Chapter 594

“Wow! The Avengers are finally assembled!”

“After waiting for a long time, I finally waited until today!”

“Cool! Tony is always the most handsome!”

“It’s amazing! Tony is a genius!”

“More than a genius! I think his IQ is even higher than that of Dr. Banner!”

“Dr. Banner has seven doctoral titles. How can Tony be no worse than him?!”

“That’s for sure! Tony is the best!”

“It’s so handsome!”


“Next, there are good-looking ones again!”

“It’s so cool!”

“Hey… It’s a pity that they didn’t make it back!”

“I will be rescued soon!”

“Sit down!”

Next, the camera turns.

Ant-Man carefully made crispy potato cakes and put them on the chair.

Just picked it up, a spaceship suddenly descended in the sky.

The crispy potato cake in his hand was blown away by the violent wind!

The only ones left are covered with dust.

The little raccoon and Nebula came down from the spaceship, “Hey! Human, where is the big green guy?”

“Maybe, in the kitchen…”

A blue man, a talking little raccoon…

He was dumbfounded!

Ant-Man, who has never been to the universe, has refreshed his worldview!

Seeing Nebula passing by, he had nothing to say, “It’s cool!”

Nebula walked by and said through the communication system, “Rode, be careful when you come back. There is a mental retardation in the landing area…”

As soon as the voice fell, the war machine crashed to the ground.

The food in Ant-Man’s hands was so scared that all the food fell out.

“Oh my god!”

“Ant-man of normal size scared you?!” War Machine laughed.

At this time, Dr. Green walked over and saw Ant-Man dropped the food on the ground, and gave him a share.

After turning into Doctor Green, his mood is not too good.

The spacecraft fell to one place.

Dr. Green and the little raccoon were sitting on the dump truck and headed to the new station in Asgard.

On Earth.

They are here to find Thor!

However, Thor has become a dead man!

Happy water, games…

Fat body!

It’s almost completely changed the appearance of a person!

Looks very happy.

However, everyone can see that he is evading everything!

Because of Thanos, too many people died!

Own brother, Loki!

And the people of Asgard that he had promised to protect!

…(Read more @

Town Soul Street.

Riots were everywhere in the dim Zhenhun Street.

Zhang Zifeng and Li Yitong cooperated to suppress the riots here.

Countless ghosts swarmed up. Although the two of them had grown a lot, they were still a little bit dwarfed.

“Big Brother Jianxian!” Zhang Zifeng exclaimed.

A sword light flew from.

It turns into countless rays of light in the air, sweeping away the ghosts.

Ding Ding Ding!

Zhang Zifeng and Li Yitong ran away quickly.

The two of them are also within the scope of Wan Jian Jue.

“Hiccup…” The frustrated Jian Xian’s face was full of stubble, which appeared in the dark place on the street corner.

“You almost killed us! Again!”

Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help yelling, and then said a little disappointedly, “It would be great if the brother was here.”

“Oh… sorry, how did you become two… four…?”

Jian Xian was drunk and distraught.

“Hey…” Zhang Zifeng sighed.

“Sword Fairy…” Captain China appeared, standing on the street, “We should go now, bring them back!”

“Is it possible?” Jian Xian’s eyes flashed.

“Shuttle time and space, you have experience!”


Jian Xian suddenly stood up, his sword aura bloomed, and the entire street was illuminated, revealing the appearance of countless ghosts in the shadows.

“Let me clear this place first!”



In the feasting Tokyo, a chase is underway.

Hawkeye’s methods are cruel and agile.

Kill many people easily.

In the rain.

Wearing a hood, he is like a god of death.

“Chen Ao…” Natasha appeared behind him.

“I have work to do.” The golden light in Chen Ao’s eyes converged.

“You call this work? Killing these people won’t get your family back.” Natasha walked over, “We figured out a way. Maybe we can succeed.”

Chen Ao suddenly showed a fragile expression on his face, as if begging, “Don’t be like this.”

“What else?” Natasha asked.

“Don’t give me hope.” Hawkeye showed his fragile side at the moment, almost begging.

“Sorry, I didn’t come to you sooner.” The Black Widow had no idea that Chen Ao’s current state is so bad.


He kept numbing himself by killing people.

Continue to kill offenders.

Natasha took the opponent’s hand carefully.

“Very touching……”

“Everyone is not doing well…”

“Although I survived, it was even more heartbreaking!”

“Those who are alive have to bear more!”

“Eagle Eye is so pitiful!”

“His sister and mother must have been in trouble…”


“Sword Fairy is so pitiful!”

“Really are……”

The camera turns.

The music plays.

Happy fat house water is opened.

Belly Thor walked into the Avengers headquarters with a brisk pace.

Wearing sunglasses, knotted hair.

“Don’t get in the way, get out of the way, Leborgsky.” Stark dragged things past.

There is a huge instrument in front of me.

“How about it, little raccoon!”

“Don’t pull it! My name is Rocket, and you are considered a genius on earth!” The little raccoon is in the process of manufacturing.

“Yes!” Thor interjected behind his back.

Dr. Green, Ant-Man and Nebula are testing the space-time shuttle suit.

The biggest problem facing them now is the Pim particle.

Because of the disappearance of Dr. Pim, there is only enough for them to do one experiment, and then enough for everyone to go back and forth!

“Since we can travel through time and space, why can’t we travel to Thanos Baby and kill him directly!” Colonel Rod raised his own question.

Jian Xian and others watched.

There was hope in the eyes of him and Hawkeye…

“First of all, this is too cruel.” Dr. Green said.

“That’s Thanos!”

“Secondly, time does not work like this. Changing the past does not change the future.” Dr. Green explained.

Ant-Man said: “We go back in time and get the rough stones before Thanos. Then Thanos can’t get them, the problem is solved!”

“That’s right!” Rhode agreed.

“This won’t work.” Dr. Green said helplessly, “I heard people say.”

“Who told you? Star Trek? Terminator? Space-time SWAT?”

“I don’t understand why everyone believes this, but that’s not true!” Dr. Green said helplessly, “Think about it, if you travel back to the past, that past will become your future…”.

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