Disaster Strikes

Chapter 1229 Endless Void

Chapter 1236 Endless Void

As the saying goes, if you want to impose a crime, there is no excuse for it.

Chen Mo didn't care what the other party said. He insisted that the reason why he was forgetful was because it was eating secretly. Later, he released the demonized Mei Ji in the form of a nine-tailed fox.

Only then did the void creature realize that the other party was an evil creature under the evil god system.

Reasoning with him is like playing the piano to an ox.

"You bastard, you let the dog bite me, wuwu!"

After he saw a large piece of his hind leg bitten off by the demonized Meiji, he showed pain and almost cried.

Demonized Meiji, who was relatively close to her, was stunned for a moment when she heard the words and then flashed a fierce light.

"If you let me escape, what I encountered today will be repaid a hundredfold in the future!"

After this void creature secretly swore in his heart, he let out a roar, activated his reorganization authority, completely made his body void, and flew towards the deep space of the universe.

When reaching the depths of the void, the creatures in the material world cannot get energy replenishment, and their physical strength, energy, and energy will be doubled. Since the void creatures are not encumbered by the body, they will not be hostile to the real dormant void creatures and will occupy more space. favorable situation.

Therefore, even if he faced a fifth-level creature, he would not have a chance to escape or even fight back.

But it turned out that he thought too much.

Half a day later.

Under the constant pursuit of Chen Mo and Demonized Meiji, this void creature, even though it was completely illusory, could not escape the claws of the two. After being briefly restrained by Demonized Meiji, Chen Mo, who turned on his evil true form, walked out of the void. Come on, lift this little thing less than ten meters with one hand, and the magic bones on the back like chimneys shoot out a large number of spiritual threads, wrapping around this void creature.

General physical attacks and energy attacks have very limited effect on him.

But this kind of attack on the soul has a miraculous effect. After a brief struggle, the void creature suddenly became extremely weak, and even its resistance became weak.

With Chen Mo's current strength, it was far from enough to control a junior real person through spiritual threads, but fortunately, he still had the ability to demonize Mei Ji, so he cast a look.

"I'm afraid not."

Mohua Meiji said: "He also mastered the characteristics of the chaos factor. He has used the chaos factor to interfere with our attacks many times before. The chaos factor is full of randomness. I am afraid that even if I control him now, he will be defeated by him later. The chaos factor is transferred.”

Chen Mo was thoughtful when he heard the words.

The reason why this guy was able to escape for so long was not only the geographical advantage as a void creature, but also the chaos factor he kept activating.

Chaos factor can distort and deflect enemy attacks.

But the chaos factor is not omnipotent. Some of his attacks will be transferred to more deadly places by him. For example, the final blow of the demonized Mei Ji, the injury was actually transferred to the core area of ​​​​the body by his chaos factor, and then he was caught up. .

"What should we do?"

"Kill him to collect materials. At least you can collect a Chaos Factor characteristic. If you are lucky, you may also be able to harvest a Soul Factor characteristic."

As the time and space anchor points provided by Chen Mo increased, the number of demonized Mei Ji's soul factor characteristics also awakened, and she was able to sense the factor characteristics materials obtained by hunting the real person.

The luck of this junior real person is really bad, which is probably the tragedy of acquired void creatures.

Because of food problems, they have to go to the void near the material world to eat. However, as long as the creatures can cross the void from the material world, they are generally quite terrifying guys. It will be easy to find these void creatures hiding on the edge of the void, so in time There are only a very small number of acquired void creatures who have gained long lifespans and can truly enjoy these lifespans.

The void creature said weakly: "I have just been reorganized for less than a hundred years, and I have suffered such serious injuries. It is impossible to get two pieces of materials by killing me, and maybe not even one piece."

He felt that he could still salvage it a little more and try to reduce his value as much as possible.

After hearing this, Demonized Meiji saw Chen Mo's hesitation and quickly added: "Otherwise, if we take him back to the disaster world and sacrifice him, we will definitely be able to get a lot of blessings from the source."

"Stop joking."

The void creature struggled and said: "Compared to the great you, my quality is just a bug on the roadside, not to mention that I have to take a cut from the source. This is a waste of time!"

Chen Mo couldn't help but laugh out loud. This guy's sense of survival was really strong enough.

Demonized Mei Ji rolled her eyes and said: "How about sealing him up and finding someone interested in selling it in the future? Couldn't that heavenly soldier from before be able to control void creatures? There must be similar people in other worlds. After all, this is a real person, and it will definitely fetch a good price. "

Chen Mo finally saw it.

This guy didn't know how he offended Mohua Meiji, causing Mohua Meiji to insist on killing him.

After hearing what Demonized Meiji said, this void creature hurriedly said: "There are very few people who can control the destiny factor, and even fewer people can control the chaos factor..."

Chen Mo heard this and said, "What's your name?"

Hearing this, the void creature who was being questioned quietly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I'm in Xia Cun Yuan Zhai."

Chen Mo continued: "Do you know about the void storm that affected this area some time ago?"


Mura Yuanzhai hurriedly said: "I came here because of that storm. It seems that other people were also swept here at that time and should have fallen into your world."

"Take me to the origin of the storm."

Chen Mo ordered without explanation.


Mura Yuanzhai immediately pulled the spiritual thread and flew towards the depths of the void. Chen Mo took a look at the arrest text and confirmed that the direction was correct. Then he started chatting with him to learn some common sense about the void.

The speed of pure void flight is too fast.

Chen Mo felt that in just a dozen days, he had almost crossed dozens of units of length of the disaster world. When he looked at the disaster world again, the disaster world had become a vortex-shaped object, which was hazy and unclear. When he tried to perceive it with the instinct of the natural disaster monarch, he was shocked to find that the disaster world was like a huge compass that kept rotating. This was definitely not a normal phenomenon.

After flying for a distance, the disaster world suddenly disappeared strangely.

Chen Mo was shocked!

If it weren't for his instinct as a natural disaster, he could still feel that the disaster world was in that direction, and he would have suspected that he had lost himself in the void. After calming down, he remembered that the disaster world, as a chaotic and distorted space-time, does have the characteristics of hiding itself, and it is difficult for outsiders to find the coordinates of the disaster world in the void through ordinary means.

"This is almost a deep space area."

These days, Muran Yuanzhai has been quite honest and has not tried to escape. At this moment, he took the initiative to remind him: "There are countless void creatures hidden in the deep space. They are generally in a dormant state. It is not a big problem to disturb a few of them occasionally, but if they encounter some powerful god-level creatures fighting, or an inexplicable disaster, countless void creatures will evolve into a void storm, and you can only pray for good luck."

This kind of common sense is naturally known to Chen Mo.

He is not too worried about it.

On the one hand, he has the Traveler's Clothes, which can be used to escape through the space-time factor. On the other hand, he has his Chaos Clone. As a peak Great Sage, the Chaos Clone is enough for him to escape back to the disaster world. At worst, as a natural disaster monarch, he has a high probability of escaping the storm range.

"Is that a void creature?"

Chen Mo suddenly looked at a cloud-like thing in the distant dark void and asked.

It is very large, like a small mountain, and there are occasional flashes of electric light inside the gray fog.

The gray cloud looks very much like the nebula in the mini Dyson sphere universe, except that the nebula there is the material for gathering planets, which is transformed into absolute reality after continuous gathering, while the nebula here merges with the illusion and gradually transforms into a void creature.

"Yes, try not to disturb it."

Mura Yuanzhai said: "Even us acquired void creatures are unwilling to provoke them. Although most guys are not very hostile to us acquired void creatures, there will always be some maverick guys. I even witnessed a brutal and terrifying guy who devoured all other nearby void creatures after waking up."

Although Chen Mo wanted to see the real void creatures, he thought that his target was the general who delivered the decree, so he temporarily suppressed his curiosity and followed Cun Yuanzhai to continue flying into the deep space.

During the process, he looked at the arrest documents from time to time to confirm that the direction was correct.

The density of the surrounding void creatures was getting higher and higher.

Those void creatures that were like mountains were okay. Chen Mo and others could easily find them and stay away from them to avoid disturbing them.

However, as they gradually stepped into the deep space, some extremely small void creatures gradually began to appear. Some of them were about the same size as normal people, while others looked like bugs on the roadside. Some gathered together densely, while others hibernated alone. After Chen Mo and the demonized Meiji opened their true bodies, it was really difficult to avoid them.

As the evil true body, which was more than 30 meters tall, walked by, several inconspicuous gray mists under his feet suddenly twisted.

They were just a few void bugs that could be seen everywhere in the depths of the void.

After these void bugs woke up, they actually attacked Chen Mo directly.

They twisted their bodies, one looked like a worm, one looked like an amoeba, and another was a beetle, all of which were only about 20 centimeters long. They stuck to the back of the evil true body and kept biting it, and even tried to drill into the hideous bone hole behind the evil true body that looked like a chimney and enter the real body.

Chen Mo grinned for a while, and then he realized that he had accidentally disturbed a few small bugs.

These void bugs all have the characteristics of death factor.

Even though Chen Mo's real body was extremely strong at the moment, after being injected with the death factor, his life span inevitably passed a little, and in a short moment, about ten minutes of life span passed.


The evil real body did not use energy, and a big hand slapped down, as if slapping a mosquito, and killed all these void bugs.

Cun Yuanzhai said: "This is unavoidable."


After the void bugs were slapped to death, their bodies gradually dissipated and turned into pure gray mist.

Chen Mo carefully observed the surroundings. Those wisps of gray mist were too tiny. Some were natural mist in the void, and some were tiny void bugs. You have to be very careful to distinguish them.

And when he looked into the distance, it was gray.

The only thing that can be confirmed is that this place is far away from the material world, so so many void creatures gather here.

"That huge gray mist is also a void creature?"

Chen Mo pointed at the huge black-gray mist, with a hint of surprise in his eyes. This is the void of the universe. He can no longer describe how huge that thing is. Along the way, there are huge Wukong creatures as big as mountains. He is already used to it. But when he looked far away, he noticed that it seemed to be a distant void. After finding something even bigger, he still couldn't help but feel shocked.

If I had to use a metaphor, its size might be as huge as the sea, or even the entire material world.

"Of course, there are bigger ones too."

Chen Mo was speechless for a while. Facing such a terrifying giant, even a god-level creature would have to take the initiative to avoid it.

So Chen Mo looked at the demonized Meiji on the side and said, "You should hide for a while."


Then the demonized Meiji returned to the summoning space.

After walking for a few more days, Chen Mo looked thoughtful.

It is said that when he just obtained this arrest document, the general who delivered the order must still be alive at that time, and the arrest coordinates were always changing, but after he stepped into the void, the coordinates stopped moving, which made Chen Mo a little suspicious. The other party is likely to have died in the void.


There is also a very small possibility that the opponent has been immobile for a long time, but the consequence will be that the hunted heavenly soldiers and generals will catch up, which should be unlikely.

A few more days passed.

Chen Mo, who had turned on his evil true form, stopped where he was. Amid bursts of muffled hums, he swatted dozens of void bugs on his body to death one by one. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the seemingly endless void creatures in the distance. His face looked a little unsightly.

The void creatures here are actually in a state of irregular floating.

"It seems that this place is close to the center of the storm. The previous void storm was too violent. Calm has not yet returned here. Many void creatures are still subconsciously active. It seems that we have to wait here for a while before moving on. ”


Chen Mo agreed to the other party's proposal. Then he looked around and found a relatively empty area. He squatted down and waited for the void creatures here to completely fall silent.

This wait lasted for more than half a month.

He repeatedly confirmed that the coordinates on the seizure document had not changed. The void creature in front of him gradually returned to silence. When he was about to continue moving forward in two days, he suddenly noticed that there seemed to be turmoil in the distant area, and then he saw A golden giant of light, like the sun, walked past the far end of the field of vision.

His movement seemed to cause many void bugs to awaken, but they soon disappeared completely into nothingness.

"A god!"

Murenzai screamed excitedly, and his noise also caused some nearby void worms to wake up, so he quickly closed his mouth. As the area fell silent, the half-awakened void worms gradually fell into a deep sleep.

Cun Yuanzhai is not afraid of these void bugs, he is afraid that Chen Mo will think that he is playing tricks.

It wasn't until the surrounding void bugs fell asleep again, and after seeing that Chen Mo didn't blame himself for this, Cun Yuanzhai said: "For gods, their natural light of law can easily kill most of the void creatures. This time it's really We’re so lucky, why don’t we go over and have a look?”

Chen Mo knew that he hoped to swallow some of the remaining thoughts of the god.

But he wasn't interested.

"Don't forget your mission."

Seeing what Chen Mo said, Cun Yuanzhai could only nod helplessly, suppressed his impulse, and waited with Chen Mo for a few more days before continuing to fly deep into the void.

After a long time.

Chen Mo suddenly waved and took a stone. He showed a slightly dumb look. This was actually a piece of star stone material. It was a small fortune for the natural disaster predators and natural disaster enhancers, but for him now, it was Dispensable.

Seeing this, Cun Yuanzhai also let out a light sigh.

"Is there a world near here that is returning to nothingness?"

The destruction of the endless world will eventually return to nothingness. This will be a feast for the nearby void creatures, and countless void bugs will be born as a result.

They are witnesses of the endless world returning from reality to nothingness.

When more and more of the material world returns to nothingness, the birth of the material world slows down greatly, and the era of many gods in the material world ruling the rules and authority of the endless world will also come to an end.

"Maybe it drifted here randomly."

"That's impossible."

Murahara Sai said: "If this is the case, it has already been exhausted by the void creatures here, and there is no way it can appear here."

As if to confirm Cun Yuanzhai's words, just two days later, Chen Mo stopped where he was and looked into the distance with a shocked look on his face.

When the world returns to nothingness, the volume of the gray mist will expand thousands of times.

And because the void was so vast and empty, Chen Mo was still able to observe this grand event relatively objectively.

At this moment, the remote area was like an extremely huge insect nest. Endless void insects were being born from it, crowded together in an extremely dense manner. Chen Mo had no doubt that even an eighth-level authority controlled it. Anyone who mistakenly enters it will be annihilated by the endless void insects there.

What's more, there are not just void bugs there.


Chen Mo cursed secretly, because the coordinates shown in the seizure document were suddenly in that area. Could it be that the desperate general who sent the message was seeking his own death and rushed into the desert?

The only thing he hopes now is that the other party will not rush in too deep.

"No, you shouldn't be the one who is anxious."

Chen Mo quickly realized that those who should really be anxious should be the heavenly soldiers and generals responsible for the arrest. That void storm took away the lives of countless heavenly soldiers and generals, and the surviving heavenly soldiers and generals had obviously found out. Got here.

They don't know how they can complete their mission in the face of such a desperate situation.

"Just go and take a look and you will know."

Thirty-seven heavenly soldiers looked at the four heavenly generals present.

These four generals, namely General Nantianhe, General Longtingwei, General Dongtianmen, and General Binggong, once performed their respective duties. They were all angered by Shengyan Taozu because of their interactions with the fugitive general. , responsible for arresting and bringing the general to justice.

There was no sadness on their faces, only despair.

Looking at the void insect nest in the distance, even if Dao Ancestor comes personally, facing such a dangerous place, he will have a narrow escape, let alone them?

"Looks like everyone else is dead and we're the only ones left."

General Nan Tianhe was the first to speak.

He is one of the nine generals responsible for managing Nan Tianhe. He is now in this situation simply because he drank in private with the general who delivered the decree three hundred years ago.

"Why is he suffering? Alas."

The Ice Palace General let out a long sigh.

This is a female heavenly general who is an old friend of the general who carries the decree. They once spent a long time together in the Tianlong Palace as a heavenly soldier on duty, and now they are also involved.

"This is the will of Heaven. Since you are already in the Immortal Class, you should not have an affair with a mortal. If I were him, I should take the initiative to bring that evil son to justice. But he did such a stupid thing and actually defected with the will of Heaven. Did he think that he could die in place of that scoundrel? He was really stupid."

General Long Tingwei cursed in anger.

General Dongtianmen is a monk. He never spoke. He just looked at the void insect nest in the distance quietly, as if he was comprehending.

I don’t know how long it took, but several signs in front of General Nan Tianhe shattered with a click.

It means that the heavenly soldiers they sent earlier have died.

General Nan Tianhe had expected this. He looked at the other three generals and sighed: "No matter what, his magic power cannot support him to enter the depths of this void insect nest. If it is only on the edge, we are not There is no chance to bring back the will of heaven, otherwise you know the consequences, and we have no other choice."

"The key is to accurately locate his position. A moment's difference may very well be the difference between life and death for us. Let's re-deduce it, right?"


After the four people sat cross-legged, they started the divination deduction.

This process lasted for several days, and the four people finally got the final result, which corroborated the previous deductions, and they all showed signs of exhaustion.

"Let's go?"


Forty-one people rushed into the void insect nest without hesitation and were swallowed up by dense void insects.

At this time.

Chen Mo from a distant land slowly appeared with Mu Ruyi in his hand, and said thoughtfully: "The imperial edict of heaven is just a decree. To go to such great lengths to go to war, just to make another one is enough. Is there any special meaning in this? , belongs to the mystery of authority that is inexhaustible, non-replicable, non-renewable and non-returnable?”

The ancient mysterious world could open the world community barrier and destroy the old world, so it must have something quite terrifying in its hands.

Chen Mo vaguely guessed that this so-called imperial decree might touch on some unusual areas.

"The Imperial Decree of Heaven, the Monument of Heaven, and the world view of Heaven seem to be quite incredible."

In contrast, the disaster world is only in its infancy in this regard, and all it possesses is pure power. The difference between immortals and mortals, ruthless abstinence, etc. in the Xuanling world are likely to be related to the world view of heaven.

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