Disaster Survival: Start the ocean sign-in 100 times increase

Chapter 20 The spring is in hand, ready to leave the island

Lin Sheng did not expect that Lingquan would be here.

But since he encountered it, he might as well take the spiritual spring into his pocket without hesitation.

When Lin Sheng thought of this, he immediately wanted to go down into the well and fish out the spring.

Lin Sheng stepped forward, and just as he raised his foot and stepped into the well, he heard Gouzi stop him from the side: "Master, no! The ancestors forbid any savages from our tribe to enter the well!"

Seeing Gouzi's extremely anxious look, Lin Sheng said with a straight face: "Get out of the way."

The spiritual spring was right in front of him, and it was absolutely impossible for Lin Sheng to give up this spiritual spring.

Gouzi shook his head and said: "Master, if you want anything else, Gouzi, I will give it to you without saying a word, but the stone under the well is cursed, and I cannot let the master risk it."

After Lin Sheng heard Gouzi's words, he really didn't feel that Gouzi had any rebellious intentions.

But this still couldn't change Lin Sheng's mind!

It looks like I need to talk some sense into the dog.

"Gouzi, you said this is the ancestral precept left by your first-generation leader. Then I ask you, did your first-generation leader just say that your people cannot go down?"

Lin Sheng explained the truth in an orderly manner.

Gouzi looked confused:???

My ancestors seemed to have said so!

"Let me talk about my identity again. I am your master, but I am not your clansman. Logically speaking, since you have recognized me as your master, my status is the same as that of your ancestors.

Your ancestor just didn’t let you younger generations not be able to go, but he didn’t say that me, his contemporaries, can’t go too, right?”

Lin Sheng said plausibly.

"Well, that seems to be the truth."

Gouzi held the stone spear in his hand with a face full of uncertainty (óò)

"As for the things left by your ancestors, your entire tribe must move away from here. If you stay, you will lose it. I, as your master, will take the treasures away with you so that you will not lose the things left by your ancestors. "

After Lin Sheng finished speaking, Gouzi bowed to Lin Sheng with a face filled with respect.

"Thank you, master. Gouzi thanks the master on behalf of the entire tribe."

Lin Sheng said no more and jumped into the well.

But he chuckled in his heart.

Wherever I go, how can I miss such a treasure?

Gouzi looked down into the well and looked at Lin Sheng worriedly.

Although this was the case, there was still danger in the well, and he was inevitably worried about his master.

In the well.

After Lin Sheng jumped into the well water, he found a blue oxygen bar appearing in front of his eyes.


Lin Sheng suddenly realized that this meant the time he could spend in the water.

Lin Sheng understood that he did not have much time in the water, so he began to look for the location of the spring.

After searching for a while, Lin Sheng saw a bright blue light under the dark well.

"That's the spring."

Lin Sheng felt that his oxygen time was insufficient and immediately surfaced for ventilation.

After the o2 time was reset, Lin Sheng sank into the water again, and suddenly swam towards the fluorescent place under the water with all his strength.

There is only one minute and every second counts, and within one minute, if it is too late, it is estimated that the end of this life will be here.

Lin Sheng watched the time in O2 decrease second by second, and couldn't help but feel anxious.

"What the hell? Why did the ancestors of this savage tribe place this spring so deep without respecting martial ethics?"


Lin Sheng suddenly exerted force on his limbs and struggled wildly in the water.

44 seconds and twenty meters to go.

40 seconds, 13 meters to go.

31 seconds later, it’s finally here!

Lin Sheng grabbed it towards the spring.

[Get the spiritual spring eye]

[Lingquan Eye:

The origin of holy water, with it, you will get an endless supply of spiritual spring water, which can speed up the growth of crops and livestock. Long-term consumption can increase vitality and have the effect of beautifying the skin. 】

Lin Sheng put the spring into his backpack, and for a moment the space under the well shook violently.

The well water is sinking!

Lin Sheng felt it, and he raised his head and looked at the mouth of the well.

"No, I have to hurry up and get out! Otherwise, I might be trapped down here!"

Lin Sheng panicked and immediately swam up faster than he had come.

But it was easy to get into the water and difficult to get out of the water. Lin Sheng felt that the pressure in the water was very huge.

Lin Sheng swam all the way up and felt that his limbs were about to become useless.

There are still ten meters...five meters left.


The countdown for item o2 has ended.

Lin Sheng opened his mouth involuntarily. The oxygen limit in his body had reached its limit.

Large mouthfuls of well water were poured into his mouth.

"Are you going to die?"

"Sure enough, I'm still too greedy!"

Lin Sheng's consciousness gradually became blurred.

"No, I can't die yet. I must get rid of all the regrets from my previous life in this life!"

As Lin Sheng's thoughts became more determined, a force that exceeded the limits of the human body seemed to come from his limbs, causing Lin Sheng to fight to the death...


Lin Sheng, who came out of the water, wiped the water off his face vigorously and breathed in the air on the water.

"Master, master, come up quickly!"

Lin Sheng, who was just congratulating himself for escaping from death, heard the sound of a dog yelling. When he looked again, he saw that the distance from the wellhead, which was less than 2.5 meters deep, had become 3 meters deep.


A rope as thick as a baby's arm was thrown into the well by the dog. One end of the rope was tightly held by the dog in his hand, and the other end was falling beside him.

Lin Sheng looked at the rope and smiled, and immediately grabbed the rope with one hand.

"Master has caught it, the dog will pull you up now!"

Gouzi exerted force suddenly, and several members of the savage tribe who were looking for Gouzi for something at this moment saw Gouzi pulling people and came to help.

With the help of three savages, Lin Sheng finally climbed back out of the well.

"Master, are you okay?"

Gouzi asked with concern.

It feels pretty good to have this subordinate!

This was what Lin Sheng had in mind.

"Come on, let's get ready to leave. When we get back to my raft, I'll treat you to a big meal of meat and wine."

Lin Sheng patted Gouzi on the shoulder and said, not mentioning that he almost drowned in the well water just now.

"Chief, Master, do you want to take these seeds with you too?"

At this time, the helping savage member asked.

"Seed? What seed?"

Lin Sheng asked.

"It's the seeds of wild vegetables we found on the island."

Savage said.

"Take them all away!"

Lin Sheng said.

The gate of the savage tribe.

Fifty savages carried large and small bags, pulled by large and small wooden carts, and left with Lin Sheng with the wealth accumulated by the entire tribe over the years.

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