Chapter 510

“Easter eggs are coming!”

“Sit down!”


“When will Ye Shen’s new movie go online?”

“Alright? Ye Shen’s efficiency is always high. Maybe you can see “Avengers 3″ this year!”

“What?! Really?!”

“Of course it is true!”

“Yeshen made a new film before, Nini, the captain, and the black widow are all here!”

“Really?! It’s awesome!”

“This is cool!”


“Sit down!”

“Come on…”

Everyone is full of expectations for Ye Li’s movie.

“Little Prince Easter, I don’t know if he can show up.”

“It should be gone, right? Jianxian’s independent movies are all being shot.”

“He found the gem of time?”

“Damn! So speaking…I thought to myself that it was Gu Yi that Sword Immortal was looking for?!”

“Yes! It seems to be Gu Yi!”

“Doesn’t that mean…”

“The Eye of Agomoto! Inside is a gem of time!”

“Awesome! 01”

“In this case… Isn’t the Sword Immortal not getting it…”

“This is really…”



“Jianxian failed?!”

“It should have succeeded…”

The screen lights up again, and the Easter eggs are coming!

“Shushan disciple Li, a poor, come here to borrow time gems for use…”

The camera moves upward, and a sharp sword floats behind Hu Ge, pinching his hands with both hands.


The sword light dissipated in an instant, and Hu Ge sat down without knowing it.

“Please have tea…”

Gu Yi stretched out his hand, Jian Xian sat opposite him.

“Thanks a lot.”

Gu Yi smiled, “You want the gem of time to go back in time? Do you know how big the risk is?”

Jian Xian’s expression is serious, “For the sake of love, I will never move forward!”

There are countless pictures in Gu Yi’s eyes, “What you are after is not necessarily the result you want!”

Jian Xian’s eyes are like electricity, like sword lights flashing, “How can I know if I don’t try?!”

“The time gem can be given to you, but you need to return it to me at this moment!”

“A word is a promise!”

Gu Yi put his hands together, and the eyes of Agomoto on his chest slowly opened, revealing the green gems inside.

“Thank you!”

Jian Xian stretched out his hand to get it.

But Gu Yi stopped him, “Mortals can’t bear the power of gems.”

After reinstalling, hand it to Jian Xian.

“Today’s favor, I will report again tomorrow!” Jian Xian’s face showed ecstasy.


The sword flew, and there were bursts of sonic booms.(Read more @

Behind the ancient one.

Master Mordor appeared.

“Why give it to him.”

“One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a devil. If you don’t let him try, the earth will be in great danger!” Gu Yi sighed.

Master Mordu looked at the long cloud line in the sky and whispered, “Is it that powerful?”

Easter eggs are over!

“Damn! It turned out to be the little prince of Easter eggs!”

“F*ck! So handsome!”

“Sword Fairy really got it!”


“Got the time gem!”

“In this way, Ling’er can be saved!”

“And Yueru, who eats until he grows old and plays until he grows old!”

“Bai Yueguang!”

“From Gu Yi’s tone, it seems that he may not be able to succeed…”

“Who knows…”

“It must be successful!”

The film enters the stage of the ending song.

Fans are talking about it.

Sword Fairy appears in the end credits again, there are many things.

“I love the little prince the ending egg! I don’t know if there will be any more in the future!”

“I hope too!”

“I hope I can have it!”

“With us for so long, there was no previous film, and it feels like something is missing.”

“Yes! That’s the feeling, it’s like, I forgot the bean paste after eating…”

“I always feel like it’s a little bit!”

“Eggs with sword immortals are truly perfect eggs!”

Subsequently, the second easter egg appeared again.

A basement that seems very messy.

A man entered here wearing a cloak.

Someone here is using electrical grinding wheels and don’t know what to make.

The lens gradually moved up.


The man who once learned spells to stand up again and has mobility!

It can be regarded as the man who led Dr. Jin into the magical world!

“What do I need?” He didn’t look back.

The man in the cloak stood behind him, “You were carried to Kama Taj by them at the time! It’s very different now, Pangborn!”

Panborn turned around and saw…Mage Mordo!

“Mordu!” Panborn didn’t expect to meet Mordor here either!

Do not!

It should be Mordu who would find himself.

“what can I do for you?”

Mage Mordu slowly took off his cloak, “I have been traveling for a few months, and I accidentally heard that the real purpose of the mage is to reverse the original form of things!”

Pangborn realized that this person seemed to have some problems!

He grabbed a steel drill.

“Steal mana!”

“Breaking the rules!”

“Just like you!” Mordu looked at him.

Panborn said: “I didn’t steal mana! That was mine!”

Mordo: “Mana! It has its own purpose.”

He took a step forward, Panborn took the lead, and the steel drill fell down towards him!

Master Mordor After all the battles, he retreated, dodged, and reached out and caught the opponent’s abdomen directly!

The special effect light group lights up.

Pangborn gradually lost control of his hand…

Chicken Claw Hand…

All of a sudden fell to the ground and couldn’t move it anymore!

“Why are you doing this?” Pangborn asked.

Mordor was condescending and looked at Pangborn, “Because I finally discovered the crux of the world!”

“Too many mages!”

Movie black screen!

“Damn! This is too scary?!”

“This f*ck, Master Mordor has become a demon?!”

“What kind of unfolding is this!? There was no foreshadowing before!”

“Mado has always been very kind, right?”

“He still helps Dr. King!”

“Yeah! In the next movie, he must be a big villain!”

“Damn! I’m looking forward to it!”

“I’m really hey!”

“Modo has fallen?!”

“Who is depraved, I think it is understandable! Mordow is such a good person…”

“This script is too…”

“Isn’t this Ye Shen’s work?!”

There was an immediate commotion in the theater.

The depravity of Mordor made movie fans a little unbelievable.

People who have been fighting alongside Dr. Jin all the time!


That’s it!

by! .

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