“Huh? Not to other dimensional planes? ”

Hearing what the system said, Li Xiu’s expression was stunned, and his mood did not fluctuate much.

If you are disappointed, there must be a little, but Li Xiu is not too surprised, it is normal not to shuttle there, and it is impossible to be so good luck every time, Li Xiu is also mentally prepared, anyway, he was just trying his luck, but…

“Age of Darkness Heavens? This era of heavens seems to…”

Li Xiu raised his eyebrows, how did he feel that the Dark Heavens Era was a little familiar?

After thinking about it, the corner of Li Xiu’s mouth twitched and finally recalled, “If I’m not mistaken, the Dark Heavenly Era seems to be three Heavenly Era ago?” I’m back!? ”

With Li Xiu’s current status, the mysteries of the vast primordial dimension of the heavens and realms, and the situation, he did not say that he understood all of them, but he also understood at least eighty percent, and Li Xiu also occasionally had an impression of most of the heavenly epochs since the creation of the primordial dimension, so Li Xiu of the Dark Heavenly Era soon sounded.

The Dark Heavenly Era is three Heavenly Epochs ago!

Li Xiuhe, and… It’s back!

“But the last time it came was the early days of the heavens, this time it was the middle of the heavens, but there is a little difference, the darkness seems to have been supported by that mysterious force, so the problem is!”

Nan Nan muttered to himself, and Li Xiu’s expression gradually became subtle.

What is he going to do?

God knows what he can do.

Although he returned to the Dark Heavenly Era, he didn’t seem to have anything to do?

“Forget it, go to the Heavenly Peaks first, if you run into the grave keeper…”

Shaking his head, Li Xiu thought secretly.

Anyway, I don’t know what to do, go to the Heavenly Peak, maybe you can meet the tomb keeper again, if you can still run into it this time, it can make Li Xiu and the tomb keeper solo wave, he is now very interested in the strength of the tomb keeper.

Even if the tomb keeper is not in the Heavenly Peaks, it doesn’t matter, when he went to the Heavenly Peaks last time, his strength was too weak to explore the things he needed, but now it’s different, Li Xiu’s current strength can suppress the Dimensional Gods, enough for him to explore the Heavenly Peaks, the best of both worlds.

“Is this the Sea of Chaos?”

Discerning the direction, Li Xiu tore through the void and disappeared from the spot.


Located in the depths of the Sea of Chaos, a mysterious continent is located in it, and the breath emitted by the continent is incompatible with the entire heavens and worlds, as if it is not a product of the heavens and realms, the entire continent is obscure and ethereal, as if it exists illusory, but it gives people an ultimate sense of reality.

Outside the continent, the sea of chaos continued to roll, and Li Xiu’s figure gradually walked out of the void.

“Here it is again…”

Looking at the Chaotic Frontier in front of him, Li Xiu sighed slightly.

The first time, he was careful to the Chaos Boundary, and he needed to exchange the system for life-saving covering talismans to enter the Heavenly Peaks before he dared to enter, the second time, knowing the danger in the Chaos Frontier, Li Xiu did not choose to enter, and this time, the third time, he already had the invincible power of the primordial dimension, and the Heavenly Peaks that once made him cautious were now something he could face very well!

With the passage of time, Li Xiu is constantly getting stronger, rapidly getting stronger, and the speed is enough to shock the entire heavens and realms, who would have thought that Li Xiu decades ago was just a mortal, panicking in the face of the invasion of the demon race?

In just a few decades, he has grown to the top of the heavens and realms!

Mood ups and downs, Li Xiu raised his feet and walked towards the chaotic realm, step by step, although Li Xiu walked like a loite, each step was not very large, but Li Xiu seemed to have an indescribable magic power, each step would cross endless time and space, each step contained the profound profound that the heavenly masters of the transcendent peak realm were also incomprehensible, just a few breaths of time Li Xiu had already reached the peak of the heavens!

The towering and magnificent Heavenly Peaks are also like the three Heavenly Epochs, there has not been any change, everywhere is full of mysterious atmosphere, facing the Heavenly Peaks is like facing the abyss giant mouth, which makes people fearful and fearful, however, Li Xiu, who came to the Heavenly Peaks again this time, has a different state of mind, a growing state of mind.

Like a leisurely stroll, Li Xiu walked casually among the Heavenly Peaks, the soul power emanated around Li Xiu’s body, compared with the last time he entered the Heavenly Peaks, this time Li Xiu did not hide his figure, of course, not hiding this does not mean that Li Xiu is careless, on the surface, Li Xiu is very casual, but in fact, Li Xiu has mobilized the strength of his whole body, always alert to the danger that will occur.

The origin of the Heavenly Peaks is mysterious, according to Li Xiu’s speculation is very likely to come from outside the original dimension, no one can be sure how much danger there is, the last time he came to the Heavenly Peaks, Li Xiu saw all kinds of strange scenes, terrifying black holes, mysterious era ruins, broken heaven and earth, chaotic time and space, tombs of the gods…

In Li Xiu’s heart, the danger of the tomb keeper was not even a minute compared to the Heavenly Peak, and compared with the tomb keeper, the real danger lay in the Heavenly Peak!

“Let’s go where you’ve been before.”

His eyes flashed, and looking around, Li Xiu flew towards the blood-colored waterfall he saw last time.

After a few breaths, Li Xiu re-arrived at the place where he saw the tomb keeper, the same as before, it was still the waterfall, or the endless blood-red liquid, the direction of the liquid flow seemed to lead to the heavens and realms, and it seemed to have no end, no one knew where it led, at least even Li Xiu now could not see it at all.

Step out, Li Xiu turned into a streamer and flew towards the top of the waterfall, after a few breaths, the streamer dissipated, Li Xiu reached the top of the waterfall, a place similar to a long river, although in Li Xiu’s opinion, the long river of time is not as scary as this so-called big river, looking ahead, Li Xiu’s eyes jumped.

Black hole!

Or that black hole!

It seems to be able to devour the mind, the darkness to the heavens and realms is simply nothing that can be compared with it, its darkness makes people look at it for a long time will be terrified, its darkness can make the strong people of the heavens go crazy, even Li Xiu’s heart is also throbbing, if not for the fact that the strength has improved now, Li Xiu will definitely leave without hesitation.

[PS: I went out to eat before, nestled at home for several days, just went out to breathe fresh air, cough, the fifth is sent, the sixth has been written, the author will send it to everyone after checking it~]

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