Chapter 383

Song Qian suddenly grabbed Cao Rui’s arm and sighed a little: “This chimpanzee feels like a lonely child…”

Cao Rui: “???”

Where did you see it? !

Damn it!

How can this be a lonely child who lacks love? !

He meows…

This is obviously a cruel monster!

So fierce!

Although very enjoyable, very handsome!

Where is it like a child?

“It’s exactly the same as my nephew who can’t get what he wants!”

“Yes! I can see loneliness in his eyes…”

It’s not just Song Qian who said that, but there are people who agree? !

Damn it!

Cao Rui is really dumbfounded!

so horrible!

Did I watch the same movie with the girls? !

It’s crazy!

The camera returns to Randa’s side.

They are sitting on a plain at the moment.

John News and Landa quarreled.

“So this is not a scientific investigation!? What the hell is it?!” John reported that he lost several soldiers one after another, and finally got angry.

“where is this place?”

“who are you?!”

Landa was holding a bamboo stick in his hand and was pointed at with a gun by John, but still calm.

“Have you heard of the Lawton? The public doesn’t know. There are more than a thousand people on the warship. Only me and Uncle Jim have survived. Now I am the only one.”

“They told me that it was just a shipwreck, but I saw that those things have no conscience! No reason, only knowing destruction!”

“For more than 30 years, I have been trying to confirm what I saw that day. I set up the Landa Group for this, and spent countless money, manpower and material resources!”

Randa gradually became agitated, gritted her teeth, her body was trembling.

“This planet does not belong to us…” Landa said with a grim expression: “Long before humans, ancient creatures occupied this place! If we don’t act sooner, they will regain the territory sooner or later!”

“The organization I belong to is called the Emperor’s Organization, which specializes in the pursuit of these large unidentified creatures! In the past few decades, nuclear warfare plans under the guise of exercises have been designed to eliminate these unidentified creatures!”

“I’m sorry for your soldier, Lieutenant Colonel, I’m really sorry! We have to go back, bring the evidence, and clean up here!”

John Xun was very angry, but he knew, whether Randa had any more concealment.

The stuff here is a huge threat!

“Don’t bother them!” John Xun stood up, and he decided to solve everything by himself!

At the same time, the other side.

A scientist is also chattering.


“This is called Earth Air Motion. Landa came to me because I wrote a paper. The argument was pseudoscience in the eyes of most people.”

“I think there is a huge space underground. It is connected to the ground world, but there are some passages.”

“Landa thinks this island is one of the passages. For example, the ancient species we just saw came out from here.”

The black scientist is very nervous.


Anyone who sees such a scene will be nervous and afraid!

The group of people walked and talked.

Passing by a place like a swamp.

The egret perches on a small rocky reef, relaxing and cozy.

In the distance are mountains and mountains.

In the sky, clouds and mists filled the sky, and a line of geese flew past!(Read more @

It may be that the sound of their speech disturbed something.

The egret suddenly flapped its wings and flew high.

On the surface of the swamp, the dead trees standing upright suddenly moved.


The surface of the water separates!

A cow as tall as three or four stories stood up from the water.

Those things like dead wood turned out to be just its horns!


All gunpoints are aimed at it!

Frightened bird!

They have already become scary birds!

There are too many terrifying creatures in this mysterious island.

“Quiet! Quiet!” One of the soldiers made a silent motion, “This is a cow, I know. They eat grass. Don’t disturb it!”

The group continued to move forward.

This small island looks small.

However, there is no shortage of mountains, rivers, swamps, jungles, and canyons!

At this time, they were walking in a canyon.

On both sides are the cliffs of Takamatsu.

In the jungle that had just rained, Landa found a huge footprint!

This footprint is the size of a car.

Everyone swallowed.

Through the canyon.

Everyone was shocked by the scene before them.

“Gosh! What is this?!”

“Oh! No! This shouldn’t be!”

“I just said, how could there be dinosaurs here?!”

Lens shift.

At the end of the canyon, a group of herbivorous dinosaurs and brachiosaurus are grazing harmoniously.

A few small figures flashed past where everyone could not see.

The brachiosaurus suddenly became restless,

At this moment, pieces of rubble fell over the canyon.


Someone shouted.

The brachiosaurus turned all the way, as if something terrifying had happened.

A group of people carrying all kinds of equipment, rushing for the road!

Although the brachiosaurus was docile, it was once one of the largest and heaviest dinosaurs on earth!

The dinosaurs 20 to 30 meters high ran and the ground shook.

A group of people rushed for their lives.

In front of the brachiosaurus, it was like a kitten.

What caused the brachiosaurus riot was the raptors who came to hunt!



To avoid being trampled by the brachiosaurus!

Also want to avoid the secret attack of the raptor.

Until a corner of the cliff, the brachiosaurus fell a lot because of its huge size and inertia!

Everyone took a sigh of relief!

They took the opportunity to climb up a cliff.

The hot weapon in his hand shoots and kills, and then he escaped from life!

Si Linna escaped from the hands of the gorilla and ran wildly in the jungle.

She doesn’t know the destination either!

I don’t know where I am going.

While running, she called: “Landa! Dad!”


However, her response was a roar of beasts.

Suddenly, she closed her mouth!


Covered his mouth!


The camera shifts, and several Tyrannosaurus rex are preying!

They chewed the flesh and blood in their mouths.



She stepped back carefully.

Step by step.

The hearts of everyone in the theater were squeezed.

“You said, would you step on a branch…”

“Haha, it is really possible!”

“This section is a bit old, right?”

“Don’t say it!”

“It’s really possible!”

“Scarlett is dangerous! Dinosaur! And it’s still Tyrannosaurus!”

“It will definitely be discovered!”

“The danger there is also great!”

“It’s horrible! What the hell is this place!”.

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