
Character: Pingtian

Identity: Pingtian plane controller, Dao Venerable disciple

Cultivation: Middle period of the detached

Potential: Unlimited


“Dao Zun?”

The record of Daozun appeared in Li Xiu’s mind.

Dao Venerable, born in the early days of this era of the heavens, with one person and one sword in the heavens and ten thousand worlds made a great reputation, the strong people of the heavens respected the sword as the supreme of the sword, the heavens and realms of the sword path respected him, Gu was the sword Venerable, as for the origin of the sword Venerable, no one knows the sword technique in the heavens and realms, and I don’t know where he learned the sword technique, why the sword technique is so powerful.

In this way, this handwriting was not done by Pingtian, but by Pingtian’s master and Dao Venerable?

“A high-level plane controller is a mid-stage cultivator of a transcendent person, if this news appears in the heavens and realms, the entire heavens and realms will probably be surprised.”

All kinds of thoughts flashed, and Li Xiu clapped his hands and slowly fell from the void.

It must be known that Hongjun’s strength is only in the middle stage of the detached, and the combat power is at most the late stage of the detached, but he enjoys a lofty status in the heavens and realms, and the strength of Pingtian is not inferior to Hongjun, but it is so low-key, and the things he plots are probably extraordinary.

“Dao Zun said and smiled, I have been waiting for Dao Zun in the name of Master Venerable for a long time, in addition to the Pingtian plane and the Yin Yang Dao Realm, I have also mastered five high-level planes, these are the meeting gifts that my master gave to Dao Zun, and I also asked Dao Zun to smile.”

Pingtian knelt on one knee without the majestic appearance before, his face showed respect, and Pingtian said carefully.

“What kind of medicine is sold in the gourd…”

Li Xiu’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Yes, this meeting gift has been accepted.”

After pondering for a while, Li Xiu said lightly, raised his hand, and the invisible force enveloped Pingtian’s body, and Pingtian involuntarily stood up his body.

“Thank you Daozun!”

Although he obviously sent things out by himself, he was even happier than receiving gifts, and the excitement on his face could not be hidden.


I’m afraid it’s not a mental retardation.

“Dao Venerable, My Master Venerable has been waiting for you for a long time, I don’t know if I can wait here for a moment, I asked Master Venerable to come and see you.”

Pingtian looked at Li Xiudao expectantly.


Li Xiudao.

He happened to have some questions, and believed that Dao Zun should be able to give him the answers.

As for whether there is any danger or lead the monarch into the urn, this Li Xiu is not vain, as long as it is not the Dao Realm, then he has nothing to be afraid of, the Dao Venerable cannot be the Dao Realm, if it is the Dao Realm and wants to engage him, then there is no need to spend so much time, so even if there is any idea about him, then the cultivation will not reach the Dao Realm, less than the Dao Realm Li Xiu then Li Xiu is afraid of something, really want to engage in what suppression.

Big deal, can’t beat him and run away!

“Dao Zun, wait a minute.”

Pingtian bowed and waved his hand at the void, and a stream of light rushed into the void and disappeared.

Clapped their hands, one by one the palace maids walked in from the outside, the chessboard, chess pieces were put away one after another, tea and pastries and fruits were served and the harem women left, and Li Xiu was welcomed to the stone bench on weekdays and sat down, standing beside Li Xiu and standing quietly, about a few minutes, a wave appeared in the void, and a young man with silver hair and a faint knife intent walked out from the void.

“See Master.” Seeing the young man Pingtian, he immediately saluted, “Master Qi, Dao Venerable has arrived.” After speaking, Pingtian bowed to the two of them separately and left from the garden, leaving the space for Li Xiu and Pingtian.

“Senior, I finally saw you again, and you really didn’t lie to me.” Looking at Li Xiu, the young man’s face became excited, tears of excitement flashed in his eyes, and the young man directly knelt down and bowed his head and said in a deep voice: “See Daozun!” ”

This young man is famous among the heavens and all the worlds… Dao Zun!


What the heck.

This is Dao Zun?

I’m afraid it’s not a fake Dao Venerable.

Li Xiu’s face showed confusion.

The question is, what is the situation?

Li Xiu, who was in a somewhat messy mood, looked at Dao Zun, and as soon as his mind moved, a virtual projection appeared in front of Li Xiu’s eyes.


Character: Dao Zun

Identity: Dao Zun

Cultivation: The pinnacle of the detached

Potential: Unlimited


The pinnacle of the detached!

The virtual projection disappeared, and Li Xiu raised his eyebrows.

It’s kind of interesting that it will be so strong.

“I beg Dao Venerable to accept me as a servant, before the countless planes of the era, you said that the time had not come to refuse me, and now the time has come, I beg Dao Venerable to agree.”

Dao Zun looked at Li Xiudao expectantly.


A big guy at the peak realm of a transcendent person is so cheap.

He also begged others to make him a servant.

Li Xiu was simply stunned.

What the hell is all this?

Not only did his questions go unanswered, but he was even more confused.

“Daozun, this is what you gave you after you let me see you again.”

As if thinking of something, Dao Zun patted his head, flipped his palm, and a piece of purple jade appeared in Dao Zun’s hand.

“This breath…”

Feeling the breath on the jade pei, Li Xiu raised his eyebrows, and a flash of essence flashed in his eyes.

The breath on the jade pei was very familiar, and when Dao Zun took out the jade pendant, Li Xiu immediately recognized the breath on the jade pei, because, this breath was… His!

This also means that this piece of jade is his own!

Li Xiu didn’t remember what Dao Venerable he had seen, and he had given Yupei, so there was only one possibility!

“Travel through time and space!”

Li Xiu was thoughtful.

Is it the future self that has anything to do with Dao Zun after shuttling through time and space?

All kinds of thoughts flashed, Li Xiu beckoned, the jade pei turned into a stream of light and flew into Li Xiu’s hand, the heart moved slightly, the soul power swept over, the jade pei turned into a powder and dispersed with the wind, and the information in the jade pei instantly appeared in Li Xiu’s mind.


The two heaven and earth divine patterns that exuded a magnificent aura gradually disappeared from Li Xiu’s mind.


Li Xiu thought thoughtfully.

Could it be…

The corner of Li Xiu’s mouth curved.

I see!

All doubts answered!

“It’s really like this…” Secretly thinking that Li Xiu looked at Dao Venerable, he said decisively, “In the future, you will follow this Buddha-figure.” ”

“Yes, thank you master!”

When Dao Zun heard this, his face showed ecstasy, and he stood up numbly.

“Just call it the Buddha-figure Daozun.”

Li Xiu waved his hand.

“Yes, Daozun.”

Dao Zun Dao.

[PS: I was too tired yesterday, so I only updated five photos, sorry ha~ Today the author is striving for six more! ] 】

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