The decomposition system begins with the alchemy of the junkyard in Chapter 219 to eat!

Today's annual meeting, including the family members brought by the employees in the factory, according to statistics, the number of people expected to be in the early 100s.

"Wow, the boss of your company can do it! This hotel looks luxurious enough, and it must cost a lot of money."

Lv Yifei's wife held her daughter's hand, looked at the hotel's splendid face, and said with some exclamation.

Although they had notified the place a few days in advance, they didn't know what the level of the hotel was. For many ordinary people, a five-star hotel was still a place that they might not visit once in a lifetime.

It's not that you can't come up with the money, it's possible but not necessary.

Seeing his wife's envious appearance, Lu Yifei's heart had already blossomed with joy. When he first went to work in this factory, her wife thought the scale was too small and the place was too far away. .

"That's for sure, this is a five-star hotel, and my monthly salary is just enough to stay here twice."

In fact, everyone has had such a dream, driving a luxury car, staying in a five-star hotel, eating delicacies from mountains and seas, and using luxury goods.

It is only after entering the society for a longer and longer period that I gradually recognize the reality and realize that the things I have fought so hard to get are just everyday things in the eyes of others, or even unpopular things.

These things are called enjoying a quality life for powerful people, and for those who are not strong enough, there is another name called IQ tax.

Therefore, the employees who were present felt happy from the bottom of their hearts, and this was at least the realization of their little wish.

Cheng Xu set a time for them to start after eleven o'clock in the morning, just in time for everyone to come and cook directly.

He also didn't want to delay everyone's meal, and simply summed up his speech by simply eating, drinking, and having fun.

Looking at the various luxurious dishes on the table, everyone couldn't help discussing excitedly.

"It's worth paying for! These dishes are not cheap just by looking at the ingredients. This table costs one or two thousand?"

"I want it, and it must be very expensive in such a big hotel."

"Look, we have so many people here today, we have to set up at least ten tables, and if one table is more than two thousand, it will cost twenty to thirty thousand, right?"

"Not only that, but we still have a dinner, and the money has to be doubled."

"Do you have mines in your factory? Let me tell you this, our factory only paid 200 yuan for the year-end bonus this year. I'm really embarrassed to tell others that I'm giving out the year-end bonus."

"Our year-end bonus has not been issued yet, but I heard that it cost hundreds of thousands of dollars just to hold this annual meeting. I estimate that the year-end bonus will not be much less."

"Xiao Wu, you didn't know when you first came here. We have already given out thousands of quarterly bonuses and start-up bonuses. This year-end bonus will definitely not be less than this amount, don't worry."

"No way? It cost hundreds of thousands of dollars just to hold the annual meeting? Even if you say that this dish costs him 50,000 yuan, and the rent of the venue is included, it won't be worth hundreds of thousands of dollars?"

The employee's wife doubted the truth of the news he heard.

"I don't know the specifics. Anyway, I also listened to the administrative side. There may be other places to spend money."

"There is also a lottery at the annual meeting, so the prizes must be included."

"Doesn't that mean there are tens of thousands of prizes? That's not bad! Husband, you really picked the right company."

What they didn't know was that besides meals and renting venues, the main cost of this annual meeting was to invite bands and dance troupes.

Needless to say, the dance troupe is all market price. After all, the fame bonus of this thing is really too small, the direct skills are in place, and the members are good-looking, so it must be an excellent dance troupe.

In terms of bands, the price is already linked to fame. Although Cheng Xu only asked for strength at the beginning, Chen Jifang, the executive director, still chose several bands for Cheng Xu to choose.

Cheng Xu originally thought that there didn't seem to be any well-known bands in the local area. Unexpectedly, she even contacted several bands in Seoul. Cheng Xu also chose one that he seemed to have some impression of, and of course it was the most expensive. one of.

This half-day appearance alone, and other miscellaneous expenses, cost him tens of thousands.

In terms of dishes, in order to make everyone eat well, some dishes selected by Cheng Xu are mainly seafood such as lobster, abalone, sea cucumber, etc. Although it is tacky, it can't stand the taste!

Maybe in the eyes of some rich people, these things are tired of eating, and they will continue to pursue some ingredients sold by Lunke, or top-level cooking skills, novel methods, and unique flavors.

But for the employees who were present, it was not so enjoyable to eat.

What's more, the products of the hotel are also more particular, and the dishes are also quite exquisite, and even the dishes that serve the dishes are very beautiful.

Many family members of female employees also have to take a few photos or make a short video before the meeting. This is called sharing daily life.

After eating and drinking, the scheduled performances began, but these steps were not told to the employees.

Generally speaking, at this time, employees are basically performing their own rehearsal or listening to people from various departments of the company to make year-end summaries, look forward to the future, and so on.

These people in the audience have already taken out their mobile phones to pass the time, or they have already begun to brew sleepiness.

Who knows, all of a sudden the music sounded, and the ladies and sisters all dressed in fancy dress came to the stage.

"Damn, I won't be sleepy watching this!"

"Fuck, there is still this link?"

Lu Yifei's wife grabbed the flesh on his arm and asked:

"Didn't you just say you're a little sleepy? Why are your eyes so big now?"

Lu Yifei laughed twice and said awkwardly:

"The main reason is that the music is a bit loud. How can I sleep? Why don't you just watch the show?"

The quality of these programs can be said to be stronger than the parties held by most companies. Why?

People are all professional, just jump twice and you can see the difference from ordinary people's movements.

The band that Cheng Xu invited did not disappoint him, and there were many people in the audience who knew them, one or two were like star chasers.

"Dad! That's my idol, you must help me get an autograph later!"

His daughter originally didn't want to follow him to any annual meeting. Most of the young people nowadays don't like to join in this kind of fun, and they don't seldom eat anything.

If he hadn't heard that it was in this five-star hotel, he wouldn't have invited his daughter at all.

Unexpectedly, there is an unexpected joy today, and Lao Jiang is also very happy, which saves another ticket money.

After the event, Shi Xiaoya took a few selfies after a long absence, and posted a circle of friends with the photos of the annual meeting. +Bookmark+

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