Chapter 526


When Ye Li opened his eyes, he was a little tired.

What happened yesterday?


It seemed like you drank by yourself yesterday? !

and then?

I drank myself…

Damn it!

I remembered!

Yesterday, the Shura Field incident won’t happen, right? !

This f*ck…

In the end what happened?

I have to stroke it.

Ye Li was dizzy.

After that, I don’t seem to know anything about it!

“What is this?” There is an unusual color on the white sheets…

“I’m bleeding?”

Ye Li looked curiously.


In the end what happened? !


what happened? !

After taking a shower, I dusted my own sheets, with a smile on his face, there should be nothing wrong with it, right? !

Huh? !

Whose fat time is this! ?

This size…

Definitely not own…

Whose bra is this again? !


Not complete?

Shouldn’t it?

Ye Li was a little confused.

Forget it.

Just pretend that you don’t know it.

Something must have happened yesterday,

I remember that it was Hathaway in front of me.

Except Hathaway…

Li Bingbing will definitely be there, right?

So… are they?

This is not their size, right?

Forget it!


A figure flashed in Ye Li’s mind.

Forget it…

As Aquaman, I also consider these things.

Of course, whether it is or not, just raise the fish first!


I am a professional in fish farming!

“Ye! I hope we still have a chance to cooperate in the future!” Downey hugged Ye Li deeply.

They did not stay too much in China.

Now they are all superstars all over the world!

As long as it appears, it will cause a huge sensation!

So, what you want to play is really not good!

“Of course, Downey, there will be in the future. 々!” Ye Li patted his shoulder gently.

It is now the end of December.(Read more @

About to enter a new year!

At that time, I should have a new plan!

“Ye Dao, I know I caused you a lot of trouble, I’m sorry, I hope Little Spider can continue…” Holland said very sincerely.

“Of course, Little Spider. Good job!” Ye Li touched his head…


Little spider…Hland’s age seems to be the same as his own?


Maybe a little bigger than myself…

Why is he so tender? !


Ye Li rubbed his head vigorously.



“Ye! This won’t be our last movie?!” Chris walked in curiously.


Everyone looked at him in shock

Co-author, haven’t you figured it out yet? !

Damn it!

“No! Chris!” Ye Li smiled and nodded.

Uncle Mark touched the back of his head, embarrassed. “Ye, I…”

“Mark, don’t worry…”

“Ye, come to me when you have time, let’s play!” Anne Hathaway greeted with a smile.

Ye Li hugged her and deliberately used force. “of course!”

“Elizabeth!” Ye Li smiled and opened his hand to her. Elizabeth blushed and lowered her head embarrassedly.

Ye Li hugged her gently and whispered in her ear: “39D?”

Elizabeth turned pale and let go of Ye Li in a panic.

All right!

Really hammered!


Another person is…

Forget it!

Is it important! ?

This is not important at all!

As long as you know it yourself.

Ye Li smiled happily.

The filming of “Avengers 3” and “Avengers 4” has ended.

Next, there are post-production and special effects that need to be produced.

It will take some time.

Ye Li will continue to get busy.

“What are you laughing at?” Li Bingbing looked at him.

Ye Li smiled, “It’s nothing, after all, a stage is almost over!”

“Not because of Elizabeth?” Li Bingbing asked, rolling his eyes.


Could it be her?

But this is not easy to ask.

“Of course not! She is just an actress!”

“A very beautiful actress? It’s that simple?” Li Bingbing looked at him, as if wanting to see something else in his eyes.

Ye Li nodded seriously, “Of course!”


“Ye Dao, “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets” is ready to go online! However, the clues of our current magical world are not clear enough, right?”

Lu always asked.

Ye Li nodded, “At least it won’t be clear until after the photo is taken, it doesn’t matter, it’s still early!”

Hearing this, Mr. Lu was overjoyed.

It’s too early…

Does it mean that Dao Ye will continue filming in the future? !

That’s it!

Ye Li is simply a super godlike existence!

“`. Director Ye, will you continue to make movies? The movies you directed are completely different from other movies!” Mr. Lu said with a smile.

“What’s the difference? Isn’t it all like this?”

“Of course it’s not the same. The domestic box office of “Spider-Man” is $1.21 billion! The overseas box office is $1.21 billion!”

“The global box office is 2.2 billion U.S. dollars. Who can do this?!”

“Plus the world’s No. 1 box office now! Don’t be awesome!”

This is also true.

Ye Li’s current global box office appeal is truly unparalleled!

This is the accumulation of a movie.

This is something no one can surpass now!

In terms of commercial value, Ye Li is undoubtedly the number one director in the world!

“Director Ye, we are all commercial movies now…will it…” Mr. Lu asked.

Ye Li laughed, “If you want to invest, or if you have some good scripts, just invest in a few. Not bad for this money…”

(Come on)   It’s really not bad money!

Orange Fruit Pictures, coupled with the AMC cinema chain, are now blooming on both sides, making money like water!

A batch of cattle!

“I mean, would you like to shoot some literary and artistic movies? With your strength, shooting literary and artistic movies will surely come in handy!” said Mr. Lu.

Ye Li shook his head and said, “I’ll forget it! I will make money first, and when the superhero movie series is almost finished, I will consider it again!”


Mr. Lu doesn’t force it,

With Ye Li’s ability, really shooting literary films is definitely a good player!

Many people in the industry are now studying Ye Li’s “Buried Alive”!

“Buried Alive” is not only of commercial value.

More importantly, its technique.

Its value!

And social significance…

Many people are learning benevolence!

Even the Magic City Film and Television Academy, as well as some domestic film academies, list it as a must-see movie!

You say it’s not awesome! ? .

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