind Huo Ren.


There was an exclamation in the theater!

“Isn’t it the little pepper here?!”

This set of steel mecha palm cannon aimed at the burning man.


The Burning Man was staggered and turned his head!

The skin all over his body looked like lava, glowing red.

In the pupils of both eyes, flames were beating.


The Burning Man stepped on his feet, and his body quickly recoiled towards the mecha.

The mecha wanted to fly, but was blocked by a falling rock!


The fire man kicked the opponent directly, followed closely with his body, grabbed with both hands, and directly tore off one of the opponent’s arms!


“Little Pepper!”

However, the torn off arm was empty inside!

With a kick of both feet, the fire broke out, and the chest of the mecha was instantly melted!

Kick and fly!

call out! call out! call out!

call out! call out! call out!

A falling rock in the ruins was knocked away, and mechas rose into the sky.


Someone yelled.

The fireman stood up, glanced at Stark, stomped his feet, and his body rose into the air like a flying meteor!

Jump to the inside of a helicopter accurately.

The helicopter hovered in the air and left quickly.

“`. Chase!”

Stark just wanted to pursue it, and Jarvis immediately issued a warning.

“Sir, the house is going to collapse!”

Sure enough, the City of Freedom is rapidly collapsing.

Outside the house.

Little Chili saw the house collapse and couldn’t help exclaiming: “Tony!”

“Miss Pepa!” Colonel Rod, wearing a war machine, had arrived, “What happened!”

“Rod, Tony is still…”

Just when Little Pepper was frightened, more than forty mechas protected Tony from the collapsed house.

“It seems that we need to change our house.”

Tony’s joking voice came from the mecha.

“Tony…” Little Pepper couldn’t hold her tears instantly.

Pounced on and kissed the mecha directly.

“Oh, Pepa, I’m here…” A mecha standing aside suddenly opened its mask, revealing Tony’s face…

The whole theater laughed.

Before there was a scene where Stark flirted with Pepa, Stark asked Pepa to kiss the Iron Man mech.

(King Nuo’s)  The two also broke out in a quarrel.

Who knows, this time, Pepa really kissed the mecha.

As a billionaire, Stark must have many houses.

The City of Liberty was bombed.

It must have caused countless media reports.

And Stark, sitting on the top floor of his office, was opened by Jarvis.

He took a sip of green vegetable juice.

Jarvis suddenly said: “Sir, after data comparison, there is already a clue about the identity of the fire man…”

“Who is it!?” Fire flashed in Stark’s eyes.

Jarvis gave a picture of a burning man and an old yellowed picture in the virtual screen.

“Through facial image and line scan analysis, it is China that has been dead for decades, Dr. Wen Rui!” Jarvis gave his own inference.

Stark frowned: “Dr. Wen Rui?! That…”

His eyes flickered slightly, “Another old immortal?!” Fate.

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