Chapter 535

The top of Mount Fuji in country R.


One is hidden and exposed on a rock outside.

The entrance to a secret base is here.

Baron Moser opened the door and entered.

In the dim environment, some rotten smell came out.


He found several corpses enclosed in ice.

Dignified eyes.

The theater was in an uproar!

“Damn, this is a super soldier?!”

“Does it exist like the flame goddess?!”

“This is a lot of trouble!”

“If such people can form an army, it would be really troublesome!”

“Gosh! Damn it!”

“these people……”

“These people are really awesome!”

“Hydra is really strong!”

“Who said no, this kind of existence was actually destroyed, I have to say, this should be regarded as a script killing, right?”

“Hydra are all talents, Dr. Zola, etc., none of them are good!”

“This also shows the strength of the superhero team?!”

“That’s true, it took them several years to clear the Hydra from the whole world! 01”

“I hope Captain China is okay…”

“It’s okay to be okay! The main problem now is… Captain China breaks with Iron Man…”

“That’s for sure…”


The movie continues.

Captain China and the flame goddess Wen Rui entered the secret base.

By the way, I also made some memories.

This is the eternal goddess in Zhou Kai’s mind…

The two jumped off the plane.

“It looks like it has been in for a few hours, enough to wake them up!”

Wen Rui recovered her memory.

Take the elevator to enter the base.

As soon as I entered, I met Stark who came here!

“You seem to be nervous!”

Stark said casually.

“Every day, enough!” Captain China heaved a sigh of relief.

At least, Stark came alone, definitely not for war…

“Stop, soldier, I’m not here to catch you!” Stark looked at Dr. Wen Rui, “Oh, I’m sorry, it should be said that it is a doctor, I have read your paper, um…very…ahead, just At the time!”

Wen Rui frowned.

She recovered some memories, but still couldn’t remember that she was a doctor.

“What are you doing!?” Captain China asked.

“Maybe, you have some truth in the matter, Rose doesn’t know that I’m here! I don’t want him to know, otherwise I have to arrest myself!” Stark leaned lightly against the wall.(Read more @

“Then you have to write a lot of reports!” Captain China completely put down his guard, “It’s nice to see you.”

“me too……”

In the theater, many fans couldn’t help their eyes sore.

“It’s meow! It’s too cheating!”

“I’m obviously here to watch a popcorn movie, so why is it sensational?”

“Yes, who said no! At this moment, I was suddenly sensational and caught off guard!”

“It’s still this pair of candy that knocks!”

“I like Nini being with the captain!”

“Get married in place!”

“Dr. Wen Rui: I became a junior? Obviously I came first!”

“Hahaha! The feelings of the three people are complicated!”

“You like me, I like you, and I like him too. He and she are the enemies of killing my father… Wow! In the Qing palace drama, I can love and kill each other in 60 episodes!”

“Yeshen is still awesome, I’ll get it all done for you in more than two hours!”

“Still watching Ye Shen’s movie…”

“Hey! Doctor, you scared me, we have a truce, put down the gun!” Stark looked at Dr. Wen Rui who was holding the gun.

The team of exploration changed from two to three.

This was once the base of Hydra.

The three walked into an empty base.

Yellow lights lit up among the glass covers.

“Don’t worry about it.”

“They are dead.”

Baron Moser’s voice sounded.

The three of them approached and saw that, sure enough, there was a man with a gun in the eyebrow inside each glass cover.

These people were once part of the Hydra Super Soldier Project!

“Do you really think I want to find more people like you?”

“But thanks to them, I let you find this place.”

The Flame Goddess frowned and looked at the corpses lying inside, her face a little dignified.

“What the hell?”

Iron Man and Captain China are also a little unclear.

What is his purpose in bringing himself and others here? !


The three people’s minds are full of questions!

Did he do so many, such a big thing, just to let himself wait for someone to come over and chat?

This is totally unreasonable!


Blow up the UN building!

Do big things!

Kill the psychologist…

all of these……

In the darkness, a light suddenly came on.

Iron Man quickly turned his palm to the past.

The shield in Captain China’s hand flew out.

With a thud, it fell back to his own hands.

“Don’t bother, this secret room made by the R countryman can withstand the impact of the UR-100 missile launch.”

Baron Moser showed his head above a small window.

“I believe I can open it!” Stark said seriously.

“You can, Mr. Stark, as long as you have enough time!” Baron Moser was nervous at all, “but then you will be in vain!”

In the darkness, the black panther approached quietly.

“You killed so many innocent people. Just to lead us here?” Captain China walked to the door of the secret room.

Face to face with Baron Moser!

“It took me a year, not dare to do anything, so I studied you and followed you. Now that you are standing here, I suddenly found… your dark eyes are still a little blue, which actually made me find a shortcoming. ”

Baron Moser said.

“Who are you? Why do you do this?”

“Me? I’m the undead soul who is asking for debts for the undead in the city of Tianfu!”

“Who have you lost?”

“I lost everything! Everything!”

There was hatred in Baron Moser’s eyes, “You too…”

He suddenly turned on a TV screen.

Captain China turned his head.

“An empire that is overthrown by the enemy can rise again, but if it is disintegrated from within, it will fall into hell forever…”

The three men walked to the front of the TV screen.

On the TV screen, start playing…

December 16, 1991…

On the screen, there is a camera on a highway.

Do not……

This is the monitoring of a highway.

“I remember this road!” Stark suddenly sank.

“what is this?!”.

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