Chapter 528

“Fuck me! Fuck me!”

“This is “Avengers 3″, right?”

“It’s so wonderful, isn’t it?”

“The blood is boiling!”

“No, what about the super villain?! Why not?~”

“My family Nini is fighting with Captain China!-?”


“What’s the situation?! The two of them are good friends! A quilt! Why are they fighting?!”

“What is the agreement?! Why is this happening?!”

“The two sides are in a ball, what the hell is going on?!”

“Isn’t this the last one of “Avengers”?!”

“No! How can the Avengers?!”

“Seeing that there is no war machine dying?!”

“Terror! What the hell is this!?”

“He meows, why is it like this?! Ye Shen, you must give me an explanation!”

“It’s crazy!”

“Ant-Man and Little Spider have also joined the Avengers! Handsome!”

“The Scarlet Witch confronts Vision, who is better?”

“I was curious, how does Captain China fight Iron Man!?”

“Nini did not disappoint me! His technology has improved a lot!”

“Awesome! Little spider is crazy!”

“First appearance! Looking forward to it! The war within the superhero. Captain China against Iron Man!”

“It’s cool!”

“Except for Ant-Man and Little Spider, is that cat-like person a villain!?”


“Waiting for the New Year!”

“It seems that from now on, there are no works of Ye Shen in “Avengers 3″!”

“Finally, I worked hard!”

As soon as the trailer came out, everyone aroused intense discussion,

The appearance of Iron Man and Captain China, and their respective fields…

It immediately detonated the discussion of the whole network.


Teams of superheroes are fighting against each other!


What kind of situation will it be after their civil war!

Isn’t the earth crisis resolved? !

This is too scary, right?

Isn’t the earth in danger?

After reading a film review, Song Qian also agreed with this idea.

Captain China and Iron Man each lead a team.

Does it mean that when facing a crisis in the future…

“So… the earth is in danger?!” Song Qian has been thinking about this with a little dissatisfaction in recent days.

“Earth?” Cao Rui asked curiously, “Why do you think so?!”

This is impossible!

Ye Shen means!

How could such a thing happen suddenly?(Read more @

This did not meet Ye Shen’s expectations at all!

“Some public accounts are saying that! The Avengers are falling apart, and the superhero movie is over!”

Song Qian opened some public accounts and some big V accounts very quickly, and said.

Cao Rui looked at it for a while, and his eyebrows were tightly furrowed together.

How is this going?

What about their brains? !

Is this going to fall apart? !

Judging from the trailer just now, the ideas of Iron Man and Captain China are only in conflict.

Cao Rui had already understood this point in the first movie where superheroes appeared together!


first of all:

Stark represents the thinking of Westerners.

Captain China represents the thinking of Eastern China.


The two have different points of view. And Iron Man is obviously very fragile because of some things, his psychological quality!

This is especially evident in “Iron Man 2”!

At last.

The trailer is already obvious, this is a dispute surrounding an agreement! s

Are these people’s brains all shit!

Can’t you understand such a simple question? !

He sighed and said, “I don’t understand such a simple question. What movie review should I write?!”

“Doesn’t it mean that?”

Song Qian asked curiously,

Cao Rui shook his head, “Of course not! They just talk nonsense.”

“real or fake?!”

Seeing that she still didn’t believe it, “Everyone says that!”

Cao Rui covered his face.

It seems that I need to stand up and clarify myself!

After the article was published, everyone noticed here.

“Damn! Cao Gouyan posted an article!”

“Trailer!? I think those people are right! After all, Captain China and Stark are both leaders in the Avengers…”

“Yes, this kind of friction can easily come on top!”

“Maybe the people around you have some hints and some nervousness…”

0 ·Look for flowers····

“Hey! Although the two big men fight to death, I am looking forward to it! But I still hope that the Avengers can survive.”


“Have you not read Cao Gouyan’s article yet?”

“Um…just discuss this matter…”

“I think Cao Gouyan makes more sense!”

“How to say?!”

“There are differences in the ideologies of the two sides, and conflicts between the two sides are normal!”

“I think it’s right, after all, different countries and cultures grew up with each other!”

“Stark’s mental illness, I think it has never been better! “Iron Man 2″ has a foreshadowing! It looks particularly serious!”

“Moreover, both of them seem to be keeping their hands. It doesn’t look like they’re going to die anyway!”

. .. 0

“Wait! I look forward to it! The Avengers lineup is upgraded again!”

“Awesome! Sit back and wait!”

“Look forward to this movie!”

“Anyway, I think what Cao Gouyan said makes sense!”

“That is, if there is no Cao Gouyan, I don’t understand it!”

With the advent of the trailer, everyone is full of expectations for the new movie!

The popularity on the Internet is getting higher and higher, and the expectations are almost full!

Chengguo Pictures is not a fool either. At this time, they just want to sneak around these people.

The attention is too high!

Until the end of January, Ye Li was busy everywhere this time!

Special effects!



Explore the class everywhere!

Participate in the show!

A lot of work, but very fulfilling.

Especially when I went back to school, I also participated in a New Year’s Day party.

Brush your reputation.

There is simply not too much.

After the school was closed, Hu Ge and others also entered the rest stage.

Now the three of them are making a lot of money!

It’s also a good choice to spend more time on your own.

Finally arrived this day.

New Year’s Eve, late at night…

“Yeshen is really getting more and more willful! Such cold weather…”

“There is no premiere! And it turned out not to be “Avengers 3″! Bad review!”

“What are you doing here for a bad review? Don’t you want to watch a movie?!”

“Hey, who doesn’t want to have a quick look, even “Captain China 3″ must be wonderful!” Factory.

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