“Terrans, Xeon!”

“Terrans, Xeon!”

“Terrans, Xeon!”

A dull sound like the sound of the avenue like the melody of the road resounded in the universe, a statue of the strong virtual shadow fluctuated and swayed, at this moment, everyone seemed to see the figure of the Terrans fighting against one disaster after another in those countless earth eras, the will to die unyielding to protect the homeland, and the eyes of self-improvement and unceasing chasing.

This is the Terrans!

It is for the Terrans, it is the Xeon!


The universe seems to be silent at this moment, time and space seem to be shattered at this moment, a supreme figure walked into the body of the earth race, just a short breath of time, the figure that was originally reset between the entire universe all disappeared, the eyes of the earth race that were originally bloodshot quickly recovered their clarity, and an obscure aura was extremely sublimated from all the earth races!


One after another, the mysterious aura of creation rose, all the earth races stood in place with a slightly confused look in their eyes, and the heavy energy spanned the endless time and space and the infinite universe shrouded all the earth races, and with the surge of energy, the strength of all the earth races began to change dramatically! Boost fast!

“Can’t let them go any further!”


“Interrupt them!”

“Kill them!”

“Up! Otherwise, I will die! ”

Feeling that the aura of the earth race in every corner of the universe is growing rapidly, the face of the earth race Heavenly Army is solemn, the eyes are fearful and roaring, one after another sounds echo between the universes, and the murderous aura immediately erupts from all the heavenly armies.

They are not fools, and anyone with discerning eyes can see that their strength will definitely increase sharply after the transformation of the Earth Terrans, in that case, they will not be GG, of course, they must start first!

First interrupt the ascension of the Earth Terrans, and then take advantage of this gap to do them!

This is the common idea of the army of heavens at this moment.

“Did I let you move?”

Just when the army of the heavens was about to strike, suddenly, a heavy dimensional force emerged, and the terrifying coercion enveloped the entire universe, and all the army of the heavens who wanted to make any action suddenly stood stiff and stood in place unable to move, facing this coercive army of the heavens only felt as if the soul was about to be frozen, the blood seemed to evaporate, let alone move, even the thinking activities were very difficult.

And the owner of this coercion is none other than Luo Tian!

Li Xiu originally wanted to let the army of the heavens temper the earth race, and now that the earth race is transforming, can Li Xiu let it go? That joke was almost the same, so, under Li Xiu’s signal, Lu Tian directly imprisoned the army of the heavens.


Paralysis, isn’t it not a shot, now there are several meanings.

The army of the heavens was desperate.

Feeling that the strength of the earth race is still soaring, the mood of the army of the heavens is even more suffocating, and one by one they are already loveless and doubt life.

Vortex !!!

Endless energy crossed time and years into the body of the earth race, a stream of bloodline power from ancient times from the barbarian quickly sublimated awakening, time passed quickly, and hours passed in a blink of an eye, suddenly, as if it was agreed, the energy on all the races on the earth dissipated, the majestic coercion that originally surged around their bodies had disappeared, and all the races on the earth opened their eyes at the same time… Eye!


The universe seems to be silent at this moment, time and space stop working for a few seconds at this moment, a statue of chaos vision evolution, looking around, the entire universe has been filled with chaotic evolution universe vision.

The strength of all the people on the earth has been raised to… Master of Chaos!

In less than an hour, the strength of the Earth Terrans took a huge leap, and they all became Chaos Masters!


Looking at the vision on the earth race, the army of the heavens was silent.

This…… Do you still need to hit?

Spicy next door, all Chaos Masters, and several Hongmeng Controller first-level cultivators, this…

The face of the army of the heavens turned green.

This horse is open and hanging, and it is still played like this, the strength is all improved, and it is a muddy Oh.

“Terrans, supreme invincible!”

“Terrans, supreme invincible!”

“Terrans, supreme invincible!”

One after another deep voices came from each population of the earth race, all of them lowered their eyes and spoke deeply, the chaotic universe evolved behind them, the army of the heavens was all silent, all kinds of background made the earth race majestic and magnificent, looking at it as if you could see the countless epochs of the war for the Terrans, the tragic wars, the picture of the Terrans’ self-improvement.


The army of the heavens swallowed.

Can anyone tell them what exactly is going on here?

Although the coercion of the heavens has quietly disappeared, none of the heavenly armies dared to move, and the whole person seemed to have stiffened, how to move, what to move? Facing the chaos master, the army of the heavens had a wry smile on their faces.

“Kill !!!”

“Kill !!!”

“Kill !!!”

The war begins again!

The Earth Terrans attack strongly!

However, this time, the army of the heavens is without fighting spirit, in the face of the murderous army of the earth race is losing and retreating, a large number of creatures fall all the time, on the other hand, the earth race with the continuous development of the battle, but the more courageous and stronger the battle, no one at all, just like an open sword, full of edge!

“Run, run, run!”


“Crazy, this group of people is crazy.”

“How is it even crazier!”

The army of the heavens frantically fled between the universes, and there was no idea of resisting the earth race at all, and in the face of the crazy and demonic earth race army of the earth race, the heavenly army was all alive and stunned.

However, how could they understand the thoughts of the Earth Terrans, who had received some fragmented Terran memories since the Eternal Era?

Since ancient times, the Terrans have suffered many disasters, but this has not broken the Terrans, but has made the Terrans fight more and more courageously, and strive to be stronger, which has been the case for endless years in the ancient era, and even more so in this life!

Today, just the beginning, no matter how many disasters and difficulties there are in the future, the Terrans will surely strengthen themselves and will be invincible, this is the belief of all people on the earth, belonging to their Terrans, belonging to their supreme belief!

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