Chapter 399

A tank was caught in his hands.

Feeling unhappy again, all the tanks and ground troops were pushed away.

Hulk seemed puzzled, threw the tank directly on the ground, and finally stepped on both feet unhappily.

As for the people inside…

Who knows!

“Banna! Run!”

Betty yelled suddenly.

In the sky, fighter jets approached at a very high speed.

“Aim at the target!”

“Aim at the target!”


“Do you want to shoot!”

General Rose had a serious expression on his face, “Shoot!-”

Small missiles flew from the fighter jets.

Shooting at Hulk frantically.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

One missile after another blasted Hulk’s body.

The light of countless flames flickered.

“Banna!” Betty burst into tears.

Where is the possibility of surviving if hit like this? !


In an instant.

The flame of the explosion was blown out by a strong wind!

Under everyone’s stunned mouth, the huge green figure made people desperate.

“It seems to be a big circle…” Samuel was staring at it somewhere.

“What the hell is this?!” In the fighter plane, the pilots were dumbfounded.

The next moment, a tank came oncoming…

what? …

I’m flying…

Yes it is!

The trampled tank was also flying at this time.


In order to fight, fighter jets cannot fly too high.

But it was smashed down by a tank.


It’s horrible!

“What about the monster?! Where is that monster?!” General Ross suddenly couldn’t see Hulk from the surveillance.

Everyone finds it strange.

On one of the fighter jets, I suddenly saw a green giant, just as they were all attracted by the downed fighter jet.

This green monster actually rode them when the altitude was not high.

Climbed on one of the fighters!

“On your plane! On the plane!”

His voice has changed!

so horrible!


“What do you mean?!” Rose’s voice also came from the channel.

“Ahhhhh! It’s on my plane!”

The pilot’s mentality was about to be destroyed.




The fighter was in its hands, as if it was paper.

“Climb! Climb! Smash him to death!”

Someone shouted!

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” the fighter pilot yelled, just to give himself courage.

The plane climbs frantically, constantly climbing!

“Ejection! Ejection seat!”

Someone shouted.

Hulk moved very quickly, and it didn’t take long before the plane was almost taken apart.


The pilot pressed the button and the seat rose into the sky.


When the plane seat flew, it suddenly stopped.

As soon as he lowered his head, he saw the Hulk holding his seat with one hand…



Scared to death!(Read more @

Are you crazy…

He was turned several times in the air.

The sky is spinning!


All of a sudden he was ran away.

My head turned dizzy!

He meows!

so horrible!

“Open the umbrella! Open three!”

Someone kept telling him.

At this time, he has turned faint.

“Kill me down that monster!” General Ross was already angry at this time.

Da da da!

Da da da!

The bullet shot out.

At this time, in the high altitude, at least a few kilometers from the ground!

The Hulk stepped on the broken airplane and jumped into the air.

The plane under your feet fell down instantly!

Body vacated.

Leap high in the air.

“He is coming at me! He is coming at me!”

The other pilot was shocked!

He dared to jump so high!


I’m his meow, a few kilometers away from you!


The plane sank down instantly!

“He got on my plane! He got on my plane!”

He panicked!

What happened to that comrade-in-arms just now is still vividly visible.

How to escape?

“Leave immediately, the seat ejects!”


The seat flew out in an instant.

The Hulk hasn’t arrived yet, it hasn’t been caught.

“Haha! I survived!”

“I survived!”

The seat is sinking quickly.


An umbrella flower opens.

The rate of descent slowed down instantly.


It’s really great!

I really survived!


As a result, the parachute sank, and a huge figure hit him directly.

“Ahhhhh! Help!”

0 ·Look for flowers····


The parachute was torn.

The green giant book appeared in front of him.

“It’s over! It’s over! I’m going to die!”

“To die! To die!”

He desperately opened the parachute.

No matter what!

I’m like he’s alive…


The parasol was opened, and the Hulk’s face was sprayed directly.

The Hulk was furious and punched.

Only hit the top of the parasol.

Kick your feet.

Even with a parachute, the speed is extremely fast!

At this time, the Hulk had jumped into the air and fell into the distance!

“Ground troops! Ground troops!”

“Keep up! Everyone keep up!”

“Tank! Tank troops!”

“Military helicopter!”

“Fighter! Where’s the fighter?!”

0. …….

General Ross quickly gave orders.

“Enclose him… Enclose him!”


A stream of yellow sand rushed into the sky.

Hulk has landed!

All the troops hurried over!

However, the next moment, Hulk rose to the sky!

One jump is several kilometers!

One jump is several kilometers!

He jumped over the desert!

Jump over the river in the desert!

Jumped out of the vast desert!

Jump down.

Suddenly fell into a river.


When the river emerges, it is no longer Hulk!


Bruce Banner!

The gentle and elegant Bruce Banner emerged from the river.

“Hey! Brother, why don’t you wear clothes!” Ye Li took a straw hat and sat there fishing.

“Sorry, I…” Bruce Banner is a little embarrassed, he is not such a person!

Damn it.

“You will be caught like this.” Ye Li took off his pants and threw them over.

Bruce Banner could only go ashore naked.

There is no such elastic clothes.

“Thank you, then…” Banner looked at him embarrassedly.

At this time, Ye Li only wore a pair of boxer shorts.

“I have at least this…” Ye Li pointed to his big shorts, “Do you want a coat?”

“No thanks.”

“Forget it, let’s give it to you!” Ye Li took off his T-shirt and wore a vest by himself.

When he left, he heard a long voice, “It’s still so cool…”


The whole movie theater is laughing crazy! plant.

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