Led by Duoduo and ChouChou, these two strange fish surrounded Kong Kongyi and entered the cave.

Lin Sheng and Pai Ye looked at each other and followed suit.

However, as soon as the two of them stepped into the cave, the cave behind them was immediately sealed.

The dark environment was replaced by a bright light the next moment.

This sudden alternation of black and white made Lin Sheng couldn't help but close his eyes. When Lin Sheng opened his eyes again, what he saw was a hole full of strange gems.

These gems can emit such dazzling light in the dark, reflecting the dark environment like daylight.

Lin Sheng reached out curiously to grab it, and a gem fell into Lin Sheng's hand.

[Get fluorescent stone +1]

At this moment, Duoduo and Chou Chou immediately turned around and stared at Lin Sheng closely.

Full of dissatisfaction with Lin Sheng's behavior of asking for it without asking.

Lin Sheng felt awkward for a while when Duoduo and Chou Chou stared at him like this.

Just when Lin Sheng was hesitating whether to put the fluorescent stones back, after all, Kong Kongyi also promised to give him treasures. There were so many fluorescent stones, so Kong Kongyi would definitely give them to him.

But Kong Kongyi said: "If the master likes it, just take it away."

Duo Duo and Chou Chou turned around in surprise when they heard Kong Kongyi's words. Chou Chou was surprised that his princess would actually give it to Lin Sheng himself, while Duo Duo was surprised that the princess actually let humans take over.

Since Kong Kong Yidu said so, Lin Sheng directly put it into his backpack without any pretense.

I walked all the way and found no other treasures.

Soon a few people arrived at the depths of the cave.

The environment here is like a paradise.

But more than a dozen mermaids from the mermaid tribe were all lying on the ground with injuries.

Next to these injured mermaids, there is a little lolita-like mermaid who is treating them.

"King Father, Queen Mother, Kong Kongyi is back."

Kong Kongyi said to the two older mermaids, tears streaming down her eyes uncontrollably.

When the older mermaid couple saw Kong Kongyi, tears overflowed from their eyes.

"It'll be good to come back, it'll be good to come back."

The noble-dressed mermaid woman hugged Kong Kongyi and said.

The mermaid king wearing the crown said with focused eyes: "Yier, who dares to enslave you? Tell your father, is it those bastards from the Shark tribe? I will fight them. Even if we lose, I will not My daughter cannot be allowed to be humiliated like this."

As he spoke, the Mermaid King was full of hostility.

Lin Sheng and Pai Pai also noticed the change in the Mermaid King's momentum.

"Boss, the old man seems to be angry, are we?"

Paipai was a little nervous, he felt the crisis in the Mermaid King.

Lin Sheng just shook his head. Lin Sheng was still confident that he dared to come here. Since the Mermaid King was so angry for Kong Kongyi, and he still controlled Kong Kongyi's life and death, Lin Sheng had the confidence to protect his own life.

"Father, it's not like this. I was hunted by the Sharman tribe. It was my master who saved me. He was worried that I would be harmful to him, so he signed a slave contract. But the master did not force me and came down to you for me. ”

Kong Kongyi explained to the Mermaid King.


The Mermaid King was relieved when he heard that his daughter had not been wronged, and looked at Lin Sheng.

The mermaid king looked Lin Sheng up and down, and then said: "In this case, this human friend, please also cancel my daughter's slave contract. We, the mermaid tribe, will thank you."

Lin Sheng could feel that although the mermaids on the ground were injured, they were not weak in strength. It would not be a good thing if they could become the guards of his ark.

As for Kong Kongyi, things were promised before, but now they are different.

The number of mermaids is reduced, and their families are all gone, and every one of them is injured.

Lin Sheng said with a smile: "Mermaid King, how about you and your people become my subordinates?

Of course, I just need you to help me guard my territory. As for the rest, you can still live your normal life on my ark, and I will not interfere with your daily life.

Of course, the only way to reassure me is that you all need to sign a slave contract. "

"Bold human being, how can I become a slave? You are looking for death!"

The Mermaid King suddenly said angrily.

Lin Sheng, however, looked at the Mermaid King calmly.

If he died, his daughter would be buried with him. Lin Sheng believed that he would not do such a thing.

The other injured mermaids also looked at Lin Sheng with hatred.

They had a good impression of the human being who saved the princess at first, but after hearing that the princess was enslaved, their grudges were offset by grudges.

Now I heard that this human wanted to enslave their entire clan, and I became angry immediately. As long as the Mermaid King gave the order, the mermaids would swarm up and attack Lin Sheng.

At this time, Kong Kongyi grabbed the Mermaid King, and Kong Kongyi communicated with the three mermaids, the Mermaid King and the Mermaid Queen, for a long time.

The expression of the Mermaid King also softened, and he looked at his clansmen with tangled eyes. After hesitating for a long time, he said to Lin Sheng: "If you can help us take revenge, then our Mermaid clan will depend on you. Why not?"

After the Mermaid King learned more comprehensive information about Lin Sheng from Kong Kongyi, he was also tempted.

There is no place for their mermaid tribe to survive at the bottom of the sea.

After many years of fighting against the Sharks, the mermaid race has almost been exterminated. If possible, it would be a good choice for the mermaid race to live peacefully on the Ark.

In the ocean, the mermaid clan has mastered the secret treasure. Every time the mermaid clan moves, it will be found by the mermaid clan.

Everyone who heard the words of the Mermaid King looked at each other. They never thought that the Mermaid King would say these words.

Lin Sheng was also particularly surprised. He had thought about incorporating the mermaid clan, but it was too easy.

But Lin Sheng felt that it would be difficult to deal with the Sharman tribe.

"How many people are there in the Sharman tribe?"

Lin Sheng decided to ask before making a decision.

"There are a thousand Sharks who came to attack us. We were attacked unprepared. As you can see, these are the only ones left in our clan. Although the Sharks are having a hard time, there are still about 300 left."

The Mermaid King spoke slowly.

three hundred.

When I came to capture Kong Kongyi before, I had to kill 100 sharks myself.

Then two hundred at most.

Lin Sheng looked at Paipai, wanting to see what Paipai thought. He couldn't face two hundred sharks by himself.

Paipai was silent for a moment and nodded, thinking about the feeling of dealing with the shark.

Those sharks were no match for him after he ate the spinach.

"Okay, don't worry, the mermaid tribe's treasure house, if not, I will take care of those sharks for you and help you get revenge."

Lin Sheng said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

I almost let it slip just now, mainly because Kong Kongyi told him that the temptation of the treasure house in the Mermaid Palace was too great.

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