Disaster Strikes

Chapter 248 Returning with Money

Finally, it was the turn of the finale item to appear.

Unexpectedly, the first item of the auction made Chen Mo stand up straight, and he seemed quite excited about it.

"Now it's the turn of the finale treasure of this auction. The first auction item is three taels of silver essence, and the starting price is 80 spirit stones!"

There was an uproar in the audience.

This is a high-grade material for refining top-grade magic tools and top-grade magic tools.

The behind-the-scenes boss of the weapon refining workshop and the foundation-building monks all showed strong interest.

Like Leilan Country, there is no silver mine in Daze Country. It can only be obtained by refining silver ingots, which is very difficult.


Although Chen Mo showed strong interest, he finally shook his head and leaned back in his chair when he thought of the exchange rate between the spirit stones in the Guixu world and the points in the disaster world.

He quietly watched the three taels of silver essence being auctioned off at a high price.


The auction auctioned a martial arts book called "Tian Miao Huan Yin" and a top-grade magic tool called Broken Dust Mirror.

Finally, it was Chen Mo's turn to consign the auction items.

"The next auction item is a pseudo-millennium blue spirit grass!"

The auctioneer shouted enthusiastically.

"After the confirmation of our appraiser, the medicinal properties of this spiritual medicine are more than 850 years old, but less than 900 years old. The blue spirit grass has a mild nature and can neutralize the poison and weaken its toxicity. It can also increase the success rate of some elixirs. It can be said to be a life-saving thing and one of the best auxiliary materials for refining high-level elixirs. The starting price is 50 spiritual stones!"

The auction process was not as intense as Chen Mo thought.

It was not because of the age of the blue spirit grass, but because the medicinal properties of the blue spirit grass itself did not meet the pursuit of these low-level cultivators.

If Chen Mo had a way to sneak into the auction of the Jindan cultivator, the value of this spiritual medicine would undoubtedly increase a lot.

After several people made casual offers, the medicine was finally bought by someone for 55 spiritual stones.

But thinking that this was equivalent to 550 points after all, Chen Mo was still quite satisfied.


The auction also auctioned a 700-year-old spiritual medicine that can be used as the main medicine for foundation-building cultivators. The final transaction price reached more than 180 spiritual stones.

"The next auction item is a medium-grade spiritual stone!"

The auctioneer's loud shout made Chen Mo stunned.

"After our appraisal, this medium-grade spiritual stone has no spiritual energy leaking out. It is a new product."

Everyone at the auction looked at this so-called medium-grade spiritual stone, and some of them exclaimed.

Its spiritual power is so strong that it is almost comparable to that of a demon pill.

But it is purer than the spiritual power of a demon pill and is suitable for cultivators to absorb.

"After the ancient war, the difficulty of mining intermediate spiritual stones in the spiritual veins of this world has been increasing. Several nearby countries have not heard of spiritual mines that can mine intermediate spiritual stones for decades. With the help of these spiritual stones, not only can the speed of cultivation be greatly improved, but they are also necessary for arranging formations. At the same time, they are incredibly useful for practicing secret techniques and breaking through bottlenecks. The starting price is 120 spiritual stones!"

The current situation of the Guixu world is indeed as the auctioneer said.

After experiencing the prosperity and glory of the ancient times, because the Guixu land was covered by the turbulence of time and space, the fairy mountains in various places became rootless duckweed, and the spiritual veins gradually withered.


The spiritual mines relying on the spiritual veins of the fairy mountains are not immune.

Although these spiritual mines are not exhausted, the number of spiritual stones that can be mined is constantly decreasing.

Unless it is the core area of ​​those large spiritual mines, some intermediate spiritual stones can be mined, and small spiritual mines are basically impossible.

As for the legendary high-grade spiritual stones.

Even in ancient times, it was an extremely precious treasure. For the current Guixu world, its preciousness is comparable to that of dark gold props.

As the mid-grade and high-grade spirit stones of the spirit mine gradually withered.

The monks had to hunt high-level monsters to obtain their demon pills to replace the mid-grade and high-grade spirit stones.

But this method is ultimately difficult to last.

Of course.

Although the mid-grade spirit stones in this world are scarce, they are only relative to the abundance of the ancient times. Compared with other worlds, the output of energy stones in this world is still quite large, but most of them are monopolized by those high-level monks and powerful sects.

"One hundred and twenty-five pieces."

"One hundred and twenty-eight spirit stones."

"I'll give you one hundred and fifty pieces!"

"Humph, one hundred and fifty-five pieces..."

This mid-grade spirit stone was eventually bought at a high price of two hundred spirit stones.

"The next auction item is the auction item that our bank has been temporarily entrusted with, a foundation-building pill!"

The Qi-training monks in the audience exclaimed when they heard this.

His eyes were fixed on this foundation-building pill.

"The value of this pill is naturally meaningless to the foundation-building cultivators, but it is a priceless treasure for the twelfth-level Qi training cultivators. However, in recent years, due to the spread of environmental pollution and the wanton slaughter of the major sects, the number of foundation-building monsters that can breed monster pills has dropped sharply, and hunting higher-level monsters is too dangerous. Therefore, the number of foundation-building pills that Daze Country can produce each year is constantly decreasing..."

Before the auctioneer finished his introduction, the audience began to whisper.

There were obviously quite a few people who were interested.

However, the status of the foundation-building pill was indeed quite embarrassing.

This was a pill that gradually became popular in the Guixu world in the past two or three thousand years. Before that, the Qi training cultivators advanced on their own.

Those who needed the foundation-building pill would rather spend all their wealth to buy it at all costs.

But Qi training monks themselves don't have much wealth.

For the foundation-building monks, this elixir is of no use except to reward their disciples and descendants.

"The starting price for this Foundation Building Pill is 80 spirit stones!"

"I'll give you eighty-five spiritual stones!"

"Eighty-eight dollars!"

"I'll pay eighty-nine yuan..."

When Chen Mo in the audience saw this, he couldn't help but feel excited.

Although he already knew the value of this elixir when he was in Leilan Kingdom, it would inevitably lead to crazy plundering by the Qi Practitioners.

But at this moment.

Because it was him who was consigning and bidding for this Foundation Establishment Pill, his mood was inevitably different.


During the bidding process, the price increased sharply at the beginning, and later on, they insisted on holding on to one spiritual stone after another. After all, there were only a few Qi-training monks who could produce more than a hundred spiritual stones.

After all, for the vast majority of Qi practicing monks, there are not many ways to obtain spiritual stones.

The same was true for the Foundation Establishment Pill that was the finale of the last auction in Gulan Town, Leilan Country.

After the auction ends.

Chen Mo took the bill and came to the exchange office.

It was still the old man who had received Chen Mo before and was responsible for handling business for Chen Mo.

"You have obtained a total of 240 spiritual stones from this auction. Due to the 50% discount on the handling fee, a total of 217 spiritual stones need to be paid to you. Please accept it."

Seeing this, Chen Mo hummed and put away these energy stones.

He originally had 57 spirit stones, and the bidding for the phantom talisman cost 5 dollars. Adding these 217 dollars, there were a total of 269 spirit stones.

This is 2690 points.

After returning to the courtyard, Chen Mo sat on the stone bench, rubbing Xiaobai's dog's head, looking at the brilliant stars of Guixu World together, quietly enjoying the peace and tranquility of Guixu World where he stayed at the end of this mission.

Tip: The maximum critical value for a time traveler’s talent to stay here is coming soon. (Y/N) Will you return to the disaster world?


As the surrounding space gradually distorted, the scene in front of Chen Mo gradually became blurry.

Immediately afterwards, he felt himself being pulled by a powerful force, like the feeling of weightlessness in a dream, being dragged into this gray space.

This is the temporary space where the natural disaster victims are located when the disaster strikes mission is settled.

In front of him is the whirlpool leading to the disaster world, glowing slightly.

Chen Mo took Xiaobai and stepped out of the whirlpool.

His body seemed to have passed through a layer of water curtain, and then his eyes lit up and he appeared in the square where the River of Disaster gathered in the disaster world.

The dark sky is full of dryness and barrenness.

Compared to the Guixu world, this is undoubtedly hell.

In the square of the gathering place, there were actually a lot more people setting up stalls than when Chen Mo left. There were almost one-third of the number. It seemed that the gathering place already had a plan to deal with the burning curse. .

The good news is that the apocalypse isn't here yet.

Otherwise, as usual, once you enter the gathering area, you will receive relevant prompts.

Beep beep beep.

A series of message prompts came from the optical brain data chip.

As Chen Mo walked towards Justice Square, he checked the message messages, which were from Tiantian, Xieying, Nightingale and Upside Down Monk.

Chen Mo first opened Tiantian's mailbox and left a message.

"Captain, I'm still alive, but I was almost in pain just now, wuwu."

Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head with a smile.

Although Tiantian was acting coquettishly, Chen Mo could still hear her critical situation at that time.

However, for those affected by natural disasters, although they cannot escape the fear of death, they have learned to face it. Everyone has too many related experiences in their experience.

Immediately afterwards came the message.

"Captain, I'm at No. 188, Building Z, in the residential area."

Next is the message from the Nightingale.

"Traveller, the situation at the gathering place is getting more and more tense now. Maoyan, Woolly Bear, and Rabbit and I miss you very much. Come and get together when you have time."

Although the other party did not clearly mention the purpose, Chen Mo guessed that it should be related to the doomsday mission.

Next is the message from the upside-down monk.

"If you are still satisfied with the opportunity given by the poor monk, come and have a drink with the poor monk. The poor monk appreciates your courage. In addition, the two teammates of the poor monk are also very interested in you. They must face you face to face. thank."

Chen Mo couldn't help but smile when he heard this.

After thinking for a moment, Chen Mo replied.

"Senior, I have just returned to the gathering place. I am quite satisfied with the opportunity given by my senior. I will not thank you for your kindness. I will pay you a visit immediately after I have dealt with the matter at hand."

Beep beep beep.

Chen Mo's message quickly received a reply.

"Amitabha, that's good. The poor monk lives in a private area. When you come to register, please remember to contact the poor monk."

Carefully walking all the way, Chen Mo arrived at the Justice District.

Under the huge scale, the number of natural disaster victims waiting to form a team has obviously increased, and the gathering place seems to be restoring its original order.

Tip: Congratulations! The content of this gray contract was successfully completed.

Tip: Your natural disaster contribution points +50 points.

Chen Mo took away the 50 natural disaster points pledged by forming the gray team with Tiantian.

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