Disaster Survival: Start the ocean sign-in 100 times increase

Chapter 74 Gold coins for wine, Rubber Island map

"This, that, Sir, we don't have anything good in our hands. After all, what you have is more complete than us."

Chen Xiaowen said with some frustration.

"You can see if there is anything good on you. It doesn't have to be very rare, but it must be something I can see."

Lin Sheng said leisurely.

After hearing Lin Sheng's words, Chen Xiaowen hurriedly took out the contents of his backpack.

There are a lot of bubble gum, wooden boards, and stones among them.

Suddenly, a crashing sound caught Lin Sheng's attention.

That's a gold coin!

"Haha, I'm sorry. I thought these gold coins, Sir, were gold. If the sea water recedes after a while, I might be able to exchange them for money, so I kept them."

Chen Xiaowen said awkwardly. After all, when survival becomes a problem, who would deliberately save gold coins?

Lin Sheng narrowed his eyes and said.

"No, I like this gold coin very much too!"


Chen Xiaowen was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Lin Sheng in shock.

The next moment, he suddenly said excitedly: "Master, are you telling the truth? Can I exchange gold coins for wine with you?"

Lin Sheng became excited.

That's a gold coin. If you don't find the mysterious merchant, it's worthless. But if you find the mysterious merchant, the gold coin will be a hot commodity.

However, Lin Sheng said that he did not show it.

But he said calmly.

"Yes, but these gold coins cannot be measured according to their previous value. At most, one gold coin can be exchanged for a pound of wine."

"Change, sir, I'll change it right now."

Chen Xiaowen said excitedly.

He originally had a headache about his special ability. In the world of survival, why would he give himself a chance to get a gold coin treasure chest every day?

It can't be used to buy food, but it seems to be used now.

Chen Xiaowen was afraid that Lin Sheng would regret it, so he hurriedly handed over all ten gold coins in his hand, "Sheng, please give me ten kilograms of beer first."

Lin Sheng waved his hand and pushed the ten kilograms of beer on the table directly to Chen Xiaowen.

Chen Xiaowen was overjoyed when he looked at the beer, but after seeing the looks in his brothers' eyes, he silently put away the beer.

Cao, let's let you laugh at me for having a useless ability. Is this okay? Labor and management can buy wine if they have money.

For a moment, everyone else was angry, wondering why they had lost all the gold coins they had gained following Chen Xiaowen.

But regret is no longer useful.

Yes, some people have special abilities that can affect those around them.

But Lin Sheng didn't know that he felt helpless after seeing the mysterious merchant's products.

I finally got 107 gold coins, but I can't buy any products.

"Master, can I come to you again tomorrow to buy wine? Can I also buy the food?"


Lin Sheng replied decisively.

No way? Does this thing still have gold coins?

"How did you get so many gold coins?"

Lin Sheng finally couldn't help but asked curiously.

Lin Sheng's question made Chen Xiaowen feel embarrassed.

He rubbed his head and said: "Well, Sir, please don't laugh at me. I have the ability to get gold coins every day. This is a useless ability."

Lin Sheng:......


Is this ability useless? Are you afraid that you don’t know what this ability does?

The mysterious businessman only recognizes gold coins!

Suddenly Lin Sheng fell silent. Everyone's abilities are not unique, and although there are few people with abilities, there are still many people with these abilities based on a large enough base.

Others can't develop Ark planting, maybe you can!

You can grow food in your own ark. When the time comes, you can sell the food into gold coins, and then use the gold coins to go to the mysterious merchant to buy things that enhance your strength.

This seems to actually work.

Lin Sheng looked at Chen Xiaowen and didn't know whether he should say that the freight was good or bad.

So he said: "As long as you have gold coins, you can come to me to buy food, and I can even sell other things to you."

"Thank you very much, sir. I'll contact you then."

Chen Xiaowen took people away.

But Lin Sheng didn't know that it was Chen Xiaowen who relied on this ability to create a huge organization.

Lin Sheng watched Chen Xiaowen's leaving figure and shed tears silently.

Why is this?

However, the only thing that could comfort Lin Sheng was the restrictions on the use of the items in the hands of the mysterious businessman. Although the items were good, they were not strong enough to use.

Lin Sheng took out the drawings again and compared them.

The route of the treasure map obviously overlaps with that of the Rubber Island.

Lin Sheng brought both drawings to Old Jack.

"Old Jack, follow this route. Let's go to Rubber Island first."

Lin Sheng said.

"Okay boss."

Lin Sheng did not use the acceleration rune, but asked Old Jack to sail the boat by himself. The distance was not very far anyway.

Lin Sheng returned to the deck of the Ark and began to think carefully.

I just learned about this ability from Chen Xiaowen. I can continuously produce all kinds of food, even food that can return to the level of peacetime.

This definitely has great charm for those who have the ability to pursue a better life and survive.

As for the types of food, we need more seeds for crops.

And after possessing those things, Ark's defensive strength must continue to improve.

The afternoon always passes quickly.

It was evening in the blink of an eye.

The Ark also arrived near the rubber island.

Seeing the rubber island so close, after going up to get the rubber, he could upgrade the wooden house.

As soon as the Ark docked, Lin Sheng jumped off the Ark.

Lin Sheng raised his head, stretched out his hands, and took Shen Ling, who jumped off the Ark with him, into his arms.

"Sister Ling, in order to live in a small villa and take a bath, we have to work hard."

Lin Sheng said as he put Shen Ling down.

Shen Ling nodded slightly and followed Lin Sheng to the island.

After the two entered the island, they saw a large area of ​​rubber trees.

This large area of ​​rubber trees made Lin Sheng realize that the rubber he needed was immediately available.

Lin Sheng quickly took out the wooden barrel and cut a wound on the rubber tree with a spear, allowing the milky white resin to flow out of the tree continuously.

The resin dripped from the tree trunk into the wooden barrel, just like tears.

Lin Sheng took Shen Ling to place wooden barrels on the island and cut the bark.

One, two, three... The two cooperated to do the same operation.

With the joint efforts of the two, hundreds of wooden barrels were quickly prepared to receive the resin.

Lin Sheng looked at Shen Ling, who was busy with him and sweating profusely.

Shen Ling reached out to wipe the sweat off her face, but she turned herself into a cat face.

Lin Sheng tried to hold back his smile, but was seen by Shen Ling, "What are you laughing at, young man?"

"No, I suddenly remembered something funny, come and help you wipe the sweat off."

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