


Roar, roar, roar!!!

Roar, roar, roar!!!

Roar, roar, roar!!!

One after another roars continued to sound from the darkness, the bloodthirsty and furious aura instantly enveloped the entire abyss, the light became slightly distorted at this moment, the already dim abyss turned into endless darkness at this moment, one by one blood-red light emanated from the darkness around Li Xiu, and a rich murderous aura enveloped Li Xiu’s body.


As if the words came out of the way, as soon as Li Xiu’s words fell, runes passed around Li Xiu’s body, and in an instant, the entire abyss instantly became transparent.

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

A terrified cry sounded from around the abyss.

Li Xiu looked around, what was not a strange-looking fierce beast with blood in its eyes, and a zombie covered in blood and almost every broken body?

There are fierce beasts and zombies in the abyss!

The fierce beasts and zombies looked very uncomfortable with the light, and they may have stayed in the dark for too long, so they were not used to being too bright, and after the abyss was illuminated, the fierce beasts and zombies scrambled to retreat towards the depths of the abyss, and even Li Xiu, who was about to attack, no longer cared.


The two words spit out, the killing intent rose, Senran sword intent gushed out from Li Xiu’s body, Li Xiu, who had received all the cultivation memories of jade, his comprehension of kendo was not weaker than jade, even if he just used sword intent, it was enough to suppress power!

Nourish !!!

For a time, the sound of dissolving continued to sound from the abyss, enough to suppress the powerful sword intent, wanting to kill the zombies and fierce beasts was simply not too simple, it was easy.

“The catastrophe of ferocious beasts and zombies will happen sooner or later.”

His eyes narrowed slightly, and with a sigh, Li Xiu shook his head and strode towards the town.


With a wave of his hand, the fog that shrouded the town dispersed, Li Xiu walked into the town, just like the ruins of the Immortal Age and the ruins of the Sword Era, the furnishings and breath in the real town were exactly the same, there was no difference, Li Xiu skillfully walked through the streets and alleys to the front of the courtyard.

The smiling face engraved on the gate of the courtyard is still very obvious even though countless years have passed, and Li Xiu can even feel the happy mood of the person who portrayed the smiling face ten thousand years ago, feel the innocence contained in this smiling face, and feel the feelings contained in this small face.

Fingers unconsciously touched the smiling face, took a deep breath, Li Xiu pushed the courtyard, the squeaking sound slowly sounded, the courtyard was gradually opened, a dusty courtyard met Li Xiu’s eyes, Li Xiu raised his foot and stepped into the courtyard.

The furnishings in the courtyard were simple, a withered peach blossom tree, a simple pavilion, two stone benches, a stone table, and nothing else.

“This feeling…”

Inexplicable emotions surged in his heart, Li Xiu closed his eyes, and a blurry picture flashed through Li Xiu’s mind.

Just as Li Xiu wanted to explore the clear appearance of the blurred picture, the picture disappeared directly from Li Xiu’s mind, leaving no emotion.

“System, what’s going on.”

Li Xiu said in a deep voice

If he is not mistaken, the picture that came to his mind just now is nothing else, it is his memory, it can also be said that it is not his memory, because, this memory, belongs to… Future!

“Ding! This is the obsession left by the female emperor in this courtyard, and the obsession is fused with the master, because the master has traveled through time and space many times, so the body is stained with the breath of air, and through the breath of time and space, the obsession allows the owner to see the hazy future scene. ”

System Dao.

“Obsession? It’s been at least a million years, and obsessions still exist? ”

Li Xiu was surprised.


System Dao.

Li Xiu was silent when he heard this, what kind of power allowed the female emperor to exist in the past million years with just one obsession?

Li Xiu was already unimaginable.

“Then every time there is something related to the female emperor, what is the throbbing in my heart?”

Li Xiudao.

“The traces left by the female emperor in this world are too many and too heavy, even after countless years of endless epochs can not be erased, these traces have gone through countless years, after countless eras, the master you are the person the female emperor is waiting for, so the traces and the master you will have a fit, let the master you have a throbbing in your heart.”

The system explains.


Li Xiu thought thoughtfully.

“The female emperor…”

Taking a deep breath, Li Xiu sat down on the stone bench, waved his hand, and the streamer flashed, all the dust turned into nothingness, except for the courtyard was very dilapidated, the whole courtyard suddenly looked a lot new.

Slowly closing his eyes, Li Xiu quietly felt the breeze, quietly feeling the remnants of a certain emotion contained in this courtyard.

[PS: The flowers have exceeded five thousand ~ plus more! ] The chapter is being written, and the author will be changed immediately after writing, here to explain, the introduction is only an introduction to this book, not necessarily exactly the same as the content of this book Oh~].

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