Chapter 377

“what’s happenin?”

Lu can always understand the fast-paced movie, but the TV series…

There is no such influence, right?

“The Avengers 2 will be produced and released soon, as well as “King Kong” and “Jurassic World”. I need to connect the entire movie universe together.” Ye Li said lightly.

“Really?!” Mr. Lu was directly excited.

Although he knew that Ye Li had such a plan, he didn’t know exactly how to do it.

“Of course.” Ye Li said with a smile, “I will go to the two crews for a while. Let them start the production of the first few episodes. Tomorrow I will fly abroad. If you decide the time, call me and I will fly back.”

“Okay, no problem.” If only one person in the world understands how Ye Li is going to connect…

Cao Gouyan?

President Lu suddenly remembered, “By the way, Dao Ye, do you remember Cao Gouyan? He speculated that we will unite the four major movie series…”

Ye Li was stunned for a moment, “What did he say?”

Mr. Lu briefly described the whole article to Ye Li.

Ye Li touched his chin, “Interesting! This is a talent! Where is my Weibo?”

“The account password is in the Operations Department, right?” Mr. Lu said.

“By the way, what is Ouyang Qing doing now?” Ye Li hasn’t seen Xiaoqing for a long time.

“I resigned, don’t you know, Dao Ye?” Mr. Lu asked strangely.

“……”how could I know? !

This little girl, who was so arrogant at the beginning, dared to push herself back, has now resigned?

“Where did she go now?” Ye Li asked.

“It is said to be at home!” Mr. Lu said, “It seems that the body is not particularly comfortable.”

“I have time to visit her later.”

As a sea king, how can you easily let your fish swim away?

“Ye Dao is really sympathetic to the employees!”

Ye Li got his Weibo account and searched Cao Gouyan!

Sure enough, I found this guy.

He reposted the other party’s Weibo along the way, and then wrote, “Are you interested in coming to play a cameo in my movie. 々?”

After sending, put away the phone.

There is nothing to do anyway.

Next, he drove to two crews.

The previous crew of “Mao Li” is now divided into two.

“Ye Dao, you are here!” Li Hongchou saw Ye Li and immediately stood up and stopped shooting on the spot.

“How is the shooting now?” Ye Li asked.

“The shooting went well, and most of it has already been shot.” Li Hongchou started out as a small production. When filming a TV series, the first thing that naturally comes to mind is to save costs.

“Can the first five episodes be cut out?”

“Now we have been able to smoothly divide into two crews to shoot. The material for the first five episodes should be enough. Just do some post and special effects.”

“Then cut out the first five episodes first. I plan to release “Eagle Eye 2″ ahead of time. Also, you will adjust the shooting schedule afterwards. If it is released, will the two-week episodes be too late?” Ye Li asked.

Li Hongchou was taken aback for a moment, “So anxious?”

“Well, I want the face story.”

“Okay, I will work with Dongdong. I will shoot alone and focus on the later stage. There should be no problem.”

“Okay, that’s hard work.”

After a cameo by the way, Ye Li left the crew here.

The filming of “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” is not as easy as “Eagle Eye 2”, they need a global run.(Read more @

The shooting time may be longer.

Although Ye Li will fly overseas next, he is not in the same place, so he made a phone call.

One day passed quickly…

Just when Ye Li was in the crew of “Eagle Eye 2”.

The Internet almost exploded!

“Damn! I am! Really hammered!”

“Cao Gouyan is the Son of Destiny, right?!”

“F*ck! How did he do it?!”

“How to do it?! People are more attentive than us!”

“And the brain is flexible!”

“what are you guys saying?”

“Don’t you know upstairs? Ye Shen personally stamped and certified!”

“What certification?”

“Certification, what Cao Gouyan said is right! No! It should be said that it is mostly right!”

“Where is it? Have I seen it!”

“Who said no, Ye Shen’s Weibo!”

“Weibo?! Ye Shen still has Weibo?!”

“of course……”

“Just don’t use it much…”

“Damn! I just knew it!”

“Is Ye Shen that awesome?!”

“Really preparing to merge the four major series into one-the movie universe?!”

“That’s crazy, right?!”

“Terror! I’m afraid only Ye Shen can do it?!”

“Cao Gou’s eyes are so cool!”

“There was a chance to participate in Ye Shen’s movie!”

“So envious!”

“People rely on their true ability!”

“Envy has a single use!”

Even if Ye Li really exposes himself, the four major series will eventually merge and become the world’s first movie universe.

Instead of feeling spoiled, the audience looked forward to it!

What to expect? !

Looking forward to how Ye Shen can merge these irrelevant movie worlds together!

The shock here has not had time to be completely digested, and Orange Fruit Pictures released another news.

【Global call for superheroes! All film and television production companies/independent filmmakers can make superhero movies and have the opportunity to join Ye Shen’s superhero movies! For details, please contact…】


The whole network exploded!

Everyone is waiting for Ye Li’s new film to be released.

However, here is another moth!

He meows!

Let people all over the world fill them with superheroes? !

Damn it!

This courage!

Simply invincible!


It’s so fierce!


“What do you say about the theater line?”

“No, Ye Li’s movies are so profitable, how could they give up…”

“Damn it! What shall we do now?”

“It’s going to be our joke in North America!”

“The North American side successfully sanctioned Ye Li, and we…”

“There is no way, unless we can unite the Beijing circle and the Northwest circle, etc., otherwise it will be difficult to do…”

“That would not start from the theater, but only from the production side!”

“Damn it! Now…”

“Wait, have you seen it? Orange Fruit Pictures just released the news!”

“What! Zero?”

“Everyone in the world can make superhero movies and join Ye Li’s movie universe…”

“real or fake!?”

“I went to see!”

“Go and see!”

Ten minutes passed.

twenty minutes……

thirty minutes…….

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