Chapter 357

The news soon spread to all the foundation bosses before.

“What?! They made 150 million U.S. dollars a week in North America?!”

“It’s impossible! Is it so easy to make money for theaters?!”

“I don’t know, but they repaid all the bank loans!”

“It’s impossible! They paid back all the money, we…”

Aren’t we unable to control him? !

“They solved the actor problem, and they also solved the funding problem. Bank loans have also been solved…”



“Even if the loan is repaid, their current capital chain is definitely not enough! In order to maintain the operation of AMC, they must continue to shoot movies, and then they need funds!”

“Now, Principal Wang is already…”

“Principal Wang immediately took over the investment of nearly 500 million US dollars. For the next film, he will definitely need a lot of funds!”

“Yes, his investment in each movie now costs at least over 100 million dollars.”

“So, we still have a chance!”

“No! It’s not that we still have a chance, but that we give him a chance again!”

They hold a lot of funds.

Still feel that I am superior!

Ye Li didn’t give them a chance!

But they give Ye Li a chance!

Because they are not alone!

It’s the power of a group of people!

At this time, Ye Li didn’t care about it.

“Master, who is the right candidate for Spider-Man?” Wen Ziren walked over with a pile of documents.

Ye Li is also a bit embarrassed. The role of Spider-Man is very important in the movie universe.

And I especially like this role.

But how to choose this role?

He is also very embarrassed.

“what is your viewpoint?”

Wen Ziren shook his head, “I don’t know much about domestic actors.”

“Then do you know Hollywood actors. ¨?”

“…Master, I was wrong!” Wen Ziren remembered this sentence silently in his heart.

As a director, you must have an understanding of most actors.

“Well, let’s take a look again. If it doesn’t work, let’s make other movies first.” Ye Li didn’t really care.

“Master, I have been listening to you talking about the movie universe. Can this timeline be modified?” Wen Ziren was full of curiosity.

Ye Li shook his head, “The timeline cannot be modified, but the movie “Spider-Man” is mainly preheated first. In the movie universe, there is not enough time for him to play.”

“Oh…” It seemed to understand but not understand.

Ye Li is thinking, if “Spider-Man” cannot be filmed yet at this time, then what movie should I film?

At this point, he has a headache.

“Okay, I have decided. If the “Spider-Man” movie is temporarily unavailable, I will shoot another one first!”(Read more @

Ye Li quickly made a decision.

North America.

As one month passed.

The box office of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” has gradually declined, but “Iron Man” and “Captain China” are still strong.

“Thor 2” is followed by the file!

“Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” was officially removed at the end of a month!

At the same time, “Thor 2” was officially launched after a period of publicity!

North American Gangster Group.

“Now that “Thor 2″ has started to be promoted, do we need to…do anything?”

“Isn’t it about what we need to do now? It’s…” Someone thought for a while before saying, “Can we have other films that can compete?”

“To be precise, the movie “Thor 2″ was shot by Paramount, right?”

“No way, there has been an agreement long ago, and all copyrights belong to Ye Li!”

“Damn, you all agree to this condition?!”

“If someone can help you earn billions of dollars a year, will you agree?!”


He meows…

This is a money printing machine, right? !

“The North American box office of “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” has been settled, and it is finally fixed at 0 million. Our “Star Cowboy 5″ is only 0 million!”

“Even if there are more high-quality movies, but head-to-head with the other party…”

“Follow the normal arrangement!”

They are also tired!

Do not!

Mainly because I couldn’t beat it!

“We just have to pinch their film source. Movie fans will get bored one day!!”

“Then do it for now!”

Just the front?

The idiot is just facing up!

I know it’s just…

As long as the other party’s film source is stuck tightly, things are simple.

It’s nothing more than a long time.

AMC theater.

More and more fans have gathered!

“`. It is said that China has already watched “Thor 2″ a long time ago!”

“Yes, “Thor 2″ has been released in China long ago!”

“Hey… why do we have to wait so long!”

“Who knows! Maybe it’s because of leaving resources for the theater?”

“I don’t know what kind of opponent Thor will usher in this time?”

“Should it still be Rocky? My favorite is Rocky!”

“Rocky is so handsome…”

“Sit down…”

“Why haven’t we started yet…”

The theater was crowded with dark and oppressive people.

Everyone got a movie ticket.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

“Audiences who have purchased tickets for the “Thor 2″ movie should line up to check the tickets in an orderly manner. The movie will officially start screening in 15 minutes!”

The sound of broadcasting came from the cinema.

Alan held the movie ticket in his hand, with an excited expression on his face, chatting with the people around him.

“I haven’t read Cao Gouyan’s article yet. It is said that there may be spoilers!”

“No, he (Nono’s) said something in the article, but it’s not the point. There is no spoiler.”

“Really, are there any easter eggs in this movie?”

“This time, what Cao Gouyan said is not very clear, but the easter egg…Let’s watch it then! If you didn’t see it,…”


Line up to enter the theater.

Alan was a little excited to find his place.

Soon, I will be able to see Thor!

He is a diehard fan of Thor.

The film officially begins…

“Long before the birth of the universe, the world was dark, and the boundless darkness gave birth to the dark elves.”

“Thousands of years ago, the brutal dark elf Malkis tried to bring the universe back to the long night!”

“He can use ether particles to achieve his evil goals. This ancient weapon can destroy everything!”

With the expansive scenes, the story background of “Thor 2” is introduced clearly….

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