Chapter 548

“Misunderstood the captain!”

“That’s true… Except in “Captain China 2″, after the captain was distracted at first, he kept trying to arrest Wen Rui later on!”

“Ahhhhhhh! If you think about it this way, wouldn’t it be more abused?!”

“One is a super-just superhero, and a murderous killer…~”

“Deep sadomasochism!”

“Unfortunately, those are clones-humans!”

“The captain said, she is not a clone! In the end she was willing to save everyone in one jump, she had already sublimated! She is no longer a clone, but a complete person! She has what belongs to her emotion!”

“In “Captain China 2″, after the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Dr. Wen Rui, the goddess of flamelessness, has already begun to search for her own past life. She already has a sense of autonomy!”

“So, so, Wen Rui… The Flame Goddess is no longer just a clone of Dr. Wen Rui!”

“In fact, being a superhero is not just for fighting, the theme is already sublimating!”

“This movie, in fact, has already been discussing the meaning of weapons!”


“There are also problems facing technological improvement.”

“In this movie, the ultimate boss is just a tool man. It is mainly for the purpose of reuniting all superheroes into a rope!”

“Hey… Ye Shen is indeed Ye Shen!”

“This time, I don’t know how high the box office will be!”

“So… I won’t appear in the movie anymore?” Li Bingbing leaned on Ye Li’s chest.

Ye Li smiled and said, “Of course not, you are now a billionaire rich woman, and I don’t want to work hard anymore! Of course, if you want to continue making movies and resurrect, it is actually a very simple matter.”

“Let’s talk about it!” Li Bingbing laughed, “After Captain China resigned… he…”

“He just broke away from the group consciousness. He is still Zhou Kai, isn’t he?”

“Okay! You are a screenwriter and you have the final say, do you have the confidence to break your record this time!?”

“It depends on the situation! It’s up to the fans to say yes, so that you can be awesome!” Ye Li smiled, he didn’t particularly care about it.

Make money…

There is always a time to earn more and earn less.


With Cao Rui’s article sent out.

More and more people on the Internet are participating in the discussion.

At the same time, the popularity of “Captain China 3” is steadily rising!

The first day!

China Box Office: First! Billion!

The second day!

China Box Office: First! 898 million!

The third day!

China Box Office: First! 698 million!

Fourth day!

China Box Office: First! 788 million!

Fifth day!

China Box Office: First! 634 million!

Sixth day!

China Box Office: First! 577 million!

Five days!

The box office broke four billion!

This is the fastest film in film history to exceed 4 billion box office!

Faster than “Avengers 2”!

Like lightning!

Thunder and lightning!

In the blink of an eye, it has broken through four billion!

This is Ye Li’s movie!(Read more @

If it’s someone else’s movie…

After that, the movie still rose steadily!

Less than ten days in theaters!

The theater has completed the postponement of the secret key!

Just rely on this box office growth rate!

A month later, the box office of tens of millions every day is not stable? !

Even more than 100 million…

It’s not that I don’t dare to think about it…

after all!

Ye Shen’s golden sign is here!

Very hard!

It’s very shiny!

At the end of the first month.

The domestic box office of “Captain China 3” has reached more than 8 billion!

At the same time, the overseas box office has reached 1.3 billion US dollars!

It’s not too far away from the top box office results!

Moreover, at the end of the month, the single-day box office was still over 200 million!

The theater was almost crazy!

This achievement!

It feels like breaking a record!

So, they all started to publicize like crazy!

On the Internet, netizens are also very excited!

“Damn! Are you going to break the record!”

“Mom asked me why I went to the cinema on my knees! His meowing Ye God is so awesome!”

“I can’t support the wall, I’m crazy now!”

“Break the record last year! Will you break your own record again this year?! The cowhide!”

“Yeshen is really good!”

“If Cao Gouyan hadn’t explained it to me, I almost felt that the captain had collapsed!”

“It’s so awesome!”

“Yeshen is really good!”

0 ·Look for flowers····

At the time when “Captain China 3” was about to break the record.

The trailer for the next movie “Thor 3” is also live!

The trailer is not long.

Just over a minute.

“Father, no! This won’t work!”

Thor’s voice suddenly sounded in the darkness.

“Why not!?” Odin exploded with great power, special effects flying all over him.

“Are we going to give up the earth?!”

Thor asked aloud, “This is betrayal! I can’t betray my friend!”

Odin suddenly flew over like a cannonball, grabbed Thor’s neck, and slammed it to the ground.

The ground cracked and the sky was full of stones flying.

“Are you a human or a god?!?”

Thunder flickered in Odin’s eyes.

“These ants can’t even protect their homes, but you are now inviting them to help us rebuild our homes?!”

Odin exploded with divine power.

The world has changed color!

Convergence! In the sky, clouds gather to form a very broad background!

And the next moment, the Hulk and the Red Giant…

“No! Hulk!”

“Hulk! No!”

The red giant reached out, trying to stop the Hulk.

However, the next moment, the Hulk has raised the hammer in front of him!

Golden shine!

The red giant covered his eyes with his hands.

Wait until the golden light dissipates.

The red female Hulk saw Hulk standing among the ruins!

The whole body is full of runes radiating light!

There are golden rays on the top of the head!

I don’t know what’s going on, my hands are wrapped with metal…

Hold the hammer tightly with both hands!

“Bei, Betty…” Hulk’s voice became low, and it was very difficult to speak.

“Hulk, what’s wrong with you?”

“Escape!” Hulk said with difficulty.

“Betty…Run away!”



Infinite power suddenly burst out of Hulk.

The air waves rolled up all the surrounding trees!

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

The female Hulk is strong and ran away quickly!


“Thor 3: The Origin of Fear”!

coming soon!



Come back again!

The trailer is over! plant.

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