Chapter 522

This is just a part of daily shooting in “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4”.

The shooting time of the two films must be very lengthy.

They need a lot of time to shoot!

All kinds of interiors, all kinds of exteriors!

And also go to various places.

There is also a green screen!

It’s so busy!

Although after the death of all the staff.

Everyone has converged a lot.

too scary……

Who knows what will happen next time?

During this process, “X-Men: First Class”, which was followed by “Guardians of the Galaxy”, was officially offline.

“X-Men: First Class” finally went offline with a global box office of $1.32 billion.

“Aquaman” followed.

Take the file “X-Men”!

The introduction of new heroes makes everyone feel full of curiosity.

The restored underwater world!

A man living on the shore of the East China Sea.

Have super powers underwater.

Because of the maritime rescue operation, friction with the Atlanteans was caused.

From the beginning, the Atlanteans dismissed human beings, and even prepared to take the opportunity to destroy the world!

However, after 113 they discovered the special abilities of men, and wanted to use them for their own purposes, destroy humans, and regain the land!

In the end…

The man revealed his true identity.

A green dragon!

Totem of Atlantis civilization!

Shocked the Atlanteans at first!

But in the end, as their ambitions grew, they finally prepared to kill the dragon…

They underestimated the power of Qinglong.

An Atlantis catastrophe fell.

Atlantis was almost destroyed.

Finally reached a peace agreement with the human world.

And Qinglong lives in the human world like an ordinary person…

This undoubtedly opened up a whole new world for fans!

“Maybe, Atlantis hasn’t been completely destroyed?!”

“It’s really possible! Because Atlantis is on the bottom of the sea after all, we don’t know what the specific situation is!”

“Hey… It’s really! But what the Chinese dragon looks like!”

“That’s right… But… China Dragon, is the totem of Atlantis?”(Read more @

“Why is it impossible?”

“Look again? We’ll know then!”

“There must be a continuation of the plot later!”

“Maybe Aquaman will eventually become a member of the Avengers!”

“Wait for the “Avengers” series!”

“Recently, the frequency of new heroes is too high!”

“Yeshen is so handsome!”


“Anyway, I feel like…”

“The underwater world is amazing, isn’t it?!”

“The first half is exactly like a promotional film!”

“Yes, the seabed is so beautiful, but as the earth becomes more and more polluted, it alarmed the Atlanteans living in the underwater world…”

“If I were from Atlantis, I would do the same too!”

“Yes! This is normal!”

“If someone throws rubbish downstairs, I will definitely go upstairs to make a theory!”

“If the upstairs is my house, after it is rented to someone else, if someone else does this, I must drive away the other person…”


“This inexplicable has become an environmental protection film?”

“I rely on…”

“The key is that easter egg, do you think there is nothing wrong with it?”

“What kind of god does it seem? It won’t be the same god in “Avengers 2″…”

“He is not a god?!”

“Should it be no? I don’t understand, God, fairy, I really can’t tell…”

“The shape of his mouth at the end… is it a bit like… Nezha?”

“Where?! Isn’t that the third prince of the Dragon King, Ao Bing?!”

“No… this…”

“No way! Third Prince of the Dragon King, Nezha…Isn’t it the Fengshen Bang?!”

“Damn! No way?!”

“Now I can’t understand a bit…”

“I really don’t understand! Look at Cao Gouyan…”

“Cao Gouyan didn’t touch on this aspect this time. I guess he didn’t know it very well either!”


“We can only wait for the follow-up plot!”

“However, Ao Bing…become a superhero? Where?”

“No way!? Nezha should be a superhero, don’t you allow Ao Bing to change his evil and return to righteousness?”

“This time… this time I look forward to it more!”


In fact the other side.

“So, don’t you know?” Song Qian asked curiously.

“Of course, I am not the roundworm in Yeshen’s belly? What should I know!” Cao Rui shook his head helplessly, “There is no clue! I can’t analyze it at all!”

“Okay! Clue…”

“In fact, this time the clue is only “Eagle Eye 2” and “Avengers 2” and “Aquaman” three movies are linked together. In the three movies, the so-called god appears.”

Cao Rui sighed, “The clue of “Eagle Eye 2” has appeared in the “Avengers 2″ Gu God is a clue. But it is not certain! This god does not belong to our series of myths.”

“So?” Song Qian didn’t understand.

“There is no clue…Although we have the clues, there are still not enough clues! Third Prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea, Ao Bing? Who really is there? Who knows?”

“Maybe there are other mythological characters!”

“His world is really too big…” Cao Rui rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

The days of shooting continue to pass, and the two films “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4” are jointly filmed although the time has been delayed.

But in fact, the shooting time required for 1+1 two movies is not 2, maybe just, or 1.5!

Who knows!

So time is tight.

It is also loose.

Especially Ye Li’s speed is really super fast!

It’s almost broken.

“Pay attention to emotions, everyone pays attention to emotions, Dr. Jin, give me a confident smile, who are you, you are now the supreme mage! You are not the apprentice of the mage before! Be confident! You are now the guardian of the earth!”

“Tony, expression! Expression, the expression is a bit more complicated at this time. We just finished filming “Captain China 3″. Do you remember the emotions at that time? Think about it! Use your mind!”

“Wang, your expression is very good, take their part of the scene, and then add the scene to you! I will shoot you a series! Let you be the protagonist!”

“Ebony throat, your expression…Forget it, you wear a hood, it’s harder to look…so, make it bigger! A bigger expression…”.

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