Chapter 533


Stark, Black Widow and others have accepted the Agreement on the City of Abundance, and they will attend the meeting here.

However, just before they participated in the meeting.

At the same time, when the current king of Wakanda, the old man who appeared on TV before was speaking, suddenly…

“Everyone get down!”

A black man suddenly jumped in the air.

With his vigorous posture, byte pounced from five or six meters away!


A violent explosion!

The soaring mushroom cloud enveloped the entire building~!

Broken glass…

In the midair, the black youth was directly rushed-flyed.

The explosion swept the venue!

Among the ruins, the Wakanda Kingdom-King fell to the ground…

The black youth picked up his father, crying in grief.


Captain China returned to his home.

There was a gap between the Avengers.

Because of the abundance city agreement!

No one knows, accepting or not accepting, what kind of future it will bring.

“Captain, you have to come and take a look.”

The phone rang.

Zheng Xian’s phone number, (played by Liang Jiahui).

Wait for him to come to the Excalibur Bureau.

A news is playing.

“The UN building was hit by an explosion! More than 70 people were injured and at least 12 people were killed!”

“The UN building was bombed during the summit of the “City of Abundance Agreement”!”

“Among the dead, King Tichaka of Wakanda included!”

“The official release of a video of the suspect…”

In the video, a woman in black appeared.

She left the crime scene dashingly.

“The official has confirmed that the suspect is Wen Rui, the goddess of flames, a notorious Hydra agent! This person is involved in a large number of terrorist attacks and political assassinations!”

Everyone looked at Captain China.

He closed his eyes slightly…

is her……

The black widow who is still on the scene has already received a call from Captain China.

“I know, Dr. Wen Rui is very important to you, but stay at home, otherwise the situation will get worse!”

“Will you arrest me?”

“No! I won’t…” The black widow lowered her head.

They are comrades in arms who once fought side by side!

“But some people will, it’s so bad now!”

“Since the situation is so bad, I should catch her even more!”


“Because I’m most likely to come back alive!”

At this time, Captain China has already boarded the plane!

And contacted Falcon.

At this time, Thor is not on the earth.

Jian Xian was also gone.

Cao Yanbing can’t go abroad because of something…

Captain China appears to be more alone.

When he arrived in Vienna, things had already begun to go in a worse direction.

Falcon provided the latest intelligence.

Just when Captain China arrived in Vienna.

Someone made a call at the airport.

“Now they have gathered in Vienna!”(Read more @

“Very good! Keep moving!”

“China over…”

“It doesn’t matter, we all have proper arrangements…”

The camera turns.

Like ordinary people, the flame goddess buys fruits on the streets of Bucharest.

She saw her wanted newspaper on the newsstand.

The newsstand owner has long since disappeared.

Obviously, she has been exposed.

Captain China has appeared in a room fully armed.

At the same time, there is a sound from the headset:

“Captain, the special forces are approaching from the south.”

“I know……”

The flame goddess appeared behind him, looking at him.

A strong outfit, holding a shield…

He turned around: “Do you recognize me?”

“You are Zhou Kai, Captain China, I saw your introduction at the museum.” Li Bingbing said coldly.

“They surrounded this place. I know you are nervous. You have every reason to be nervous.”

“I haven’t been to Vienna, I’ve stopped doing this a long time ago!” Wen Rui still seemed very calm.

“They’re attacking!” A voice came from the headset.

“They have already come, and they never thought of catching you alive.”

“Very smart, great tactics…”

Falcon: “They are on the roof, I was disturbed!”

Captain: “In fact, it doesn’t need to end in battle!”

“But, it ended in battle…”

The flame goddess walked to the door.

“Good Su!”

“Damn! This pair of cps, I’m standing still!”


“I never thought that there would be such a scene!”

“See you again… It’s so fucking abuse!”

0 ·Look for flowers····

“A superhero movie, why is it so maddening?!”

“That is, Dao Ye, the road is too wide!”

“What do you know? Isn’t “Stricken Heart” abusive?! It’s not Dao Ye’s script…”

“God-level screenwriter!”

Song Qian sat on the chair, “I really feel sorry for this pair…”


Such an obvious opposition between good and evil!

Cao Rui was simply unable to complain.

“This is the fuse… Obviously someone is doing something.”

The battle broke out instantly!

Shock bombs, flash bombs thrown in!

Captain China kicked one away.

The other, the Goddess of Flame kicked at him, and was held by him with a shield.

At the same time, a grenade flew in.

Was blocked by the flame goddess with Simmons.

… …….

Special forces enter through the window!

One punch!

The two transformers are unmatched in strength.

“Stop! Wen Rui! You will kill them!”

“I won’t kill anyone!”

The battle is on the verge.

Special forces are like children to two people.

Go to the next blockbuster in an instant!

Wen Rui jumped to the top of another building.

As soon as he was about to run, he found someone behind him assaulted.

When everyone thought it was the captain of China.

Reveal the face of the other party!


Black hat!

Holding a sharp claw…

Strong combat skills.

The sharp claws of the fingertips cut gold and silver.

Outstanding strength.

The two sides are fighting and fighting in close quarters, and Wen Rui is not an opponent.

Captain China is ready to help, and armed helicopters rush in.

Wen Rui ran away.

Panther chase!

In the underground passage, a wonderful chase was launched.

Dr. Wen Rui and Captain China have obviously undergone physical changes.

But the black panthers can still keep up with them!

The three were in a mess.

When leaving the underground passage, the flame goddess punched out the fire ball, blowing up the passage.

The Panther jumped out at the same time, bursting the tires of the motorcycle he was riding!

Captain China drove a car and rushed over and braked!


Open the door!

At the same time hold the shield and get off the car in motion!

A handsome batch!

The three fought together.

Captain China obviously wants to protect Wen Rui!

However, the armed forces have arrived!

Encircle everyone…the factory.

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