Chapter 606

“Damn! It’s over! What should I do now?!”

“Now the problem is big! The Infinite Gloves can’t be sent back at once!”

“If Thanos gets it, then history repeats itself!”

“This is called a repeat of history?! This is a crisis of extinction!”

“The current Thanos is no longer the former Thanos. He has seen history and wants to destroy the entire universe!”

“It’s over! Now…”

“What should I do?! I can only fight against Thanos!”

“Oh my God! It’s over!”

“Thanksgiving is so powerful…”

“But this time the superhero team has also strengthened!”

“Superman is so awesome, should he have a chance to single out Thanos?!”

“The Scarlet Witch is also super tough!”

“It’s not that simple anymore!”

“The suspense has fallen! A historical reenactment scene was actually shot by Ye Shen!”


“Yeshen is simply a genius!”

“He’s only twenty-five years old and not even there! He hasn’t graduated from college!”

“Protagonist template!”

“Yeshen’s life is also a protagonist template! Powerful!”

“Only such a legend can make such a legendary movie!”

“Look, see how he finishes…”

The Infinite Glove fell to the ground aside, lying here quietly.

Its appearance is not good, and there are even a lot of dust and scars on it.

Not far away, an alien corpse fell aside, and someone pushed him away, revealing Iron Man.

He is not far from the Infinite Glove.

He quickly got up and rushed to the Infinite Gloves.

He was about to lean over to pick it up.

Among the dust on one side, a tall figure also rushed out.


Thanos is nearby too!

Iron Man didn’t care about picking it up, and hugged Thanos’ body to push him away.

However, Thanos was powerful, and with a strong shake, Iron Man broke away and pushed aside.

When he went to pick it up again, Thor arrived with the Storm Axe and Thor’s Hammer.

An axe slashed down, forcing Thanos away and sweeping.

Thanos had to retreat.

Thor threw the Thor’s Hammer in his hand, once again forced Thanos away, and turned around to pick it up, but Thanos had already caught him.

Thor’s Hammer was summoned back.

Push it hard.

With the weight of Thor’s Hammer and the Storm Axe, Thor actually suppressed Thanos at this moment!

The thunder and lightning broke out all over, and he had obviously exhausted all his strength.

The Captain China put aside the broken shield and rushed forward.

Locked Thanos’ hands.

Allow Thor to chop the Storm Axe into his body.

After all, Thanos has been fighting for a long time, and flew Thor with a hammer.

With a strong shake, the captain of China was uniformed, and the ground roll caught the infinite glove, which he was about to put on.

A figure shimmering with golden light arrived.


Superman attacked so fast that Thanos had no chance to put on his gloves.

Just when he wanted to snatch the glove, Thanos caught the opportunity, and suddenly shot a long way.

Put the glove into your right hand when you change your hand.

A huge amount of energy crisscrossed his body.

The arc of all colors flickered.

The thumb and middle finger are about to close…(Read more @

“Oh my god! I rely on. 々!”

“How to do this?!”

“Damn it!”

“Thanksgiving got the gloves!”

“It’s over! The universe is going to be destroyed!”

Everyone in the cinema became nervous.

Cao Rui couldn’t help but sat up straight and looked at the big screen.

How to do this? !

He can analyze Ye Li’s creative motivation.

Can observe the details of Ye Li buried in the movie!

However, he can’t guess exactly how Ye Li is going to film the next plot!

Thanos kills everyone?

This is impossible!

But now Thanos has got the gloves.

If Superman can kill him in the first place…


How will you shoot next? !

While Cao Rui was guessing, a figure rushed forward.

With both hands, he grabbed Thanos’ right hand!

Separate thumb and middle finger.

Clamped tightly!

The two are constantly wrestling!

Head hammer!

Thanos wants to repeat the old tricks!

But Superman is like the incarnation of steel, without any fear!

Seeing the opponent’s strength is super strong, Thanos instantly took off the power gem and held it in his left hand.

Throw a punch.


The immense power of the power gem directly knocked Superman into the air!

Iron Man looked at this scene in despair.

His eyes, through the smoke and dust, looked at Doctor Strange who was controlling the waterspout.

At this moment, Doctor Strange also hesitated, looked at him, and slowly stretched out a finger.

Iron Man frowned.

This is the only chance? !

One in 14.6 million chance? !

Thanos has reinstalled the power gem.

When the power of infinite gems exploded.

Iron Man rushed forward desperately, grabbing Thanos’s hand with both hands.

Thanos was furious and furiously attacked Iron Man.

Iron Man was knocked into the air again.

“`. I am… Destiny!” Thanos snapped his fingers!

However, nothing happened.

This snapping finger seems to be…

He turned his head in astonishment, and saw that in Iron Man’s hand, six infinite gems were already inlaid in his hand.

The rushing energy, turned into colorful colors, surged in his body.

This power is destroying his physical skills.

He raised his head high.

Panting violently.

“I…I’m…Iron Man…”

The voice finally came from him weakly.

Thin, fragile human body.

His whole body was hurt, blood was still hanging from the corners of his eyes, and there was dust everywhere on his face.

At this moment, he can see his resolute look!

After saying this sentence, fingers crossed.


The crisp finger snapped.

A flash of white light…

Wait until the screen reappears.

In front of the giant beast in the air, the little raccoon is holding a weapon and shooting frantically!

A giant suspended beast that is dozens of meters long, a little raccoon about half a meter long.

Formed a sharp contrast!

The dangling giant beast opened its blood basin and swallowed the little raccoon into its abdomen in one bite!

The screen turns black…

However, wait until the screen lights up again.

The little raccoon stood in place safe and sound.

A little panicked, holding a gun in his hand.

A cloud of dust flies over…

Alien monsters, the Thanos army dissipated one by one.

Like smoke…

In this scene, all the superheroes present stopped.

How familiar is this scene!

It’s like…

five years ago……

Or, for some people, it was just less than an hour ago!

They looked around at a loss.

Captain China stared.

Thanos staggered, and the men behind him were disappearing one by one.

Ebony Maw wanted to get close to him.

But Xiaosan disappeared.

Even his battleship is disappearing.

He sat down staggeringly, his whole body was wounded and smoke was everywhere…

Disperse with the wind…not yet.

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