Chapter 351

“Very good!” Ye Li nodded, “In fact, we can do more tricks on the periphery.”

“As long as we sell enough peripherals, we won’t lose money!”

The two discussed the matter for a while and settled the matter.

North America.

AMC theaters.

“Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” has been in theaters for a week.

During the week, Harry Potter’s box office has been rising steadily!

Won a high box office of 270 million in a single week!

Crush the 130 million box office of “Star Cowboy 5”!

Almost everyone had their jaw dropped!

“Too awesome! “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” broke through 270 million dollars!”

“Damn! The last record has been broken, right?!”

“No, it’s almost over 300 million! If the box office exceeds 300 million in a single week, there is a chance to break the record!”

“Wow! But this is amazing too!”

“It’s not that many movies that have exceeded 300 million in history!”

“Not much, definitely not much!!”

“”Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” is also very close!”

“Last time China Ye’s “Iron Man” and “Avengers” all broke through!”

“This is great too 01!”

“AMC’s single-film attendance rate has started to drop, but they have not yet ranked other films.”

“It is said that no one wants to put the film on their theater.”

“Isn’t it?”

“Who knows whether it’s true or not! But it has nothing to do with us. Which theater has a good movie, let’s look at which one!”

“Yes, this has nothing to do with us!”

“Unexpectedly, they should be so powerful!”

A big guy sighed during the video conference!

“Yeah, I couldn’t think of it, I almost broke three in the first week!”

“Three hundred million!”

“This is simply!”

“So, what can we do next?”

“Have all parties been set up?”

“It’s almost there, they can’t receive the film!”

“Huh! Hollywood, is it also the place they casually covet?!”

“The market share of China this year is also very high!”

“When “Star Cowboy 5″ arrives in the China market, it will definitely make a lot of money again!”

“Envy you!”

“Really good!”

“To deal with AMC can only stretch the front line now.”

“Yes, it can only be so!”

“There is no way…”

“China Ye, really well-deserved reputation!”

Just as you guys were chatting, a voice suddenly broke into a personal video.

“Boss, AMC cinema line is lined up!”


There are several sounds in the computer!

Arrangement? !

AMC lined up? !

“Where did they get the film source?!”(Read more @

“It’s impossible, AMC shouldn’t have a film at all!”

“Yes, who sold them the film!”

“Damn, check, check now!”

Everyone was a little confused.

What’s the situation now?

Why is there anyone willing to sell the film source to them? !

damn it!

“No! No one sold them the source of the film, but they released the previous film of China Leaf…”

“The previous film?! What does China Ye want to do?”

“Previous films are released, don’t they stop word-of-mouth?”

“Is this kind of bad money really okay?”

“Sooner or later I will be scolded.”

“Other than this? What else?”

The man said: “Each film can be watched for a dollar…”

“One dollar…”

“What do they think?”

In addition to those bigwigs, others soon discovered.

“Wow! OMG! There are other schedules in AMC theater!”

“What movie is it?!”

“”Iron Man”! and “Captain China”!”

“Really?! Isn’t this an old movie that has already been screened? AMC wants bad money?!”

“This kind of film that has been screened is here, damn it!”


“What do you know!”

“For a dollar, you can watch these two movies!”

“One dollar, two movies?!”

“Yes! You can stay in AMC for half a day for just a dollar! It’s amazing!”

“Two movies…I thought it was one movie!”

“Very awesome! The two movies are simply amazing!”

“Iron Man is the best movie I have ever seen, but unfortunately I didn’t go to the cinema to watch it at that time! I just made it up now!”

“I have forgotten a little about the plot of “Captain China”!”

“A beautiful knife, it’s just like Bai Jia!”


“I’m going to review these two films!”

“50 cents a movie, this is the cheapest movie I have ever seen!”


More and more people are walking into the cinema!

Walk into the AMC cinema.

Not everyone has money, or has spare money to go to the cinema to watch.

10 dollars!

Not cheap anymore!

But for $1, you can think about it.

One dollar, and two movies…

Why not take a look?

“Dad, I want to watch a movie.”

“Movie tickets are so expensive now…”

“No, Dad, you can watch two movies for just one dollar now in AMC theaters! And it’s your favorite China Ye movie!”

“Really?! A dollar?!”

“Yes, it only takes a dollar!”

“Go! Let’s go see it today!”


As more and more people enter the AMC cinema.

“Wow, this looks delicious!”

“This is a snack in China. It is said to be delicious!”

“Would you like to try?”

“The price is not expensive either!”


“Then come a little bit! It just happens to be our lunch!”

“Then come for two, lunch happens to be settled here.”

“Oh! My goodness, the price is not expensive, even cheaper than Hamburg!”

“Yes, it looks like a big portion, I don’t know if I can get enough!”

“Such a large portion, I should be full, but I will have another portion!”

With the decline in the film schedule of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, the AMC theater line has become more lively.

first day!

On only the first day, all AMC theaters, except for the movie “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone”, produced more than 20 million dollars in other time periods and movies!

This is simply incredible!

Although the income is not high, it injects life into the AMC cinema chain!

This is something that everyone has thought of.

Twenty million a day!

Assuming that all theaters have 100% attendance!

Rounding up 5,000 screens, each theater has 100 seats.

Four games a day, two games in a row!

It is equivalent to that each person spends an average of US$10 in the AMC cinema! .

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