
“What about the giant fingers?”

“Didn’t… Gone? ”

“Appeared, disappeared.”


Everyone in the world stared blankly at the sky and opened their mouths.

“The power just now, the power of that giant finger must be infinite, just disappeared.”


“It came, it disappeared.”

“Daozun! It must be the Daozun boss who made a move! ”

“Daozun is mighty!”

“Haha, the person who shot must be so angry, it’s gone.”

“Haha, laugh at me.”

For a while, everyone in the world laughed, and the atmosphere of the entire earth became much cheerful for a while, and the atmosphere of this bloody killing was washed away a lot, but the fierceness of the war can be seen from the huge ditches and cracks and a large number of destroyed rocks and trees between heaven and earth.

The bones in the war have been piled up into a continent, the blood collection and flow has become Wang Yang, majestic energy emanates from the blood and bones, and the mysterious fluctuations between heaven and earth continue to surge, it is not difficult to imagine that after the heaven and earth have completely absorbed these energies, the earth will surely jump again!


Nangong family, forbidden land.

“Brother, did you make the move just now?”

Xiao Yan Road.

“Hmm.” Nodded, his eyes flashed, and Li Xiu said slowly: “There are transcendent beings in the chaotic plane. ”


The aura that Li Xiu felt when he attacked the chaotic plane just now was definitely a detached person, and he was also a strong one among the detached ones!

Of course, it is incomparable with his own three-second detached person, Li Xiu estimates that the strength of his detached person should be the peak detached, if his use time can be longer, the detached person himself is afraid that he can easily pinch to death, but unfortunately, the use time is too short, at most it can only make him injured, and it is too difficult to suppress.


Everyone was moved, and their faces became solemn.

In this era where the Dao realm is not out, it is no exaggeration to say that the transcendent is the peak of the heavens and realms, dominating the entire heavens and realms, which shows the strength of the transcendent, no wonder the chaotic plane has always been able to be high, and it is normal to have the realm of the transcendent.

“In this war, you can see what the earth is not enough for.”

Li Xiu crossed his hands, looked deeply into the distance, and said.

“There are not enough creatures.”

“There are not enough combatants.”

“If it weren’t for the lack of people, we wouldn’t have had to strike so early.”

After thinking carefully, Luo Tian, Xiao Yan, and Jade Shi said in turn.

“Not bad, number of people.”

Li Xiu said in a deep voice.

There are too few people on the earth, although there are too many people in this life compared to the previous life, but compared with the huge heavens and realms, it is still too few and too few, other plane creatures are calculated according to trillions of trillions, and their earth is only a few trillions of creatures at most, so that if there is a plane war, their defects are too big, and there are many high-end combat powers, Li Xiu can shuttle through time and space to collect a wave of apprentices without saying a word, but low-end combat power Li Xiu is difficult to do.

“Master, have you already thought of a solution?”

List the ways of heaven.


Li Xiu bowed his head slightly.

The solution is simple, there are three, one to create races, one to enlighten all things, and one …

Creating a race can be done by everyone here, especially Xiao Yan and Luo Tian, but at most it can only supply the mid-end combat power, the low-end mass manufacturing is inherently insufficient, the high-end has to consume its own origin, the gain is not worth the loss, and the words that point all things also have limitations, which is not very desirable, so…


Li Xiu’s eyes flashed and said.

“The disciple is here.”

Lu Tian got down on one knee.

“There is a task for the division for you.”

Li Xiudao.

“Master, please say, no matter what the task, the apprentice will definitely complete it to the death.”

Luo Lietian said without hesitation.

“Not so exaggerated.” Li Xiu waved his hand and said with a smile, “The task assigned to you by the division is to go to the heavens and realms to lay a plane, and the division does not need you to complete it as soon as possible, do it under the premise of your own safety, and create a new army for my earth.” ”

Hit the next plane!

This seems incredible and difficult to accomplish.

However, there are actually great possibilities!

Listing his strength can fight with the cultivators of the ninth layer of the Hongmeng controller, generally only the high-level plane will have the ninth layer cultivator of the Hongmeng controller, as long as you go to find the intermediate plane and the low-level plane, in the case of ensuring your own safety, it is nothing more than a little more time, time, Li Xiu can still afford to wait, he can also drag on for a while.

As long as there is a new plane as a base, as a training base, their combatable personnel can be greatly increased, so that it can also reduce the consumption of the earth race, anyway, the creatures of other planes, death will also die, Li Xiu is not very distressed, so that the problem of personnel can be solved, this is the third solution!

“Yes, the apprentice must complete the task.”

Luo Lietian said solemnly.

“Go ahead.”

Li Xiu patted Luo Lietian’s shoulder and helped Luo Lietian up.

Now that the heavens and realms are about to move, the demon race and the darkness are also preparing for action, the entire earth may be in danger at any time, and there may be chaos at any time, we must seize the time and fight for every minute and every second!

“Master, the apprentice is gone.”

With red eyes, Luo Lietian knelt down again, kowtowed three heads to Li Xiu and tore the space and left.

The Chaos Controller has the ability to open the plane barrier and enter the Sea of Chaos, not to mention the Hongmeng Controller, entering other planes is still very simple for Luo Tian, as long as you are careful.


With his hands behind his back, Li Xiu sighed silently.

Now the whole earth is in the dark tide, there are crises everywhere, he still needs to do a lot of things, his road is still very long, there are still many things to do, a lot of things to do, time is not waiting, hurry up.

“The fourth apprentice…”

Li Xiu’s eyes moved slightly.

It seems that it needs to be put on the agenda.


Suddenly, the entire earth began to shake, a majestic coercion swept the entire earth, and in an instant, everyone in the world was shocked, including Li Xiu, everyone looked up at the sky.


[PS: Thank you to the book friend [World Destruction King] for the 100VIP point tip support, thank you to the book friend [153, 304, 483, 68] for the 1000VIP point tip support, thank you to the book friend [Xiaobai] for the 1000VIP point tip support, thank you to the book friend [Baba. 】 100VIP point tip support, thank you for the 100VIP point tip support of the book friend [Happy Mood], thank you for the 100VIP point tip support of the book friend [Liu Da Tai Wei Wu], tip full 10000 VIP points, plus more, continue to explode six more today, go! 】

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