Chapter 608

By the lake.

Hawkeye and Scarlet Witch stood side by side.

“I wish I could tell her that we won, we did it!”

Hawkeye said.

Everyone knows about her.

Refers to the black widow.

“She knows,” said the Scarlet Witch. “They both know it!~”

The other person is…Vision!

Harpy tried to amused Morgan.

“Oh my God!”

“This paragraph is really-too ​​teary!”

“Tony is gone…”


“From now on, in superhero movies, will you never see Tony again-?!”

“Oh! Don’t!”

“Don’t talk about Tony, I don’t even know how many superhero movies can be watched!”

“Really, Ye Shen is not doing it now!”

“Damn! It’s even more uncomfortable!”


New gathering place in Asgard.

Thor handed the fate of Asgard to the Valkyrie.

He felt that the Valkyrie was more suitable to be the king than himself.

And myself…recover myself!

Become a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy!

Liquel lost Camora 1.

Feeling uncomfortable.

It is also necessary to “compete” with Thor for the position of captain.

After Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling’er, Lin Yueru and others attended Stark’s funeral, they returned to the fairy world again.

At the same time, the Juggernaut helped him strengthen the seal on Zhenhun Street.

In the woods, a black box was opened.

Six gems of different colors are exposed inside.

“Remember, the rough stone must be sent back to the exact moment. Otherwise, there will be a lot of troublesome multiple realities.” Half of Dr. Green’s arm has been abolished, and the bandage is still hanging.

Falcon and Captain China stood aside.

“Don’t worry, Bruce, I will fix it.” Captain China closed the lid and said.

“I tried…” Bruce whispered, “When I put on my gloves and use the rough stone, I really want to bring her back together.”

“I miss her very much.” Dr. Green said.

Captain China nodded, “Me too.”

“If you want, I’ll go with you.” Falcon said from the side.

“Thank you, Sam, I will come this time!”

Captain China stood on the space-time machine.

He needs to send the six gems back to the original place.

“Be careful of everything!” There was Thor’s Hammer at his feet.

This is taken from the time and space of “Thor 2” and needs to be returned.

“How long does it take?” Falcon asked.

“For him, it can take as long as possible. For us, five seconds is enough.” Dr. Green said.

“Alright, Captain, we’re just waiting for you to come back!” Dr. Green said.

Captain China nodded, “No problem.”

“Start the quantum realm. 3! 2! 1!”

The time machine opens.

Captain China disappeared in place.

He needs constant time.

“Then prepare to return, 5! 4! 3! 2! 1!” Dr. Green is ready to receive…

However, there is no movement on the time machine…(Read more @

“Do I need to calibrate the time?”

The two of them panicked a little.

“Get him back quickly!”

“I’m trying it!”

Dr. Green and Falcon are about to quarrel.


At this moment, a voice sounded.

Attracted the attention of the two.

The two turned their heads to see, an old man was sitting on the edge of the lake, looking at the distant scenery.

There is a thing nearby.

The two were taken aback.

Seems to understand something.

“Come here, you can’t let me as an old man…”

The two walked over.

What I saw was a gray-haired… Captain China!

“team leader?”

Falcon was a little surprised.

“Sam…” Captain China smiled.

“Aside from the mistake, it’s you…” Falcon asked, with a smile on his face.

“After I put all the rough stones back, I just thought…” Captain China smiled, amiable and happy.

“Maybe I should try the kind of life Tony advised me to live!”

“What happened after that?” Falcon asked.

“It feels very good.”

Falcon breathed a sigh of relief, “I’m so happy for you.”

“Thank you.”

“The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is that I am going to live in a world without the China captain.” Sam put his hands in his pockets, a little regretful.

“Ah!” Captain China reached out and picked up the round package around him.

“You reminded me.” He opened the package, revealing the shield inside. “It needs a heir.”

The Falcon gradually reduced his smile.

Captain China is the spiritual pillar of a generation of Avengers!


Do not!

0 ·Look for flowers····

He has resigned.

The falcon took up the shield.

“Is there a suitable candidate?”

Falcon asked.

Captain China smiled and said, “I think that kid is good.”

“That’s not the captain of China anymore…”

Falcon sighed, “I see! I will try my best.”

“I will rely on you from now on!”

“Want to talk to us about her?”

“Forget it, I don’t have to.” Zhou Kai’s old face was full of smiles.

The camera turns slowly…

It seems to have returned to that era of wars.

What happened that year?

As the music with a sense of age sounded.

The movie screen gradually goes black…

The movie is over!

In the entire movie theater, everyone was relieved.

. …….. …

But it feels like venting this breath again.

“An era… is over!” Cao Rui muttered to himself in a low voice.

He guessed that this should be the last battle of the Avengers.

Iron Man sacrifices.

Captain China is old.

The black widow’s soul is flying away.

Thor walks away from the universe.

Hulk was seriously injured.

In the first generation of Avengers, there is only one Hawkeye left.

This is a final explanation.

“Tony is dead… the captain is old too!” Song Qian sighed, “Are there any superhero movies in the future?”

“There should be more! Little Spider, Doctor Strange, etc., they are all alive!” Cao Rui smiled and comforted.

However, it’s a pity…

Don’t know when Ye Shen will be able to come out of the mountain again? !

“Really, I look forward to the next one!”


Cao Rui didn’t know…


The next moment, the movie screen lights up again.

The snow mountain collapsed.

A majestic palace was suspended in the air.

The silhouettes of superheroes reappear!

next moment……

Black screen!


“Damn!” Cao Rui was almost taken aback.

This is… an easter egg? !

He thought there were no more Easter eggs!

In the end, an easter egg disappeared in a flash? !


Is there another one? !

And…Is Iron Man too? !

what’s the situation? !

In the end what happened? !

Oh my god! plant.

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