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Chapter 233: Insect Eggs, the End of the Rainbow

The spider web was formed at a crazy speed like building blocks.

In less than a minute, the spider web spun by the water spiders directly covered the ship where Lin Sheng was.

No matter how everyone thought about this situation, they could not have imagined that these water spiders would use such means.

The more amazing thing is that the artillery weapons on the ship have no way to deal with these spider webs. Whenever Lin's artillery or giant spears were fired, they would ruthlessly penetrate through the gaps in the spider silk.

And the miracle that Old Jack thought of did not happen. He hoped that he could drive the ship through the spider silk.

But when he rushed to the spider web, he was bounced back.

Everyone on the ship staggered, and for a while, their steps were unstable and they fell directly to the ground. If the quality of the ship was not good enough, this rebound might be enough to capsize the ship.

Such spider silk is no longer something that can be destroyed by physical attacks.

Lin Sheng frowned deeply, and fireballs emerged from his hands, throwing them at the spider web one after another.

"Boom boom boom"

The two or three fireballs of the sister exploded, but the spider web was too large, so the flames could only sweep a small area of ​​the spider web.

Under the sweep of the flames, these spider webs began to become tattered, as if they could be destroyed at any time.

Although the fireball did not resolve the crisis, it gave Lin Sheng new hope.

The power of the flame can burn these spider webs clean, but the fireball attack in his hand is too weak. It can only hit a small piece of spider web.

But it is impossible to destroy a large area of ​​spider webs here.

Shen Ling, who has been observing everything beside Lin Sheng, came to Lin Sheng with a smile.

"Hey, Xiaosheng, you step back, and leave the rest to me."

Shen Ling pushed Lin Sheng to the back.

"Sister Ling, what are you going to do?"

Under Lin Sheng's question, Shen Ling shook the demon refining pot in her hand and showed a strange smile.

"Haha, have you forgotten what I have in my hand?"

Lin Sheng was stunned when he saw Shen Ling's movements.

How could he forget the demon-refining pot in Shen Ling's hand?

That was the Samadhi True Fire, which could completely restrain these water spiders.

Lin Sheng smiled and said, "Then Sister Ling, try it quickly."


Shen Ling responded, and the spout of the demon-refining pot in her hand was opened by Shen Ling.

Red flames emerged from the spout and turned into a fire dragon that swept wildly over the sea.

The spider silk swept by the fire dragon was burned one after another, and at the same time, a large number of water spiders were directly burned to death by the fire dragon and sank into the sea.

Those water spiders that escaped the disaster were more or less burned with serious burns.

But the fire dragon's attack did not stop there, but became more and more fierce under Shen Ling's strength.

The fire dragon swept more and more frantically, and the water spiders on the sea that had just escaped the first level were burned to death again.

The remaining water spiders knew that the situation was over, and they hurriedly fled on the sea.

The water waves on the sea surface were rippling, and the water spiders jumped on the sea surface with an almost flashing feeling.

Lin Sheng and others couldn't help but smile when they saw the group of water spiders fleeing in a hurry.

They ran away, and the previous pressure was gone all of a sudden.

The ship continued to sail and headed towards the sea where the source of the rainbow was.

On the way, Lin Sheng also saw a lot of sea views, and from time to time he could fish beside the ship.

As the ship continued to move forward, it was getting closer and closer to the end of the rainbow.

And the rainbow cannot always exist, looking at the looming appearance of the rainbow.

Lin Sheng hurriedly frowned and came to the captain's room of Old Jack.

"How far are we from the end of the rainbow?"

"Boss, judging by the feeling, we will reach the end of the rainbow in another five minutes."

Lin Sheng nodded, he was afraid that after the rainbow disappeared, he would not be able to find the end of the rainbow.

However, Lin Sheng's worry was a bit redundant, because just as Old Jack's voice fell, he saw a colorful light column rising into the sky above the sea in front of him through the glass window of the captain's room, and the light arc stretched out by this light column was exactly the looming rainbow hanging high in the sky.

"Boss, the end is right in front of us."

Old Jack said happily.

Lin Sheng nodded to signal Old Jack to continue moving forward and strive to reach the destination as soon as possible.

And Old Jack was also very helpful. Moving forward at a very fast speed.


In the deep sea, under the sea where Lin Sheng and others were trapped before, at this time, a huge worm began to split, first cracking from the middle, and then splitting into two halves.

And countless small particles fell out of this cracked worm egg.

Small gaps kept appearing in these small particles, and small milky white bugs emerged from the holes.

These small milky white bugs moved and swallowed the particles they came out of.

Then their body shapes began to change.

The milky white bug bodies turned light yellow, and they also slowly grew from the size of a hair to the size of an earthworm.

The dense swarm of insects squirmed together and ate away at the huge egg shells. If someone with trypophobia saw it, they would probably be too scared to eat.

After these bugs grew a little larger, they were no longer satisfied with the energy demand at the current stage, so these bugs began to divide into multiple groups and quickly pounce on the sea beasts in the sea under the sea.

The sea beasts that didn't react at first were thrown over, and they all made painful sounds and fell to the mud on the seabed, struggling continuously.

The movement of the insects was too loud, attracting the attention of many sea beasts. Then these sea beasts sensed the approaching crisis and began to run away one after another.

The bugs followed.

These bugs devoured different sea beasts, and their bodies also changed.

For example, after some insects devoured the giant crabs and sea beasts, their bodies became huge and black crustacean scales began to grow on their bodies, and their tentacles gradually became slender, with sprouts growing on the front of the tentacles. Crab's claws.

The insect's head and the needle-like mouthparts on the insect's mouth are also getting stiffer and stiffer.

After some insects devoured the electric eel sea beast, silvery-white insect shells grew out of their bodies.

There was lightning flashing on his body.

After different bugs devour different sea beasts, they absorb the abilities of different sea beasts and become larger and stronger.

The only thing that hasn't changed is the iconic mouthparts.

"There is no land here. The end of the rainbow is sea water. Where can I get the materials for Xuanjia?"

Lin Sheng looked at the sea and said in confusion.

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