Chapter 531

In the hallway, a black woman was standing there.

“It is said that generosity is often related to the inside. It doesn’t matter if you only have a small amount of money, and make a small mistake. Right?”

The black woman spoke.

Stark was guilty and restless at this time, and he didn’t know how to say it.

Squeeze a smile politely.

He reached out and pressed the elevator.

“Are you going upstairs?!”

“I’m where I should be.” The woman said casually, and she reached out to her own bag for something.

Stark quickly held down the opponent.

Then I felt a bit too radical, “I’m sorry, this is my occupational disease.”

“I work in **, the human resources department. I know this is boring, but with this job I can feed my son.”

The woman said slowly.

“I’m so proud that I have such a son,” she took a photo from her bag and took it on Stark’s chest. “His name is Charlie Spencer.”

There was unconcealable sadness on her face, “You killed his life. In the city of abundance, this is just a small matter for you. But do you still think you are protecting us?”

“You are just fighting for yourself, who will avenge my son? Stark?”

Facing the other party’s questioning, Stark hesitated…

Are you really protecting the earth? !

“He died, it’s all your fault…”

This sentence seemed to be directly inserted into Stark’s heart with a sharp sword.

“This one……”

“This logic is a bit strong!”

“A whole mankind, a son of yours, which is more important, is it obvious, right?!”

“Yes! This is the logic of robbers!”


However, there are still more unacceptable things.

The camera shifts to the base of the Avengers.

From the overhead shot, the voice-over came, and it turned into TV news in the end.

“Last month in Lagos, Nigeria, during the confrontation between the Avengers and a team of mercenaries, 11 Wakandas among the civilians who died innocently. 々!”

A line of subtitles appears above the TV news.

[Sue the Avengers, global anti-violence! 】

“These Wakanda people who used to be isolated from the world are doing outreach work in Lagos!”

[King Tichaka of Wakanda, asks the Avengers to be held accountable! 】

“My people died tragically in a foreign country. It was not only criminal behavior that caused their deaths, but also the indifference of those who claimed to prevent crime. The victory was won at the expense of innocent people. This is not a victory!”

The camera shows the China team leader who is watching the news.

He was silent.

A little sluggish…(Read more @

However, the simple expression is telling the inner activities.

He turned off the TV.

“King Wakanda also said that their actions are above international law. If no measures are taken against similar actions, this is the reality we have to face!”

But the news is still coming.

“What right does a superpower like Wanda Maksimov have to enforce law in Nigeria?”

The camera turns to the other side.

The Scarlet Witch sat on the sofa like a child and read the news.

“On a certain island in the East China Sea a few days ago, there was a battle with superpowers, and there were even superpowers who wanted to take action against the military…”

The TV is turned off.

“It’s all my fault…” In fact, Wanda has not come out yet.

“It’s not.”

Captain China stood at the door.

“Then turn on the TV…”

“They all named me by name!”

Captain China took the initiative, “I should have noticed that he was wearing a bomb vest. He mentioned Dr. Wen Rui. I was silly all of a sudden, as if I had returned to the age of sixteen…”

“We are all responsible…”

Both people are a little bit lost.

“This job… we always try our best to protect more people, but sometimes we can’t save everyone. If we can’t accept this, if we don’t want to get through this, next time, no one can be saved…”

At this time, Vision suddenly entered through the wall.

“Vision, you are like this again!”

“Sorry, I thought the door was open…” Surrounded by a little embarrassed, “The captain said Stark would ask me to notify you when he came.”

The captain nodded, “I’ll get down right away.”

“This time I’m going through the door.” As Vision said, he walked to the door and turned back. “Mr. Stark also brought a person, it’s the Secretary of State Wu…”

General Rose is here.

All members of the Avengers are present.

Everyone sits in their own place.

“The Avengers are fighting to save the planet. You risked your lives to protect us. Many people regard you as a hero, but some people… prefer to use the term volunteer police officer…”

“Mr. Wuqing, what word do you use?” the black widow asked.

“Dangerous, how?” He said with a smile, “A group of people living in United States, no! It should be superhumans from all over the world! They often ignore sovereign borders and impose their will on any place they choose, anyone ! And completely regardless of the consequences!”

“`. What would you call such people?”

He stepped away, and pictures began to play on the wall.

new York……

Tianfu City…



And so on everywhere.

The angles of these videos are very tricky!

They did not choose to save the picture.

But the injured side!

For example, Hulk jumped directly to a building and destroyed it!

Such as the battle between Iron Man and Hulk…

For example…Lagos…

“In the past few years, you have acted without any laws and restrictions. Countries around the world can no longer bear it, but we have a solution.”

He received a thick text from his secretary.

Pass it to Wanda, who is closest to him.

“Above City Agreement, a country supports this agreement. It stipulates that the Avengers will no longer be a private organization, and all your actions must be supervised by the United (Okay) National Residential Group!”

Wanda didn’t look at it and handed it to the black widow.

The Black Widow pushed directly to the Falcon…

No one wants to see it.

“Furthermore, it must go through when the UN Special Panel deems it necessary to act.”

Captain China said blankly: “The Avengers are organized for the safety of the world. I think we did it.”

General Ross asked: “Captain, can you tell me where Thor and Banner are? If I misplace two 30 million-ton nuclear bombs…”

“Compromise at the right time and provide protection.”

“Appropriate compromise and protection. I believe this is the most compromised way!”

“So, there will be an emergency plan, right?”

“Three days later, the United Nations will meet in Vienna to approve this agreement. At the same time, the United Nations will also discuss the insight plan.”

Captain China condensed his eyebrows.

He looked back at Stark who was sitting behind him! .

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