Chapter 391

“I won’t go! I just came back, and I’m going home! There is no play for me recently, right?”

Li Bingbing stood up and stretched.

“Yes, there are several scripts handed over from Hollywood.”

Mr. Lu said, “From the brokerage department, are you going to see Bingbing?”

“Okay, let me take a look, you guys go make money!”

Li Bingbing walked away curly.

Ye Li and Mr. Lu came to the meeting room.

The same group of people I knew before.

They greeted each other for a while.

Mr. Zhang and Wang Shi are already sitting together.

Obviously, the two companies still maintain cooperation.

Ye Li didn’t care either, he just made money by himself anyway.

“Dear bosses, today we will sell the global copyrights of several TV shows and movies.”

Ye Li said with a smile, “But this time it’s different, because in addition to “Longling maze”, two TV series have not been fully filmed yet, but I hope they can be put on the shelves earlier.”

When everyone heard it, there was a commotion.

What do you mean?

“Ye Dao, what does this mean?”

Mr. Zhang asked.

Ye Li smiled and said, “Because these two TV series have a link between the past and the next, they need to be released in advance. The first few episodes have been produced 01.”

“In what form is it broadcast?”

At first it was a link between the previous and the next, and everyone was interested.

Link the above and below.

How does one link the previous and the next?

Of course it is a movie!

What movie is next?

Not to mention “Jurassic World” and “Invincible Hulk”!

Next is “Avengers 2”!

“It will be broadcast in the form of weekly broadcast, and it will be broadcasted as soon as possible.” Ye Li said with a smile.

“Well, let’s take a look at the first “Longling Misty Cave” first!”

Ye Li still played three episodes.

The three episodes are over.

Everyone was a little moved.

It has gone crazy on the Internet.

Ye Li will integrate all four series of movies into one!

Become a movie universe!

However, Mr. Zhang still asked.

“Dao Ye, you are rumored on the Internet that you will combine superhero movies, behemoth movies, tomb raiders movies, and magic movies into one, is it true?”

Ye Li laughed, “Of course, in fact, it has already laid the groundwork in movies and novels.”

Everyone went into a crash.

Although they are not journalists, they are full of curiosity.

“Ye Dao, how do you blend? These elements don’t fit together, right?”

Everyone asked.

Ye Li smiled and nodded, “You will know then.”

Everything is under control.

As long as these movies complete the fusion.

At that time, it will be a very exciting world!

“Then, let’s start!” Now it’s not for spoilers, but for selling the film!

“Five million! U.S. knives!” Mr. Zhang said directly.

A total of 18 episodes of “Longling Misty Cave”!

One opening is 5 million dollars!

This is equivalent to a TV series, worth 90 million dollars!

More than 600 million yuan!

Can they really make money back? !

Are you stupid? !

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Mr. Zhang turned a blind eye.

What to look at?

Laozi has gathered all the movies and TV series, and will scare you to death by then!

At present, the market share of melon video in the world is not very large, but it has the meaning of facing difficulties.

Step by step is expanding.

The same is true for Penguin videos.

Both families have had the sweetness, and they will certainly not let it go easily.(Read more @

“Five-and-a-half million!” said the person in charge of Disney+.

“Six million!”

It’s over 100 million!

No one spoke.

The winter melon video is really imposing.

Can’t compare!

That’s not what it takes to be rich, right?

Can you make it back?

Really curious…

Ye Li smiled.

“Okay, congratulations to Mr. Zhang, then let’s continue now!”

A TV series cost tens of millions of RMB and sold for 7.8 billion!

Enough to earn!

And this is only three years!

After three years, is your movie universe finished?

Even if the filming is over, it is definitely influential!

“”Hawkeye 2” is connected to “Avengers”.” Ye Li gave a brief introduction and started to play.

“Eight million!” Just finished reading.

Mr. Zhang spoke again.

Eight hundred away…

Twenty episodes!

One hundred and sixty million dollars!


Are you going crazy? !

“8.2 million!” the HBOMAX guy said.

“8.4 million.” Disney+ did not give in.

“Ten million!” Mr. Zhang said again.

Wang Shi sat beside him, feeling his heart pounding.

He meows!

This guy, really…


Don’t you treat money as money! ?

The opening is ten million!

Two hundred million dollars!

Compared with him, I can’t really compare with courage.

Fortunately, I cooperated with him.

Otherwise you have to be scared to death by him!

Others are one hundred thousand two hundred thousand plus.

You make millions in one plus!

“One hundred and one million!”

“One thousand two million!”

“Eleven million!”


This guy really doesn’t treat money as money!

“One thousand and one hundred thousand!”

“Eagle Eye” belongs to the “Avengers” which made its appearance.

Naturally, it is incomparable with “Ghost Blowing Lantern”.

“Thirteen million!”

When it comes to Mr. Zhang, it is jumping.

Everyone is silent!

Two hundred and sixty million…



Did this guy take gunpowder? !

So playing? !

Not afraid of losses?

Everyone was silent again.

Spreading money is really not like that!

And this is still not finished.

Although the first three episodes are of high quality.

What if you paddle in the back? !

After a while, no one increased the fare.

“Congratulations to Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhang is really bold!”

I love you so much!

“Ye Dao’s film is great!”

The third part!

“Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”!

The three episodes just finished.

Mr. Zhang spoke again.

“Ten million!”

Coleson came back from the dead!

And this name, value!

Everyone is silent!

22 episodes!

Two hundred twenty million…

He meows…

These people from Disney+ simply stopped talking!

Have fun!

How to make money by playing like this? !

Is the boss of Winter Melon Video a brain-dead? !

Please be such a fool!

Next time, I’ll come again, I’m just an idiot!

Play a fart!

640 million dollars!

A total of RMB 4.4 billion!

Actually, making money is quite easy!

Ye Li stroked his chin.

In this way, the salary is paid out.


I’m such a genius!

This time, the film rights will not be sold temporarily.

The TV series is so anxious, mainly for the follow-up plot.

Those people left with ugly faces!

Really won’t come next time!

Are they all for him? !

It’s just heart-stuck!

It’s simply to come to see other people’s Versailles! .

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