Chapter 562

“I…I rely on!”

“The corpsesmith is dead?!”

“F*ck! Isn’t this too fast?!”


“This is unbelievable!”

“Why did the corpsesmith die?!”

“Oh my God!?”

“This time, is it so serious?!”

“Why haven’t the Avengers assembled yet?!”

“Why let the corpse chaser fight alone?!”

“What and why?! This time is a global crisis. Unlike before, the New York war is in New York! The city of abundance is in the city of abundance! This time Venerable Skyhammer has appeared all over the world!”

“Moreover, the strength of Venerable Skyhammer is super!”

“How could it not be strong?! Venerable Skyhammer, are all at the level of Hulk?!”

“Isn’t this really the end of the world?!”

“Too scary?!”

“Doesn’t that mean that the Avengers are also difficult…”

“The snake is too strong, even Odin finds it tricky!”

“You can say so! Otherwise Odin would not be ready to destroy the earth directly…”

“So, Odin is also to fight against the snake?!”


“Orochi is so strong now! Then…when he is fully resurrected…”


“Too scary?!”

In an open field.

The sky suddenly turned golden.

A golden whirlpool appeared in the sky.

The storm swept across.

The rabbit fled hurriedly.


A figure fell from the sky!

It fell directly and fell to the ground.

Thor… Thor!

He just lay on the ground, looking at the sky.


It took a while before he knelt on the ground.

“Haha! Father!”

“For me, what is the difference between you and the dead?!”

He is depressed!

Even his father is ready to give up the earth!

However, soon, a blazing fire appeared in his eyes.


Not far from him, a hammer fell to the ground.

Thor’s Hammer…

“Oro…huh!” Thor rekindled his fighting spirit.

He shook the hammer in his hand, and his body rose up and flew in the sky.


“More! I want more! Everyone!”

“Let them raise that fragile fist to fight back!”

“Let them gather together to resist!”

“Torture them to bloody flesh!”

“Kill them all!”(Read more @

“Let the kids see!”

“Only the benevolent can understand kindness! And you, my love will! My magic shadow! My evil spokesperson! Will not line any kindness!”

“Come again!”

“Come again!”

“Come again!”

“It won’t be long before they will surrender to you!”

With the sound of the serpent, the camera moved in countless places.




Magic City!

Etc., etc!

Venerable Skyhammer and mechanical troops appeared in many places in the world!

They are cruel!



Create all panic!

Finally returned to the body of the big snake.

“And me! I’m waiting for a steady stream of power!”

“My children, I want more!”

“After I take office, I will have enough power!”

“Let me face him… Odin!”


The whole Asgard was preparing intensively.

Ready to fight.

Odin is holding a magic scepter, “Get ready to fight! I want to eliminate not only the serpent, but also the decaying world!”

“The serpent is an entity of fear! His evil spreads like a malignant tumor! It penetrates and corrodes the hearts of those fragile people!”

“You won’t understand how we defeated him back then and sealed him!”

“It’s really dark…”

“His apostle, holding a masterful soldier!”

“Spread panic!”

“Spread fear!”

“Orochi has no interest in war!”

“His purpose is to slaughter!”

“Killing constantly, never ending!”

“And the human will will collapse, and their faith will disappear with it…”

With Odin’s deep whisper.

The tragic and evil scenes are constantly being staged in the world.

Excalibur Bureau.

Zheng Xian stood in front of the carpenter.

The corpse slayer was lying on the morgue, bloody and bloody!

“You shouldn’t be treated like this, kid…”

Behind him, the mantis boy and others stood gritted their teeth.

Hawkeye firmly pinched the bow and arrow in his hand.

Iron Man stood blankly, his expression under his visor completely unclear.

“He said it was a big snake?”

The black widow’s eyes were angry, “Who is the serpent?! Stark, you world-class super genius, do you know what’s going on?!”

“And Mr. Zheng Xian, who holds the world’s top secret agents, do you know what’s going on?!”

“It’s Odin…”

Thor’s voice suddenly came.

“This means that Odin’s war has spread here…”

Thor directly penetrated the glass and entered.

“No matter where the serpent is sacred, Odin knows him and has been acquainted with him for many years. It seems that no one understands what this person means to us…”

“The Snake Sword refers to humans, and the fear of humans keeps him getting stronger, and Odin is ready to cut off the source of the Snake’s power!”

“Welcome back! Big guy!” The black widow saw Thor.

“He wants to kill us all? This is called abandoning the car to protect the handsome?” Zheng Xian’s face was solemn.

“Almost so, but this battle shouldn’t affect mortals!” Thor said.

“It’s too late, Universe Viking!” Iron Man said poisonously.

“You smell so bad!” Thor was not to be outdone.

“I vomited in my armor…”

The two had a fight.

“Now the whole planet is in a nightmare. Stark, Captain, Thor, I need the three of you to show up and fight for justice!”

“You have to call him.” Zheng Xian looked back in a certain direction.

“We need Captain China and the Avengers…”

In a small room.

Zhou Kai sat with his head down.

His shield and battle suit lay beside him.


Stark walked in.

“I’m ready!” Zhou Kai suddenly raised his head, with a look of determination on his face.

He took off his clothes and put on his suit.

Lift your shield with one hand.

“What’s the situation now?!”

The captain of China, wearing a battle suit, appeared.

Everyone put their eyes on him.

Captain China…

came back!

In the Excalibur Game, all superheroes regard him as the backbone!

Stark stood behind him, with Thor on the other side.

“Hulk, Red Tank, Absorber, Purple Diamond, Sea Shaman, Red Skull, Grey Gargoyle, and Stone Man have all changed…”.

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