Chapter 558

“Who is this person?! I feel like Odin’s enemy!”

“Damn! Odin is awesome too! Seal people directly on the bottom of the sea!”

“It’s out now! I’m afraid it is the big boss!”

“Then…what’s the matter with Odin?! Isn’t he the boss?!~”

“Should…probably not- right?!”

“He all escaped! It’s probably because-because of the fear of the snake!”

“Isn’t it sealed once before? Isn’t it done after one seal?!”

“Who knows?! I don’t know what Ye Shen thinks!”

“Maybe the strength of the seal has increased?!”

“It’s really possible! After all, after being sealed for many years, Odin needs to do a lot of things, and the people who are sealed practice daily…”

“It seems to make sense!”

“Ye Shen didn’t even have a line in this cameo…”

“But it looks awesome! Odin feels crazy!”

“I mean!”

“Although he doesn’t say a word, he is extremely insulting!”

“A novelist, a witness to the world! It feels super awesome!”

“Yes! I feel that way too!”

“It’s so awesome!”

“Damn, Ye Shen deserves to be Ye Shen, he even arranged such a good role for himself!”

The movie continues.

The camera shifts to the deep universe.

The earth appeared in the corner of the lens…

Then transfer, thinking about the distance.

A ball of fire quickly approached.

It turns into seven points of light in the mid-air and shoots into the earth like a meteor!

The next moment, the camera turned.


North American Outer Space Defense Command Center.

A large virtual screen is erected in a huge room.

Countless people are working in front of the computer.

The voice gradually came.


“Sir, we found five…six…seven UFOs from the depths of the universe! They are about to hit the earth!”


The whole hall is in chaos.

“What are you talking about?!”

An officer looked at everything in front of him nervously.

In the satellite video, seven streamers are flying to all parts of the world at a very fast speed!

“Damn! Contact the Pentagon now! Contact the President! Inform the world!”


In the Pacific, a fireball shot in…disappeared!




all around the world!

The red fireball fell all over the world!

Floating Island Prison…

It has a floating prison that holds the most dangerous super criminals in the world.

In the prison.

In front of a huge unmatched machine, a burly man with strong muscles was punching the machine.

Bang!(Read more @


“Hurry up! Red Tank, you know the rules! Everyone only has 7 minutes of exercise time, your time is up!”

The sturdy giant urn said angrily: “I know! Let me do it again…”


At this moment, the entire floating island prison suddenly exploded violently.

The shock wave shook everyone up.

Countless people died.

Among the ruins, the red tank climbed up,

“What the hell is this?” He looked around and saw the starry sky that he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“what is this?”

A hammer fell in a deep pit.

It emits a yellow light.

He stretched out his hand slowly.

Just the moment his finger was about to touch.

The yellow light swept the world!

The light faded.

The red tank is covered with all kinds of mysterious glowing runes…

The body is stronger, holding a hammer high in his hand…

“Red tank?! What do you want to do?!”

An injured guard crouched on the ground exclaimed.


The hammer held high, fell directly.

The entire floating island prison was blown up instantly…


In a tropical rain forest.

Simple tents are set up in the wild like this.

A woman is standing in the water washing her hair.

The man sits aside.

News came on the radio.

On the radio, there were reports of impacts from all over the world.

“Bruce!” The woman smiled while washing her hair. “You don’t need to do this. I actually like it. It’s fun. I’ve been guarded as a baby in my life, holding it for fear of falling, and for fear of melting! ”

Bruce Banner helped his glasses, “Betty, I have been dealing with Hulk, but I still can’t…”

“At least, now we can all control it, can’t we?”

Betty laughed.


0 ·Look for flowers····

In the sky, a stream of light flashed.

“But it’s not fun at all…”

See this streamer.

The two swelled instantly.

Betty, who turned into a red giant, smiled, “Just lie to me! This is so fun!”


The two rose into the air, prancing in the woods!

Soon, they found a deep pit.

A hammer lies in the pit!

“Damn! Venerable Skyhammer!”

“Hulk has become Venerable Skyhammer?!”

“Moreover, the red tank just now doesn’t seem to be weaker than Hulk’s existence, right?!”

“This is awesome!”

“Hulk is also blackened!”

“He’s meow, that’s ridiculous!”

“Stark’s anti-Hulk armor is useful again!”

. …. …….

“Wow! Is there another Hulk and Iron Man duel?!”


South Africa, a diamond mine.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

A black-brown, rock-like muscular bald head, desperately trying to pull the hammer from the ground.

“This shit, motionless!”

“Okay, all go back to work! Time is diamonds! The more you daze, the less you mine! The less you mine, the less the pension for my sister and I!”

He groaned endlessly.

“Wait, Creel.” A woman in a purple dress came up.

“Purple Diamond. I can’t pull it out with the strength of breastfeeding, your little arms and legs…”

He let go of his hand, and the skin on his body was actually changing color.

Become a normal man.

“I tried to assimilate it, but…”

He looked at his hand.

“Shut up! Creel!” Purple Diamond stretched out his hand, and the light on the hammer had a feeling of proactive extension.

“Did you hear it? It’s like a baby crying in the sound of music…”


The light is gone!

A rune appeared on Purple Diamond.

Has become Venerable Skyhammer!

“Go! Let’s go north!”

Creel looked dumbfounded, “What’s going to the north? Baby, I don’t understand what you are talking about? Are you…”

Looking at Purple Diamond’s appearance, Creel didn’t understand what had changed at all!

“Your hammer is in the north!” Factory.

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