Chapter 603

Suddenly, a babbling sound came from the earphones of the four of them.

A communication system is connected.

“Captain, can you hear my voice?” The four stopped.


The voice is so familiar.

“Is it a Falcon?!”

“Could it be someone else?!”

“I don’t know! Who said that our superhero has no reinforcements!~”

“Reinforcements are coming!”

The whole theater went crazy.

The arrival of the Thanos army made their mood hang up.

That feeling is like the feeling that you are about to be extinguished by the surging waves!

But now…

Now suddenly there is rescue!

The mood relaxes all at once.

Cao Rui collapsed on the seat somewhat relaxedly, “Yeshen’s rhythm! It’s really great!”

“I love this movie!” Song Qian also said.

This is the rhythm of Ye Li.

It makes you desperate, and instantly ignites hope for you.

This feeling is like a roller coaster.

Although it is exciting, it is really cool!

And when you think you will win this time, Ye Li will never let you down, but will add a little joke to adjust.

This sense of rhythm!

Although Cao Rui saw it through, he was never disappointed!

Every time I still win!

“This time, who will come? I don’t know if I can withstand the Thanos army!”

“Captain, this is Sam, can you hear it?” Falcon’s voice came from the headset.

The four people who kept breathing like drowning people felt rescued.

There is also the joy of the resurrection of his friend from the dead.

That feeling.

Captain China almost shed tears.

“Pay attention to the left.”

A voice sounded.

Suddenly a rotating flash of light appeared on the left of the four of them.

“Portal! It’s the portal of Doctor Strange!”

Everyone was so excited!

The audience is more excited than the protagonist in the movie!

The four turned their heads together.

Behind them is the army of Thanos!

Cover the sky and obscure the sun!

And there are only four of them!

right now!

These four people are no longer fighting alone!

Their reinforcements arrived!

The portal gradually expanded.

Three figures came out.


Black Panther’s sister!

And the female warriors of Wakanda!

Seeing these few people, Captain China gradually got his chest up and down.

This is their comrade-in-arms!

In Wakanda, there were countless comrades-in-arms!

right now……

They are coming!

The whole army will arrive!

The falcon flew out of the portal from far to near.

Circled in the air.

Expand the field of vision on the big screen again.

Everyone saw it.

Dozens of portals appeared in the entire space!(Read more @

Each portal represents a place!

The last portal opened.

Doctor Strange’s cloak is spreading and dancing with the wind!

Drax is muscular!

The praying mantis looks nervous.

There is also the flying machine at Li Kuier’s feet, flying in with him!

Finally, Spider-Man, the spider’s web hung from somewhere unknown and leapt from him.

“Sure victory!”

The Wakanda army suddenly roared loudly.

The army is coming!


Following this, all armies appeared one after another.

At a large portal, Asgard’s army appeared!

A large spaceship flew into…

At the other portal, young disciples dressed in ancient costumes and long swords on their backs appeared!

Fairy sword world!


The Juggernaut stood at the forefront.

The Scarlet Witch cast a chaotic magic to the ground.

The king arrived with a group of wizards, and the flashing spells started.

There is another portal: Groot and others appear!

There is also a portal, a group of magicians wearing cloaks appeared, all of them holding a magic wand in their hands!

Harry Potter and others are in the head!

Zhang Daocheng and others…

Appeared one after another!

This is a decisive battle!

The camera swept across the faces of the Big Four of the Avengers.

“Brother Xiaoyao!”

“Stinky, here we are!”

Zhao Linger and Lin Yueru appeared.

An expression of surprise appeared on Jian Xian’s face.

Sieff stood in front of the crowd, looking at Thor.

Thor grabbed the Storm Axe in his hand.

Pepa appeared wearing a silver-blue steel mech, with a surprised expression on Stark’s face.

Finally, the camera came to the face of Captain China.

He went from shock, to excitement, and now, full of fighting spirit!


I am not alone!

The camera shifts to Doctor Strange.

“Have you all arrived?”

Wang’s whole person is not good, “Why, are you still not enough?”

0 ·Look for flowers····


Among the ruins of the Avengers base.

A giant tens of meters tall suddenly broke out of the ground.

He put his huge palm on the ground and opened his big hand.

Dr. Green jumped down.

The war machine flew out.

The little raccoon rocket also appeared!



Countless people!

The momentum does not lose the opponent at all!




Sword Fairy!

All kinds of people have gathered into one force!

Facing the army of Thanos, don’t be surprised at all!

Captain China waved, and Thor’s Hammer fell into his hand.

“the Avengers!”


Countless people rushed towards Thanos army!

These people who were once killed by the snap of Thanos!

. …….. 0

Now they want revenge!

People who once had their relatives and friends killed!

Now they want revenge!

Once, countless people on earth died because of him!

Now they want revenge!

the Avengers!

All the Avengers!

Condensed into a force, brazenly rushed to Thanos’ army!

Everyone is an avenger!

Revenge for everyone!

Flying in the sky, running on the ground!

The Thanos army also rushed over!

The two forces collided instantly.

Lightning flashes!


Jianguang aspect!

In the air.

Iron Man and Pepa worked well together, and the two assisted each other in the air.

On the ground!

Thunder and Captain China flew with lightning.

The Storm Axe and Thor’s Hammer flew everywhere, and there was lightning at the same time.

After the weapon is thrown out, it can fly back with one hand.

Holding Thor’s Hammer in his hand, Thor, with a big belly, said dissatisfiedly: “No, no, give me that!”

He threw the Thor’s Hammer to Captain China.

“You use a small one!”

The people in the theater couldn’t help but smile knowingly.

Ant-Man transforms into a giant of tens of meters, and can knock down the suspended giant with one hand.

Iron Man flew the front few enemies.

Suddenly he was attacked by a huge monster behind him.

In the distance, a figure suddenly shot out of the spider web, holding it back.

An Ant-Man’s giant feet squashed it directly!

Spider-Man rushed over and pulled up Iron Man.

“Oh my God, you absolutely can’t think of what happened, do you remember that we were in outer space?!” Factory.

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