Chapter 512

“Ye Dao, this time the “Doctor Strange” movie, the effect is very good!”

Lu always feels that he is about to become a little Maitreya!

Damn it!

The money is so good!

Recently, making money has slipped in like running water.

“Well, that’s good.” Ye Li moved his body for a while and said, “Next, I may spend a longer time to make the last few parts of “The Avengers.”

“Um… of course, are you in such a hurry? I am planning to release “Spider-Man” in half a month. It has already been set, just in time for the end of the summer vacation, and then “Aquaman” will be arranged, followed by a new film directed by Wu Jing. And “Qinling Sacred Tree”, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” directed by Xu Zheng on New Year’s Day and Christmas, and “Captain China 3″ will be released during the Spring Festival!”

“Is it okay to arrange this?”

Lu always asked.

Ye Li nodded, “Just arrange it. I can rest assured of this!”

“What about the movie arrangements after that?” Mr. Lu asked.

This can be regarded as a work plan for next year.

“Next year, I may be filming “Avengers” throughout the first half of the year! Let’s go to “Thor 3″ directed by Wu Ershan first!” Ye Li said.

“Okay! For the rest, we will have time to make arrangements next year!” Mr. Lu nodded.

“Are you going to shoot “Avengers” throughout the first half of next year?” Mr. Lu asked, “Aren’t you going to start filming right away?”

Lu always asked.

Ye Li nodded and said, “It’s like this, but I’m going to finish the Avengers all at once! After that, I will almost graduate!”

He laughed!

This semester happens to be the senior year!

Wait until I graduate from my senior year!

Just to make this stage of the superhero movie to an end!

In this case, it’s perfect!

“It’s best to start in June, and arrange for the last few episodes of “Avengers” to be released!”

“Don’t you press it first?” Mr. Lu asked.

Ye Li laughed, “Why do you want to press?! This is my graduation gift to myself!”

Mr. Lu’s eyes shone slightly!(Read more @

This is a very good theme!

Let the whole world celebrate for him!

“Okay, Dao Ye, I know, I will do it properly!”

Mr. Lu left with a smile.

Ye Li stretched, and now the office location has changed.

From the original place of Li Bingbing’s studio, it moved to the best CBD in the city.

Through the glass windows, one can overlook the entire landscape of Lujiazui.

While he was looking at the scenery, the phone rang suddenly.


Ye Li laughed.

Yang Yi and Nickz.

These two little girls…

Maybe they are a bit older than themselves.

However, they are really patient.

Always chatting with Ye Li.

“Ye Dao, I recently went to a variety show, and it was outdoor. It’s really tired!” Yang Yi sent a beautiful photo of herself.

In the swimming pool, the whole body of clothes are tightly attached to the body, the face is covered with drops of water, and a bright smile is shown.

“Besides, I have to fall into the pool. It’s really cold to death!”

Send out your own beautiful photos, get wet…

His face is full of water, showing the illusion that he has no makeup at all.

As for whether there is waterproof makeup.

Then the benevolent sees benevolence, and the wise sees wisdom!

“Good figure!” Ye Li returned a message at random.

“Thank you, Director Ye!” The message from the other side responded very quickly, “Dao Ye hasn’t worked so hard lately? I heard that Dao Ye has been filming, he must be very tired, right?”

The other party seems to know the conversation skills very well.

Never let the topic end.

Instead, every time he solves the siege with a question, the other party can answer the call!


Sure enough, the other party quickly replied: “People are tired just by filming variety shows! Dao Ye must be very tired if he wants to coordinate the overall situation. I will do a little massage. Would you like Dao Ye to try it?”

The words are full of all kinds of ambiguous hints.

Ye Li smiled, “Okay!”


No responsibility, no recognition, no rejection…

As for not taking the initiative?

How can you not take the initiative? !

“Then let’s make an appointment, and I will return to the magic capital today!” Yang Yi’s message returned very quickly.

“Let’s talk about it when you come back.”

Such an active woman…

As Aquaman, you can’t be too proactive.

Just like a “goddess”, you have to hang each other.

You can’t let her succeed all at once, take your time.

Let the other person have a feeling that you are proud and difficult to cling to.

As long as you have a good grasp of it, you can…

Let the other party turn into your own licking dog!

Yo West!

“I will set off now. It was taken until the early hours of the morning yesterday! The dark circles are coming out. Director Ye must not make fun of others by that time!”

The more anxious the other party behaves, the more stable Aquaman will be!

Don’t rush for quick success.


Must master various skills.

The most important thing is to understand a woman’s heart!

Therefore, when Yang Yi returned to the magic city, he immediately sent a message to Ye Li…

“Ye Dao, they have returned to the magic capital, where shall we meet?”

Ye Li smiled and replied a message: “I have something to do temporarily, I will make an appointment later. The new film is in preparation, so tired.”

I just ignored the other party.

Hang it first.

Give a little bit of hope, but you can’t let the other party get everything right away!

PUA understand?

Do you understand how to raise a licking dog?

Just come step by step!

“Well… Ye Dao must pay attention to his body!”

However, Ye Li is really busy.

The final new film is grand and needs time to arrange.

Regardless of the scenery, special effects, and personnel, all need to be arranged in advance.

“Avengers 3, 4” is about to begin! .

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