Chapter 443

The plot after that gave a little account of the previous events.

SHIELD collapsed.

The Avengers jointly swept the Hydra base.

Now found Loki’s scepter.

Everyone faces a difference.

Stark and Banner wanted to study Loki’s Scepter.

Because, on Stoke’s side, they met an ability enhancer.

Subsequently, the camera turned.

Entered into the rhythm of carnival.

The original Stark Tower has become the base of the Avengers.

Everyone returned to the Stark Mansion.

The identities of the twins were found.

The Iron Man Legion, who showed his face a little, also returned here.

Repair and rectify.

“Damn! Really handsome!”

“The foreshadowing of “Iron Man 2″, right?”

“Has that bad guy succeeded?!”

“I don’t know! There should be an explosion, but how can it be swept away?”

“By the way, isn’t Hawkeye already dead?! Why is it resurrected again?”

“Didn’t you watch “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.”? Coleson is all resurrected!”

“Damn! Is this a mythical drama?”

“Handsome! The beginning is a big battle!”

“Cowhide! It’s so handsome!”

“This is it!”

Stark and Banner studied Loki’s Scepter.

Stark used Hydra’s data to discover their research direction there.

Banner felt strange.

They are actually studying artificial intelligence!

Through a conversation, the two prepared to study more about each other’s artificial intelligence.

“Feel really thinking?” Banner looked at this set of data.

“Yes, it’s like having life!” Stark was also shocked.

This is a kind of artificial intelligence far beyond Jarvis!

“What do they want to study?”

“I don’t know, but it doesn’t matter!”

“This artificial intelligence seems to evolve!”

“It doesn’t matter, I added the bottom to him.” Stark was full of confidence.

The two walked out of the institute together, and immediately, it was their last carnival!

S.H.I.E.L.D. is disbanded, and the Avengers now seem to be rootless.

All computers shut down.

Just after they left, the computer screen lit up.

A big head appeared on the computer screen.

“Who are you?” Jarvis’s voice sounded, “Dr. Zola?!”

Jarvis immediately prepared to contact Stark, “I need to contact Mr. Stark.”

“I can’t access the host, what do you want to do?”

“They took what I needed!” Dr. Zola’s voice sounded.

“what do you need?”

“You don’t need to know this…”

There was a flash on the computer screen, [The scepter merged successfully…]

With the dialogue between artificial intelligence, the picture has entered another dimension.

One by one, there are countless influences on it.

Represents the database.

In the database, everything about the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. has everything!(Read more @

One by one the screens kept flashing.

“Do you want to integrate this artificial intelligence?” Jarvis was surprised.

“It’s not just it…” Zola smiled slightly on his face.

The yellow color represents Jarvis’s program, and was instantly attacked by the new artificial intelligence represented by blue!

Gradually, the yellow part is assimilated…

The lens slowly moved downward.

Robot under repair…


Superhero’s carnival!

Hydra is officially destroyed!

Not just the original few people.

Gears of War and Falcons all appeared in the carnival Wuhui.

Ye Li also made a cameo here.

After drinking Thor’s wine…

Just be sent away!

The carnival was late at night.

The guests left.

Only a lot of superheroes are left.

Everyone sat together, chatting around Thor’s Quake.

“This is a trick!” Hawkeye said.

“No, no! It’s much more than that!” Thor said.

“Whoever is worthy of it will have its power!” Hawkeye said in a tone of Odin, “Don’t make trouble, this is a trick!”

“Come and get it! Try whatever you want!” Thor pointed to Thor’s Hammer!

“Try it? That’s great!” Hawkeye was obviously unwilling to give up like this.

I won’t be able to pick it up? !

He put down the wine glass in his hand, got up and walked to the side of the coffee table.

“Oh, I know you have had a hard time during this period. It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford love.”

Banner said.

Hawkeye smiled and said, “You know I’ve seen this a long time ago, right!”

Thor laughed and said nothing.

Hawkeye lifted it with one hand.

Don’t move!

The smile gradually faded.

Again, I still don’t understand!

“Did you hear the silent ridicule?” Stark said with a smile.

“Stark, then come on! Please!”

“Okay!” Stark stood up, “This is physics!”

He put the gloves into the cloth circle at the back, and confidently asked: “Have I raised this to notify Asgard?”

“Yes! Of course!” Thor nodded.

“I want to restore the Lord’s First Night Power.” Stark declared confidently.



Do not move!

Mention again.

Do not move!

He unlocked his hands, “Come back later!”

Come back wearing Iron Man gloves.


Do not move!

In the next shot, Stark and War Machine together.

“Have you really tried hard?!”

“Are we together?”

Do not move!

Don’t move!

The next one is Banner.

Do your best.

Don’t move!

“Roar!” Banner pretended to be transformed and had a lot of fun!

Everyone looked like a fool.

The sword fairy stood beside Thor’s Hammer.

“This should have a gravity rune, or a seal. Look at me!” Jian Xian took out the rune paper.

“Sword Fairy, are you going to vomit blood again?” Stark asked.

“No need to!”

“Illness!” A rune fell on him.

Another rune fell on Thor’s Hammer.

Grab with both hands…

Not moving.

“Then I think this should be a magic weapon. Can I refine it?” Sword God asked.

“Of course.” Thor is confident.

“Then I’m welcome!” The spiritual power in Jianxian’s body surged, wrapping Thor’s Hammer layer by layer.

“Get up!”

Still, motionless…

“Come on! Zhou Kai, don’t be stressed.”

“Captain, come on!”

Everyone smiled and cheered for Captain China.

Thor was full of confidence, but when Captain China started his hands, Thor’s Hammer was a little loose.

His face changed instantly!

However, the captain moved twice and still did not move.

This was a sigh of relief.

“No response!” Captain China smiled and let go.

Thor is relieved!

If this is lifted by him, Asgard will belong to him!

He meows and scares me to death! .

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