Chapter 514

“Husband! Husband! Are you acting in this movie?!”

Song Qian is so excited!

I didn’t expect that after watching so many movies in my life, I would be able to see my man in a movie one day!

It’s a magical life!

My husband actually starred in a movie by the world’s top director!

This is simply awesome!

“Hey! Mom, did you go to the cinema? Cao Rui will be on the big screen for the first time today!”

“Yes! Yes! Hurry up!”

“Dad, what are you going to do with your mother? We are already in the cinema! Your son-in-law is amazing, right?!”

“Let’s see him behave well in a while!”


Song Qian never stopped today.

The whole person seems to be drinking high, constantly calling everywhere, whether it is a girlfriend or a classmate!

Whether it’s a relative or a friend!

As long as there is contact information, we will notify them all!

It’s up to you if you don’t see it, but if you don’t show off, I can still call the shots. !

“Husband! Husband! What role did you play?” Song Qian was full of curiosity!

He meows!


do not care!

“I…” Cao Rui sighed helplessly.

What kind of role do you play?

He’s meowing, he’s just a cameo, okay!

How can there be a good role?

Moreover, in the end, whether Ye Shen would cut himself in was another question.

“Okay! Don’t say it, I will find out by myself! Hahahaha!”

Can this wife still want it? !

It’s a bit crazy!

The two reached their positions, waiting for the beginning of the movie.

There is no premiere.

The first scene at midnight.

The full movie theater shows Ye Li’s movie appeal!

“The dinosaurs are so awesome!”

“Spiderman isn’t this Parker, right?!”

“They are also studying things on Skull Island, right?”

“Sure! It should be!”

“Yeshen is so awesome! Now it’s connected again!”


“What kind of abilities does Spider-Man have?”

The lens turns 0.

Parker and Mary went home in a panic and took away their son who was playing games.

Send the young son to his brother’s house.

The scene was finally raining, and through a glass door, the face of the young Peter Parker gradually ended.

In a blink of an eye, a teenager was chasing the school bus.

“Wait! Wait…Stop! Stop! Please park your car!”

On the school bus, the driver looked at the rearview mirror with a mocking smile.

Everyone in the car was laughing.

Had it not been for a girl’s help, he would get in the car.

No one in the car wants to sit with him.

Wearing plain clothes and black-rimmed glasses.

Look thin and weak.

Ordinary as ordinary as it is!

“Parker, get to your place, we’re going to drive!”

Peter Parker found the last seat and sat down.

Came to school.

Someone was kissing in his cabinet and couldn’t even open it.

He is like a kid who has been bullied.

Ordinary, bullied by everyone.

He likes to take various photos with a camera.

Among them, among his shots, the most is…

Mary Jane!

The girl who helped herself on the bus before.

Juvenile Muai.

Youth campus.

It’s kind.

The second man came on stage and took a Rolls Royce to school. He wanted to keep a low profile and begged his father to park the car in the corner.

The strong father did not agree.

He is Dr. Osborne.

Say hello to Peter Parker with a big smile and take good care of everything about him.

“We solved the problem of parallel glide and gravity balance.”

Osborne Group.

Leaders of military leaders come here to visit.

Hang gliding wing suspended in mid-air, fast individual combat unit!

“I’ve seen it.” The general was very disappointed. “If you can bring that steel box, maybe I will have a little surprise.”

At this time, Dr. Osborne walked into the laboratory.

“Generals, I am very happy to see you here!”

“Osborne, if this is what you are exhibiting this time, then I will be very disappointed.”.

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