Chapter 370

“What shall we do next? Ye Li has so many movies waiting to go online…”

They know very well that there may be more than seven movies on the Orange Fruit Film Company ready to go online this year.

Before, everyone was in the same group.

Ye Li gave up the best schedule!

but now……


Can you still play now?

If you don’t stop them, Ye Li will be broad-minded.


“I do not know……”


“this year……”

The possibility of wanting a big explosion this year is unlikely!

The whole market is like this.

Ye Li shared a lot of box office alone, what should others do?

There is no way!

“Okay, this matter… we have to think of a way.”

“It can’t be suppressed this year. They have no plans for next year, right? We’d better be able to let people not accept Ye Li’s films! Without a director, what will happen to him!”

“Why is Zhang Yi not obedient…”

Everyone couldn’t help but roll their eyes.

Zhang Yi listened to you? !

They are the bosses in the northwest circle!

What are you doing?

In the Northwest Circle, you want money and money, and you want people!

“We can’t influence the whole world! Even if the domestic directors don’t pick up, what about the foreign directors? How about Xiangjiang’s?”


“Unless we can unite with Hollywood bigwigs!”

“I heard that in the North American AMC theaters, in addition to new films, Ye Li has to show old films just to not look that way…”

“Try it……”

Cao Rui finished watching two movies.

There is still some meaning left.

“It’s cool to watch Ye Shen’s movie!” Song Qian couldn’t help but said.

Since working with Cao Rui in self-media, time has been more free and he has made a lot of money.

I feel more happy.

“Of course! But we have to go home now.” Cao Ruiyue was eager to try, “I can almost write an article.”

Now that the commissions from North America are added, the income is even higher.

The relationship between the two became more stable.


…(Read more @

At night.

There are already discussions on the Internet.


“Yeshen is still a big scene!”

“It’s so handsome!”

“Yeshen cowhide!”

“Captain China and Dr. Wen Rui, it’s hard to make sense!”

“How good is it to get married in place? It turns out to be so sad!”

“My girlfriend is crying.”

“Upstairs, you have no girlfriend!”

“I feel a lot of information! I don’t know the details of the Easter eggs…”

“I can only wait for Cao Gouyan!”

“You said he knows so many easter eggs, wouldn’t it be Ye Shen’s screenwriter?”

“Uh…should not be?”

“Why not? Look, besides him, who else can analyze so thoroughly?”

“Anyway, just wait!”

“Yes! Just wait!”

Cao Gouyan won’t let them down either.

After three o’clock in the afternoon, the manuscript was officially sent out.

[The film directed by Ye Shen himself was released again. It premiered yesterday and two shows this morning. After watching it, my eyes were sore. 】

It was sold out first at the beginning.

Cao Rui also caught some avenues of self-media.

[“Captain China 2” is still a very informative movie! 】

[What I said, I found out temporarily. 】

[At present, the first place I found that contains a lot of information is the section where the captain caught the top bald head.

Among the names he mentioned, in addition to Jianxian, Captain China, and Dr. Banner, who we all know, there are… Cairo TV host, a high school overseas student in China, Deputy Minister of National Defense, Xiangjiang Jin Doctor and others!

First of all, we are talking about Dr. Xiangjiang Jin. I think it should be Dr. Jin to be precise. When Stark appeared before, he had made an appointment with Dr. Jin, but he had an accident recently…

What exactly happened?

It is estimated that there will be a new movie here.

Then the high school student should be a new hero too!

Similarly, by analogy, Jianxian, Captain China, and Dr. Banner are side by side. These people are definitely superheroes or people with superpowers. 】

[Here is a point, these people may affect the existence of superhero movies in the future! 】

[Then let me talk about the next one, the point I found. 】

[Second, after the Ziakongtian carrier launched into the sky, when the algorithm searches for a threatening target, the screen shows 0.

Stark Industrial Building, no, it should be said that it is the headquarters of the Avengers now, and Stark appears in the photo, as well as Agent Hill. Even here can be understood as they are preparing to exterminate the entire Avengers!

There should be a lot of news here, I need to look at it again.

Third, in Dr. Zola’s base, there were some scenes that flashed.

The Hydra organization is related to Iron Man’s father, Howard!

Next, we analyze the end credits:

Loki’s scepter has led to a new clue. I don’t know what this clue is, but the villain said that a new world has been opened, and maybe there will be new changes!

The twins seem to have super powers, so the world of super powers might be next? This point has yet to be verified. If I get it right, remember to fish me!

The second egg, the corpse of the corpse slayer showed up…What mission did Hawkeye perform with him? It may be a new movie!

The third egg may be a monster movie. The other party is too big. From the palm of your hand, it should be a primate, or a gorilla? It also depends on the future. This is the only easter egg that has nothing to do with superheroes. Maybe the next movie will appear?

The fourth egg, Sword Fairy…Everyone has seen this. It is estimated that Sword Fairy got the Time Gem and went to save people. Maybe the final result is not too good…

As for Dr. Zola, I think there is a high probability of not dying, Stark has been suffering from tracheitis…Ouhouhouhou…]

Cao Gouyan wrote very detailed, but there is no picture.

However, his credibility is sufficient.

“This time there is less content!”

“Cao Gouyan, you are floating!”

“Cao Gouyan, tell me more!”

“You are a screenwriter!”

“After seeing these, I’m going to buy a ticket tonight!”

“Tickets are already bought! Go right away!”

“On the way!”

“Haha, is there any one together?!”

“Cool! Looking forward to it, Cao Gouyan, I will pay attention to these places!”

“Haha, Captain China, here I am!”


“I’ve seen it already, awesome! Dr. Zola is awesome!”

“Yeshen! I’m here!”.

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