“Ding! Start handing out rewards…”

In an instant, a magnificent energy crossed the endless void and enveloped Li Xiu’s body.

The Heavens Supreme Master Venerable Technique began to operate, a brilliant purple-gold light rose from Li Xiu’s body, a large amount of energy was madly devoured by Li Xiu, and as the energy continued to devour, the breath on Li Xiu’s body began to skyrocket indefinitely!

The secret method of the nine refining divine bodies was cast, Li Xiu’s strength continued to decrease and he continued to re-cultivate and return, scattering exercises, re-cultivation, breakthroughs, scattering exercises, re-cultivation, breakthroughs…

The whole process lasted for more than a day, and finally, the pillar of energy light turned into nothingness and dissipated, Li Xiu opened his eyes, the void made a loud noise, thunder appeared out of thin air, Li Xiu’s eyes faintly flashed with thunder, the space shook, one after another spatial cracks appeared from the void, looking around, the surrounding void was already full of cracks, Li Xiu’s strength was already unbearable even if only the breath void was already unbearable!

As soon as his mind moved, Li Xiu’s whole body aura gradually contracted, and then completely disappeared, and a virtual projection appeared in front of Li Xiu’s eyes.


Character: Li Xiu

Identity: Master of the strongest master system

Cultivation: The peak of the Dao Lord

Exercises: Heavenly Supreme Master Venerable Technique, Immortal Life Technique (Note: Only system exercises are displayed)

Weapons: Dao Jade Sword (Extreme Rule Divine Treasure), Taichu Hongmeng Jia (Need Rule Divine Treasure)

Apprentices: Immortal (Pre-Supreme Stage), Jade (Pre-Supreme Stage), 囡囡 (Chaos Master First Layer)

Exchange points: 1,119,320


Dao Lord Peak!

In just over a day, Li Xiu’s strength had already risen to the peak realm of the Dao Lord!

If it weren’t for the fact that cultivating the Nine Refining Divine Body consumed a lot of energy, Li Xiu was sure that his cultivation would reach the realm above the middle stage of Tianzun.

Of course, although it is only the realm of the peak of the Dao Lord, even if there is a strong person in the middle of the Tianzun period in front of Li Xiu, Li Xiu has the confidence to punch out, which is the perversion of the nine recultivations!

The Heavens Supreme Supreme Technique was originally the strongest technique in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and the True Yuan condensed by it was enough to crush the True Yuan cultivated by any technique in the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, and the already extremely pure Master Venerable True Yuan plus the Nine Refining Divine Body, how could the bonus be doubled or tripled?

“It’s time to get out of the gate, the Terran cultivation plan is also on the agenda, take advantage of the fact that the Demon Race and the darkness will not invade for the time being, and improve the strength of the Terran Race.”

Standing up, Li Xiu walked towards the outside of the hall.


Time is like flowing water, and before you know it, more than half a month has passed, because the demon race and the darkness of the two huge threats hang overhead, people all over the world dare not have any slack, all are frantically cultivating to improve their strength, however, some people with a strong sixth sense have faintly felt that the earth seems to be about to come!

The oppressive aura shrouded the entire earth, and the number of meetings of the high-level officials of the countries in the past half month was more than in previous months, and the eyes of the high-level leaders of the countries would be solemn every time they met.

Because they found that there were a large number of mysterious forbidden places all over the world, and there were sometimes beast roars and roaring sounds in the forbidden places, but no matter how many people they sent in, there was always no return, and this surprise made the high-level people of various countries become cautious.

“Have you noticed that zombies and ferocious beasts have become few?”

“Yes, I used to occasionally see zombies and fierce beasts, but I haven’t seen any of them recently.”

“Haha, it must have been destroyed by our Terrans.”

“I don’t think it’s that simple.”

“I always feel like there’s something big wrong here.”

“Che, you guys are just cranky, where did so many conspiracy problems come from.”

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet, and the discussion topics about fierce beasts and zombies have emerged endlessly since this time, and netizens around the world are discussing them one after another.


In a sea of clouds, Li Xiu and Xiao Yan, Jade, Immortal Life, and Zhan Tian stood proudly above the clouds, “It’s about to begin.” Looking at the earth below, Li Xiunan said to himself.

It’s time to start!

The fierce beast family, the zombie family, their invasion is about to begin!

“If you want to grow, you must experience blood and tears, brother, you also do this so that the Terrans can become stronger and survive in the future catastrophe, they will understand your painstaking brother, and with us in control of the overall situation, there will not be too much chaos, the damage of the Terrans will not be too great, compared to the era in which we live, this is already a great benefit and opportunity.”

Xiao Yan said softly, and Changsheng and the others also nodded in understanding.

Whether it is Xiao Yan or jade, immortal and others, which of them is not stepping on endless corpses to the peak, for the road of the strong to become stronger, they know better than anyone, not only that, in addition to this era, which other era is not a war and strife, this is a fixed number, and it is also the growth that the Terran must need.

If Li Xiu hadn’t been born, if the Terrans hadn’t been destroyed by the Demon Race, then the threat of the Ferocious Beast Clan and the Zombie Clan to the Terrans would also occur, which was doomed.

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

“Roar, roar, roar!!!”

Change, turn on!

In an instant, the primeval forests and mysterious places around the world roared and roared continuously, but in less than a minute, a large number of zombies and a large number of fierce beasts poured out from various places, for a time, the world’s human beings were shocked to find that the fierce beasts and zombies that had disappeared were all reproduced at this moment!

The endless sea of beasts, the bloodthirsty and crazy zombie army, and the combat power of the two races under the guidance of Li Xiu and others began to madly attack the human kingdom, and the calm earth immediately became chaotic at this moment.

“God, there are so many fierce beasts and many zombies.”

“Damn, how could it suddenly become so much.”

“How is this possible, these zombies and the strength of fierce beasts are so strong!”


“Hurry up!”

“Hurry up, the walls of the city are about to be breached!”

A burst of noise and screams sounded from all over the world, the power of the countries of the world immediately operated at this moment, the countries of the world that had long faintly felt that something was wrong reacted very quickly, and soon mobilized the army to deploy the strength of the whole country, and the chaos was quickly quelled, and all the countries in the world began to resist the attack of zombies and ferocious beasts in an orderly manner.

The giant beasts that cover the sky, the zombie army in the sea of people, the majestic and vast energy fluctuations, the earth, has been chaotic!

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