Chapter 373

“Ye Dao, are you ready?”

Lu always feels a little anxious.

I have been urging every day recently.

Now, “Seven Stars of Lu Palace” is about to be released, and things on your side have not been settled…

It’s just cheating!

“Don’t worry!” Ye Li said with a smile, “Isn’t there some special effects that need to be modified?”

Mr. Lu is speechless.

Can you not worry about this?

“Can you not worry about it? Now fans all over the country are waiting, our new movie!”

Ye Li said slowly: “Don’t worry, it will satisfy them. You won’t die if you don’t watch a movie!”

“I said so, but…” Mr. Lu said with a sigh, “The next release plan…”

“Here are three trailers. Go ahead and send them out! These three movies will be shown next.”

Ye Li took out a USB flash drive, Lu always breathed a sigh of relief.

I gave you three movies at the time, and you only get it done now…

This is not Ye Li at all.

“Okay. By the way, Dao Ye, when will “Longling Miku” sell the copyright? Noon Sunshine has begun to adapt “Yunnan Worm Valley” and “Kunlun Shrine”.”

“Okay, wait until I look back.” Ye Li nodded.

Cooperating with Noon Sunshine 000 is still very satisfied.

“OK! Card!”

Not far away, Wen Ziren shouted.

Hurriedly ran over, “Master, today’s task is complete!”

“Well, the scenes in the studio are all finished, let them rest first, and they will leave for a foreign country tomorrow. Will you arrange it?”

Ye Li confessed.

Wen Ziren nodded, “Of course, Master!”

There was excitement on his face.

He has been directing all this time.

Not to mention that the level of directing has risen sharply, and the mobilization of the crew has become more and more skilled.

“Director Ye, is this little guy really okay?” Mr. Lu looked at Wen Ziren who was mobilizing the crew.

Ye Li nodded, “The talent is good.”

“What a lucky little guy, by the way, are these three trailers released at the same time?”

“of course.”

After “Seven Stars of Lu Palace” was released, Chengguo Films had no action for the time being.

It’s almost half a month, and it’s almost the National Day file.

The people at the Foundation are ready to move.

“Ye Li hasn’t released a new movie until now! There is not even a promotion!”

“Isn’t it not on the National Day file?”

“Then we will be developed hey!”

“It’s really! Then it’s developed!”

“Adjust the files! Hurry up and adjust the film, and strive to be released in the near future, while there is no Ye Li film released.”

“Yes! It’s best!”

“Hurry up while Ye Li hasn’t released a movie yet, we must seize this wave of opportunities!”

They feel that they have found an opportunity.

They adjusted their files one after another, preparing to take advantage of this opportunity to launch the movie.


Just after their movie was released.

Orange Fruit Pictures released three news in a row.

[The screenplay by Director Ye, the boutique is released, the beast is invincible, “King Kong” is coming! 】

[Writing by Director Ye, boutique release, Jurassic resurrection, dinosaurs reappear! 】

[Director Ye’s screenwriter, boutique release, superhero, “Invincible Hulk”! 】

Three posts in a row, each post is followed by a trailer!

All of a sudden, the entire network exploded!

“Damn! Chengguo Pictures posted three news all at once, and three movies will be launched soon!”

“F*ck! Really?!”(Read more @

“Yeshen, this is, take a sigh of relief, right?!”

“Damn! Damn! Let me see!”

“King Kong! Dinosaurs! Hulk! All big guys!”

“Awesome! I thought that there was no film on the National Day file before! Dao Ye is interesting!”

“Will the three films be released on the same day?!”

“Definitely not! If it was released on the same day, would you have a brainstorm with yourself in the ring?”

“That said, I’m super looking forward to it!”

Cao Rui also saw these three dynamics for the first time.

“Let me just say it! How could Ye Shen be willing to be lonely! I want to have a new husband again!” Song Qian said happily.

Cao Rui was speechless.

Ye Shen has a new movie…

Isn’t it a superhero series this time? !

“King Kong”!

“Jurassic World”!

“Invincible Hulk”!

There is only one superhero movie among the trailers of three consecutive movies.

“What kind of surprises will Ye Shen bring us this time?”

“Look at it! Take a look!” Song Qian couldn’t wait!

There are new movies to watch.

Flowers, mosquitoes, frogs, snakes, eagles, strange birds!

Then a huge palm appeared, and a palm smashed the strange bird!

In the original movie easter egg, it only ends here.

But here, the lens gradually zoomed out.

A huge… gorilla?

Walking on the lake.

A big lake is not as deep as its knees.

Stepping on the water, the lake is rippling.



Suddenly a huge octopus appeared in the lake and entangled it.

The screen flashed.

A blonde beauty was caught by a gorilla and quickly leapt through the jungle!

The screen flashes again.

The next moment, the gorilla stood in the sunset, facing five helicopters, the scene was magnificent and intense!

“Damn! What is this?!” Song Qian couldn’t help but swear.

“My new wife!!” Cao Rui couldn’t help laughing.

“What?!” Song Qian raised her eyebrows.

“No, I said…”

Cao Rui didn’t dare to speak anymore.

“You still think about taking a concubine!? We are not married yet…”

Got it!

I can’t say it!

“Look at the next paragraph!”

Cao Rui quickly clicked on the next trailer.


You can have so many new husbands, why can’t I?

The next movie is more direct.

Overhead shot!

It seems to be a bird’s-eye view of a helicopter.

From a height.

A huge park.

Countless tourists keep coming.

Virtual dinosaur.

The tourists ran with the herbivorous dinosaurs in cars.

Stand in the protected room and watch the carnivorous dinosaurs prey.

It’s like watching a seal show, sitting around and watching Mosasaurus prey…

One by one lens.

Full of freshness.

Who cares who starring?

Isn’t it over with dinosaurs? !

“This one……”

“I really want to see…”

“If it’s reality…”

Song Qian felt her heart drunk.

“Isn’t there even no one?”

“There’s someone here!” Cao Rui clicked on the third film.

In a certain laboratory.

Uncle Mark was studying something with his glasses dumbly.

The laboratory exploded…


A huge green figure leapt out of the flame!

The sense of lens is amazing!

It seems that someone is coming.


A punch directly smashed the ground.

After that, the Hulk’s preview soon came up.

Jump between the buildings!

Smash the tank with one punch!

Picking up a pillar thicker than a human…



Invincible! ! ! .

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