Chapter 366

“Dr. Zola looks awesome!”

“Well! This should be the big boss of the movie!”

“This should be more suitable as an opponent of Iron Man Stark?”

“Laugh! Do you mean that people with low IQ are not worthy of being called opponents of high IQ?”

“It doesn’t mean that, but Iron Man is against Iron Man, isn’t it the same as Iron Man’s opponent, eh?”

“The difficulty of the captain has also been upgraded!”

“Stark has two opponents in “Iron Man 2″, and now Captain China has two too!”

“There won’t be three super villains in the third part?”

“That’s exciting!”

“It’s very difficult!”

In the fast-moving car on the elevated.

“The Insight Program will start in 16 hours! We are very short on time.”

“We used his DNA scan to go directly to the sky carrier!”

Just as a few people were talking, a muffled noise suddenly came from the roof of the car.

A metal arm broke the car window, grabbed the upper floor, and threw it out of the window.

The huge force threw him directly into the opposite lane, and was directly hit to death by a large truck…

After all, the black widow was an agent and was very quick-witted.

Pull the handbrake on 01 instantly.

The flame queen on the roof flew out with the sudden brake.

Rolling to the ground.

The metal arm grabbed the ground to stabilize his figure.

On the elevated carriageway, the flame queen who stood up attracted everyone’s attention.

Then behind, a military pickup rammed straight into it.

He leaped lightly, grabbed the roof of the car, and pulled off the steering wheel.


The Falcon driving was dumbfounded.

The three jumped off the car.

The howitzer bombed directly.

Under the protection of the shield, Captain China was shot into the air!

“Damn! Shield cowhide!”

“What exactly is this shield made of?”

“This metal arm also has some material!”

“Here again! Love and kill each other?!”

“It’s exciting to see, and distressed!”

“Hurry up and recognize each other! Stop fighting!”

“Captain, this is Dr. Wen Rui!”

“Doctor, this is the captain!”

The two sides are in a great battle.

Dr. Wen Rui’s Queen of Flames constantly throws fireballs with both hands.

Like a moving fort!

After some battle, the captain finally found a chance to get close.


Metal arm!

Even the captain who was injected with the super soldier serum was just on par in close combat!

Because the flame queen can still get hot!


Make a flame!

It’s exciting to see, and the goose bumps are all up!

Obviously they are acquaintances, but they end up like this.

During the fierce battle, the mask of the Flame Queen fell.

In the theater, everyone held their breath!(Read more @

“Are you going to recognize each other?!”

“So excited!”

“Dr. Wen Rui!”

“The captain has been waiting for you for seventy-five years!”

“Hurry up and recognize each other!”

“Get married in place!”

“A certain domestic violent man beat his wife in the street…”

“A certain domestic violence man discovered that his wife is good…”

Song Qian’s eyes were red, and she firmly grasped Cao Rui’s arm.

Seventy-five years later!

The two finally met again in modern times!

long shoot.

The car that was blown over by the flames was filled with thick smoke.

The camera completely encompasses the two of them.

In the flames.

This scene is like love!

It seemed that the next moment, the two were about to rush towards each other, and then hug each other tightly.

“Dr. Wen Rui?” Captain China couldn’t help but yell.

“Who’s the one who meows is Dr. Wen Rui!”

The Flame Queen said coldly.


The Falcon, already in his combat uniform, kicked him into the air.

At this time, Captain China has completely lost his square inch.

The flame queen who was rolling on the ground just raised her gun.

Behind the captain, a grenade flew out.



Smoke and dust are everywhere.

After returning to God, the other party has disappeared…

The next moment, the people from SHIELD had arrived and arrested the three of them.

“It’s her…” the captain sitting in the car with his hands in shackles muttered to himself.

“He just looked at me like that, but didn’t recognize me!”

Tiehan tenderness!

“How is it possible?” said the Black Falcon. “Seventy-five years have passed!”

“Zola did it!” Captain China was very convinced.

“She was shot at the time. If I took her, she would definitely die! I left her where she was.” Captain China whispered.

“They must have rescued her! Then…”

There is almost no need to think about the latter thing.

“It’s not your fault! Captain,” said the black widow. “At least now we only meet one, no, two super soldiers.”

“Yes… Maybe she resisted.” The captain sighed.

If this is the case, how much should she suffer?

Agent Hill rescued three people.

Came to another secret base.

I saw Nick lying on the hospital bed.


When the camera turns, a lively neighborhood.

Inside a building, the Fire Queen is repairing her arm.

Dr. Zola did it himself.

Some scenes from that year suddenly flashed in the mind of the Queen of Fire.

“Dr. Wen Rui…”

“who am I……”

“You are our biological geneticist…”

She is doing research in a certain base.

I injected something into myself.

It seems to be fighting again.

Wait until she wakes up again.

I have lost an arm and connected a metal arm.

“You will become the new weapon of Hydra!” Dr. Zola’s big head.


When he woke up, Dr. Wen Rui punched the doctor who had struck him directly.

“He is emotionally unstable!” Everyone became nervous.

Pierce walked in.

“Task report! Do the task report now!”

Dr. Zola, the Iron Man, was standing aside, his face showing a smile but not a smile on the display.

“The man on the bridge, who is he? I know him…”

“What you do benefits all mankind…” Pierce said in a bewildered voice, “I need him to die before tomorrow, otherwise Hydra’s dream of transforming the world will not be fulfilled. You will be the hero of the world…”

“But I know him!” Dr. Wen Rui was emotionally unstable.

“Zola?” Pierce looked at Dr. Zola.

Dr. Zola’s indifferent expression: “Then brainwash her again.”

Looks like it doesn’t matter.

Is the extreme contempt for life?

There was a machine clipped to his head, and the sound of electric current beating.



Dr. Wen Rui let out a howl of pain.

It’s painful just to listen to it!

There was silence throughout the theater.

Dr. Wen Rui became the villain!

Still an extremely poor villain.

The pain she suffered is just as desperate…

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