Chapter 585

“So, you people don’t know the direction of the plot at all?”

Heland gushed, “Yes, we don’t know, Ye Dao shot many versions, and almost everyone shot the scene of his final death once!”

“Death!? Finally someone died?!”

Holland nodded: “Yes, the final battle…”

He wanted to speak, so Downey kicked him.


If you talk nonsense, you will really die!

Heland was kicked by Downey like this, and he immediately came back to his senses.

Quickly laughed and said, “Of course, these are all my guesses. In this movie, I am already dead!”


I believe in your evil? !

It’s hell, how scared of Ye Dao are you? !

And Mr. Lu has already announced that there will be the next one, how could it be…

This guy must be hiding something!

What kind of plot is “Avengers 4”?

Will there be one?

Everyone is full of curiosity!

The reporters are eager to try one by one.

This is a big mouth!

01   As long as the opportunity is right, everything will be exploded for you!

Such a person is the person their reporter likes the most!

This is definitely a big treasure!

They have to ask again, and they heard Mr. Lu say with a smile on his face: “Everyone, Dao Ye has something to do today, but he has already taken the time to connect with us now.”

The reporters and fans on the scene became excited.

“Damn! Ye Shen is finally willing to show up!”


“Finally you can ask Ye Shen some questions!”

“Ye Shen…”

“Ye Shen! Ye Shen!”

“Ye Shen! Ye Shen!”

Everyone in the room stood up.

This is a very wonderful movie.

There is no doubt about this.

Thanos is powerful!

The unyielding and sacrifice of heroes.

Moreover, a large number of heroes died, which brought a great impact to everyone.

And half of the people on the planet died and disappeared.

Of course, half of the people in the universe have also disappeared.

Although the war was limited to Wakanda, but…

The impact of the event swept the universe!

Great influence!

Moreover, the news of the Titans brought by Thanos, collectors and so on.

The universe has also expanded countless times!

At the same time, Ye Li had buried many holes before.

It is said that “I have a date with a zombie” which is related to the main storyline, what kind of connection is it?

What is the follow-up to Jurassic World?

What about the world suppressed by “King Kong”?

And the whole new world brought by “X-Men”…

Etc., etc!

It has not yet fully formed a closed loop!(Read more @

How will the plot extend?

How will it develop? !

It is estimated that only Ye Li in the world knows it!

and so!

Can ask Ye Li, who is the real principal!

After a while, the video was directly connected to the big screen.

Ye Li stood in front of a white wall.

It seems to be holding the camera by himself.

Still handsome and handsome!

The whole person seems to be shining.

“Seniors, colleagues, friends from journalists, friends from fans, hello everyone, I am Ye Li.”

Ye Li’s voice is like a subwoofer, intoxicating.

“I’m very sorry that I can’t participate in the premiere of “Avengers 3″. Because there is something temporary, I am really very sorry!”

Everyone listened quietly.

There were some voices from time to time, and everyone didn’t hear them very real.

Ye Li smiled, even girls fans can’t help but get drunk!

“Yeshen is so handsome!”

“This is the first time I have seen such a clear real person!”


“If Ye Shen is so handsome…”

“Ye Shen…”

Ye Li continued: “Originally, the entire superhero movie series will have follow-ups, but I am very sorry to tell you that I may retire for a few years.”

Hear him speak slowly.

Fans who were already full of doubts almost rioted!

“Damn! Ye Shen wants to retire!?”


“After Ye Shen retires, what other movies are there to watch in the world!”

“If Ye Shen retires…”


“Please do not!”

“Ye Shen…”

The fans yelled loudly.

The reporters were silent.

They had a lot of questions to ask.

but now……

Ye Li retires? !

What is he doing? !

How old are you? !

Twenty-three years old, right? !

Retire at the age of twenty-three? !

What does he want to do? !

Those directors who are still making movies at the age of 70 or 80…

Countless mixed thoughts surged.

Cao Rui sat in his place, his face was shocked!

No… Doesn’t it mean that the superhero movie will have an end?

Why suddenly…

Retire? !


Do not!

It’s not over!

But… the end of the small stage!

He has become retired now! ?

Is this span too big? !

Ye Li was alone there, and it seemed that he couldn’t hear the voice from here. There was a smile on his face, “I’m very sorry, because of some personal reasons, I will officially retire from today. Of course, Orange Fruit Pictures It will continue.”

After tidying up the language a bit, he continued: “The third and fourth movies of “The Avengers” should have been one movie, but they were cut off due to size problems.”

“The Avengers 4, which will be released next month, will be an official farewell. However, you don’t have to worry. The film plan of Orange Fruit Pictures will continue.”

“There are some movies that will fill the gaps in the third and fourth parts of “The Avengers”, and some movies will completely spread the entire world view.”

“For the specific plan, Lu will always answer everyone. Thank you very much for your support over the past few years! See you in the future!”

There seemed to be someone talking to Ye Li.

He ended the call hastily.

The video hangs up.

The entire movie theater fell into silence.

Everyone hasn’t recovered from the emotions just now!

He meow…

Mr. Lu was sweating profusely, and he was too anxious at this time!


What do you mean when you suddenly announced your retirement? !

I was planning a follow-up movie not long ago!

As a result, follow me now…


Why don’t you discuss it with me? !

He was caught off guard.

“President Lu, why did Dao Ye suddenly retired?!”

“Do you know the specific reason!?”

“What is the reason why Ye Dao retired!?”

“Will the superhero movie series be so unfinished?!”

“Mr. Lu…”

“Mr. Lu…”

Hearing all the voices, Mr. Lu’s head grew louder! .

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