Chapter 368

There was a commotion in the theater.

No one got up and stood up.

There are still eggs!

Ye Shen’s work, when did the easter egg disappoint? !

there has never been!

“Easter eggs! Easter eggs!”

“Sit down and wait for the eggs!”

“Wow! I don’t know if Sword Fairy will appear among the eggs this time!”

“Sword Fairy is going to find the Time Gem, right?”

“Always give Jian Xian a little hope…”

“Sword Fairy, the strongest egg king!”

“There’s still a corpse chaser! Why hasn’t the corpse chaser that I wanted to show up yet?”

“China superhero!”

“quickly come!”

“Wait for the corpsesmith…”

“Sit down!”

“Excellent! I think Dr. Zola must be alive in the end!”

“Iron Man is so funny!”

“This movie feels like the Avengers!”

“There have been many superheroes, and the villains are also very powerful!”

“Dr. Wen Rui finally recognized Captain China?”

“Sweet sugar, this pair quickly!”

“In the end, Dr. Wen Rui beat Captain China to a bruised nose and swollen face. I really saw my tears come out!”

“I’m not going to shoot you in 997… Captain China, what a man!”

“The domestic violence shrew beat her husband in the street and sent him to the hospital afterwards…”

“S.H.I.E.L.D. Bureau has fallen and annihilated, right?”

“Did Nick have lost his job? Go to Excalibur!”

“Hahaha! Excalibur Bureau welcomes you!”

“The Excalibur Bureau now has heavier responsibilities!”

After a while, the big screen lights up again.

Everyone stretched their heads.

Easter eggs, here comes!

A tall and thin man stands with his hands on his back.

Another old man walked in, “It’s over, Fury has made everything public!”

“Only the news he knew was announced!”

“Mr. Stock, if they know what we are doing here, if they know the book we serve Hydra…”

“Hydra, S.H.I.E.L.D.! Both are the same, and now they don’t work!”

“The value of what we have is beyond their imagination!”

As the two moved around, the camera fell onto a stage.

Loki’s scepter!

There was a crazy expression on this person’s face, “We only touched the fur, and it’s already…”

“We threw all other organizations working for Hydra around the world to Captain China and his colorful group of friends! Get their attention away!”

“Where are those volunteers?”

“The dead will be buried deeply and no one will find it!”

“Where are the survivors? Those… twins!”

Suddenly, the lens was given to the two glass rooms.

A man kept in the room, disappearing, appearing, with shadows.

On the other side, a woman knelt on the ground, with blocks in front of her.

“They will see the twins sooner or later. This is no longer a world of spies, or even a world of heroes, but a world of… miracles!”

“Nothing is more terrifying than a miracle!”

The camera shows the woman, and her hands appear a little red…


A block in front of him was instantly destroyed by something inexplicable!

The beginning of the film…(Read more @

“what is this?!”

“Two…super villains appeared in this easter egg?!”

“Damn! Where’s the sword fairy!? Why didn’t Ye Shen’s first egg king appear?”

“What do you mean?”

“Hydra is considered annihilated here? What kind of organization are they? What about Dr. Zola?”

“Also, what does it mean that this is an era of miracles?”

“This… I feel that Ye Shen has buried another deep pit!”


“There should be a follow-up movie?!”

“Wait for the follow-up easter egg!”

Sure enough, after a while, the screen lights up again.

In a deep mountain and old forest.

Suddenly, countless birds were shocked.

A man wearing military leather boots stepped on a branch.

The camera moves up, and Hawkeye is holding a bow and arrow, looking at the heights with serious and cold eyes!

“be careful!”


A roar of a monster.

Shake the world.


A coffin suddenly fell to the ground, with charms plastered on it, and a metal chain completely wound it. A man’s voice sounded, “It’s serious!”

On the top of the coffin, yellow symbols floated and the chains disappeared.

“Raise the coffin to make a fortune! Get the corpse!”


The coffin opened, and a corpse stared wide, looking at the camera!




Everyone was taken aback.

“Why did it suddenly become a horror movie?!”

“He’s meowing, can he be fine?!”

“Damn it, scared me to death!”

“Ye Shen is not reasonable, right?!”

The people in the whole theater were shocked.


However, everyone quickly reacted.

“Carry the corpsesmith?!”

“Damn! The corpsesmith is out!”

“Is this the corpse shoveler? Not the man who carried the coffin?”

“Does Ye Dao have any misunderstandings about the corpse chaser?”


“It feels so wonderful behind!”

“It feels more and more exciting!”

“By the way, in the “Avengers”, several hidden movies have been released? This one, I feel that there are a lot of easter eggs!”

“Sit down!”

The end of the film continues.

It lights up again.

The Easter eggs are here as promised.

The woods, streams, and small flowers by the stream.

A mosquito flew by slowly.


A tongue curled up and swallowed the mosquito into the belly.

The frog jumped and squatted under the flower.


A snake swallowed the frog in an instant.

The snake squinted his eyes, stuck out his tongue, and swayed away from side to side.

The camera looked down at the swaying snake.


The eagle descends from the sky and takes it away!

As the eagle flew into the sky, a pair of huge claws fell above the lens, which directly grabbed the eagle’s body.

The huge claws of the strange bird will divide the eagle into the body in an instant.

Just when it is flying.

Turned out a big palm.


It’s like swatting a fly, and swatting the strange bird to death!

The light disappeared…

The end of the film continues.

“What the hell!”

“What did I see?!”

“I rely on…”

“What does this mean?”

“Who is the owner of this palm?!”

“F*ck, a frog is about the size of a sugar orange, a snake is as thick as a baby’s arm, and an eagle is almost as big as a table. Then, a strange bird is as big as a car! And…”

“Horror! What is this?!”

The next moment, the screen lights up.

A sword light across the sky.

The sword fairy’s voice sounded.

“If the sky does not fulfill my wish, then I will break the sky with a sword in my hand!”

The screen goes dark.

Light up again.

Li Bingbing!

Dr. Wen Rui!

She was wearing ordinary clothes and a hood, and saw her introduction in a science and technology museum. .

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